拜登初选持续落后桑德斯 美保守派人士喊话奥巴马:快来帮帮他

拜登初选持续落后桑德斯 美保守派人士喊话奥巴马:快来帮帮他

作者: 陈君3 | 来源:发表于2020-02-24 21:50 被阅读0次

Joe biden continues to trail Bernie sanders in the us presidential primary campaign

中国社会科学网 China social sciences network

7小时前 7 hours ago

海外网2月24日电 22日,美国内华达州举行民主党总统提名党团会议投票,联邦参议员桑德斯遥遥领先,而竞选热门人选、美国前副总统拜登目前居第二。从艾奥瓦到内华达,桑德斯一路狂甩拜登,这让美国内的保守派人士看不下去,呼吁让前总统奥巴马来给拜登助阵。

On February 24, Nevada, the United States held the Democratic Party presidential nomination caucus vote, the United States senator Bernie sanders is far ahead, and the campaign favorite, the former vice President Joe biden is now in second place. From Iowa to Nevada, Mr. Sanders trounced Mr. Biden, prompting conservatives in the United States to call on former President barack Obama to support Mr. Biden.

据美国《新闻周刊》报道,在桑德斯自行宣布内华达州初选获胜几小时后,美国保守派评论员比尔·克里斯托(Bill Kristol)忍不住在社交平台发声,呼吁前总统奥巴马在接下来的南卡罗来州初选中帮帮拜登。

Hours after Mr. Sanders declared his own victory in Nevada, Bill Kristol, a conservative commentator in the United States, took to social media to call on former President barack Obama to help Mr. Biden in the upcoming south Carolina primary, newsweek reported.

拜登初选持续落后桑德斯 美保守派人士喊话奥巴马:快来帮帮他


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"Taking south Carolina in 2008 was a key victory for Obama and biden was your loyal vice President," crystal wrote in a tweet on Sunday. If sanders does win the nomination, it will mean trump's re-election or sanders' election, and if so, your legacy will be irrelevant. So go out there and fight for Joe biden in south Carolina."

然而,克里斯托这一番呼吁却被指“假惺惺”。他这么做遭到了一些政治人士和桑德斯竞选团队的嘲笑,称他这是在向奥巴马“乞讨”。广播节目主持人西格诺里尔(Michelangelo Signorile)在克里斯托的推文下回复称:“奥巴马虽然受欢迎,但无权选择提名谁,他也不应做出选择,这会削弱他在大选中的影响力。而无论最终谁获获得提名,他(奥巴马)都是被需要的。”

However, crystal's appeal was accused of "insincere". He was derided by some politicians and the sanders campaign as "begging" from Obama. Michelangelo Signorile, a radio host, replied in a tweet from crystal: "Obama, while popular, has no right to choose who to nominate, and he should not make a choice that will weaken his influence in the general election. And whoever ends up getting the nomination, he [Obama] is needed."

桑德斯的外交政策顾问马特·杜斯(Matt Duss)更直言嘲讽克里斯托,“你和你的马屁精们在奥巴马整个总统任期内都企图煽动恐惧和偏见,破坏他的议程。不要再没有尊严地假装你很关心他的政治遗产了好吗”?

Matt Duss, sanders' foreign policy adviser, took a more direct dig at kristol. "you and your flatterers have tried to stoke fear and prejudice and undermine Obama's agenda throughout his presidency. Stop pretending with no dignity that you care about his legacy, okay?"


Reports say biden has repeatedly insisted that his campaign is focused on winning south Carolina and the support of the majority of African americans. He has also been teased by some political pundits and other candidates for his constant references to Obama. But during the 2016 primary contest between biden and Clinton, Obama remained largely silent.


Obama and biden have also been important partners in their political careers. Biden was Obama's running mate in 2008 and 2012 and served as vice President during Obama's presidency. On January 12, 2017, then-president Obama also awarded biden the presidential medal of freedom.


Their close relationship has also been the focus of media reports.

目前,拜登在已经进行的三个州的初选中表现并不亮眼。首场艾奥瓦州的投票中,拜登仅以15.6%的支持率位居第四,而桑德斯则位居第二。在新罕布什尔州和刚刚进行的内华达州的投票中,桑德斯则甩掉对手均获得领先。目前民主党内的初选仍在紧张进行中,拜登能否翻盘还有待观望。(海外网 魏雪巍)

So far, biden has done poorly in the three states that have already voted. In the first Iowa vote, biden came in fourth with 15.6 percent, while sanders came in second. In both New Hampshire and the recent Nevada vote, Mr. Sanders shook off the lead. It remains to be seen whether biden can turn the tide in the tense democratic primaries. (overseas network wei xuewei)


Source: overseas network

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      本文标题:拜登初选持续落后桑德斯 美保守派人士喊话奥巴马:快来帮帮他
