MFS02 E03

作者: c51ebd4f18de | 来源:发表于2021-01-22 01:14 被阅读0次

S02 E03

Oh, my god. Mom. The party is like around the block. 就在附近 i’l be gone for two hours.

yeah. that is two hours you could’ve spent studying.(虚拟语气)你本可以学两个小时的could have

I had been studying all weekend. 过去完成进行时 no friends, no phone,Just me , alone with books. I feel like Alex.

You’re never alone when you have books.

Really? Is that what you want me to turn into?

Sweetheart, listen to me. This is the SATs, okay? it is not some stupid science quiz.

Hey, if science quizzes are so stupid, why do you put mine up on the refrigerator?

Because we feel sorry for you, ‘cause  books are your friends.

Yeah, she wasn’t studying last night, she was video-chatting the whole time.

shut up!

I knew it.

You are such a tattletale.

Girls, take it down a notch, because I…

Whoa,whoa,whoa! What’s the hot topic on “The View” today, ladies?

Dad, can you just please tell mom that I can take a two-hour break and go to a party?

No,ma’am. I’m not stepping into that one. we're not playing good cop/mom.(我才不做这种扮好人坏人,意思是不和老妈对着干) I got it.

Hello, you call for a plumber.

Uh, no, we did not.

Yes,we did, we did. Plumber, hi, yeah. Um, it’s right up at the top of the stairs. Thank you.

Really, Claire? But didn’t I tell you I’d fix the tub?

Yes,honey,you did. and I think I was pregnant with Luke at the time.

That is not fair. I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do around here. I fixed the step, didn’t I? Look how solid it is . I’m like Shirley Temple and that black guy!

Bill “Bojamgles” Robinson.

Bill “Bojamgles” Robinson! I said it first.

So, this is the problem. Uh, faucet just keeps leaking.

Yeah, it’s a cracked washer. I  know my washers. And it’s , uh, it’s been leaking a little water.

Yeah, could be a washer,crancked valves, a stripped pipe.

Well, I guess I’m not a professional plumber, but I have spent a huge amount of time in that tub. I can tell you from experience, or at least what it feels like in there—躺在里面的感觉

block 街区


science quiz科学小测验


tattletale=telltale n. [ˈtætlteɪl]告密者 打小报告的人

take it down a notch 不要吵了

Hot topics热门话题

step into走进  I’m not stepping into that one. 为菜不想趟这趟浑水



leaking 漏水

cracked washer 垫圈裂了


a stripped pipe 水管接头处漏水

Oh,good . You’re back. I need you to help settle a spat between our blacksmith and the chimney sweep.

Be nice. It took me 20 minutes to find my opera cloak.

I still can’t believe. You didn’t have to rent any of that.

Oh,please. Do you know how many times this has paid for itself?

Has it?

Well, our friend Pepper loves to throw theme parties.

Yes, he does. And this weekend is his first annual “Oscar Wilde and Crazy Brunch.”奥斯卡王尔德疯狂餐会

we’re still recovering from his  “Studio 54th of July” barbecue. They were fun at first.  But they have become a lot of work. You have to dress in costume. 7月54号摄影棚烧烤

You have to assume a character. I—I can’t believe you ever dated him. 

One date. It was the ‘90s. We’d just lost princess Di. I was at sea.这是上个世纪的事情了

spat 小争执


cloak 斗篷,opera cloak (观剧或宴会时用的)夜礼服斗蓬

how many times this has paid for itself?多物超所值啊

To throw a party 举办聚会 theme parties主题排队

at sea 茫然不知所措

assume a character角色扮演

become a lot of work 成了负担

Oh, Cam, can we just… can we please cancel?

I wish we could. But you know he’s still mad at us for missing Passover.

Oh, right. Seder-day night Fever?

Just go get dressed and powdered. 换身衣服 往脸上扑点粉

Pepper has done the impossible. He’s made two gay men hate brunch.


seder-day逾越节晚上吃饭 Seder-day night Fever逾越节狂欢宴

brunch 早午饭

You know, it might be easier just to pour the espresso right in the sugar. 你不如把浓缩咖啡倒进糖罐

Every morning.天天唠叨

Jay, what are you wearing? You can’t go to church like that.

Well, that settles it, then. I’m going golfing.

You’re gonna miss church again? Last sunday, you said you had to go to the office. The week before, you had breakfast with a friend.

And before that, you thought you had cold. That turned out not to be a cold.

Because I babied it.

You don’t have to convince us. You have to convince him. 

Who, God? Me and God are good!

How would you know?

Look, you feel God in church, which is great. I feel God out in nature, amongst his work.

Are you gonna go to church nest week? 

We’ll see.看情况

I know what “We’ll see” means.

If you’re done with church, just say it.

I’m done with church.

Don’t say that!

Look—I’m not going to church anymore. It’s not the end of the world. Let’s not making a big deal out—

Aah. Aah. Earthquake!

Terremoto!(意大利语 地震)vamos,wamos,Manny! Vamos,Jay! Come on, Jay!


Oh,god. Oh,god. Okay,this is — this is stuck!

We’re gonna die! We’re gonna die!

We better not. If they find us in these outfits, it’s gonna very bad for the gays. 如果别人发现我们死时穿成这样,对同志群体可不利


We’re okay.


Luke! Buddy, you okay?

That thing almost fell on me! I was sitting there, and it came this close ro my head!差点砸到我脑袋

It’s all right. You’re okay. You didn’t get hurt.

Well, I’m not gonna wait around here until I do.

O...kay… wow! That is a doozy.

Well, that settles 那不结了 就甭去了 那刚好

The week before 前一周 上周

turned out not to be 压根不是  没有 结果不是

Baby 作为动词,就是小心翼翼,温和对待

feel out 试探,摸清,这里因该是感受

amongst 在什么之中

If you’re done with 如果你再也不想;如果你受够了

make a big deal out, a big deal 重要人物,这里别指小题大做

vamos 我们走吧

stuck 门卡住了

doozy [ˈduːzi] 异乎寻常的事=extraordinary-special 可好可坏,这里是坏的

Hey, are you guys okay?

Yeah, we’re fine. You?

we’re fine.  That was really… oh, wait. Hold on. Hello?

Mitch, are you okay?

We’re okay. We’re okay.

And Phil and Claire?

Uh, I’m on the other line with them right now. One second. hello? Oh, shoot, we lost Phil.

we lost Phil?!


Great. Now Gloria’s gone.

Gloria’s gone, too? Ohh.

Hey,Gloria. Ay, dios meo,Phil, you’re alive! For now.

Yeah, of course I’m alive,

For months. Claire has been after me and dogging me. Anchor the cabinet to the wall. What if we have an earthquake? We’ve got kids in the house. Blah. Blah. Blah. So it finally reached the point where I had no choice, but to just roll up my sleeves and tell her I did it.


Dad, get up here!

On my way—seriously, I just fixed that!


What’s wrong?

Mom’s stuck.困住

you okay in there?

We’re fine. The door is jammed.

Uh-well, let’s—let’s try this together, okay?


Um,i’m gonna push. You pull,


On three. 1,2,3…数三声

Aah! Nothing!,没用 不管用


Okay, here’s the thing. I wasn’t pushing. In fact, I was pulling a little. it dawned on me that as long as Clair stuck in the bathroom, I’d have time to anchor the cabinet to the wall. It’s like they say sometimes when god closes a door, he close is so hard that your wife can’t get out.

So don’t panic! I’m gonna get you out! I’m just gonna go get some tools! Get crowbar if you have one!

What is that supposed to mean? Like I’m some dandy who doesn’t have a crowbar?

Well, you did just use the word “dandy”.

“dandy” is a term coined by miners in the 15th century.

Phill, just get us out of here.

Dad, how longs is it gonna take to get her out of there?

Long time.

Oh,honey, don’t worry. Mummy is gonna be out soon. Don’t panic. Wait a minute. You’re not going to that party, young lady.你别趁机溜去派对。

No, I’m not going to the party. I’m just going downstairs.

With you’re purse?

Come on, just cover for me this one time, and I… I’ll drive you wherever you want.

I want to go to there Museum of Tolerance.

Fine. How far is Tolerance?

I can hear the two of you scheming out there! don’t you dare leave this house!

Ohh, why you have to be such a psycho control freak?!

okay, you know what? Just for that,  you are grounded one week.

Oh,that’s good parenting!

Okay. Two weeks. Want to double it?! Keep talking!

Blah blah blah blah blah blah!

Fine! Four weeks ! Four!

Double it again and make it 10 weeks!

Do you not know how much you need to study?!

Oh, my god!

One second稍等

we lost Phil. p挂电话了

for now 暂时是

anchor 固定

Claire has been after me and dogging me总是缠着我喋喋不休

on my way 来了

Jammed-stuck 卡住

to dawn on or upon sb 突然意识到 认识到

crowbar 铁锹 敲棒

dandy 富家公子 小白脸

term 术语

coined 铸造

purse 手提包

Cover for 掩护

Tolerance 宽容;忍耐力

scheming 计划 阴谋 密谋

psycho 精神变态

control freak 控制狂

grounded 关禁闭,原指飞机在地面不让飞

Mitchell. Come on. We’re gonna be late. 

Ohh. I can’t believe we have to do this. 

Come on. After earthquake, it might be nice to be around similarly dressed people.

That makes no… the earthquake! Okay. Okay. Yes. Yes,this--okay. This is the perfect excuse.

Why? We’re fine,

Yeah,but Pepper doesn’t know that. You’ll just tell him that we have some damage we have to deal with.

Why me?

Because I’m the one that always cancels.


No. Don’t hand me that I will not talk to him. I’m a bad liar, do not hand me that. Pick up. You are doing it.

I think somebody’s talking. Hello? It’s Camoeron. How are you doing over there?


Hi! Pepper! Listen —hi, Hey.

Well, the earthquake . Year, it was huge here. So, obviously, we’re not gonna be able to make it.

Why  not?

We’ll, some dishes broke.

And you can sweep them up later. And, uh, well, yeah, I guess— I guess we could sweep those up, um, later. Our, uh, our — our hat rack. Our hat rack fell through the window.

Hat rack?

Well, yeah, we do have a hat rack. We thought it would force us to wear our hats more. And it did.  And there’s water damage. There’s water everywhere. A bookshelf fell on  Mitchell’s leg. Matches hurt, Pepper. Mitchell’s hurt real bad. 

I’m coming right over,

No, you don’t need come over.

I’m coming!

Perpper, no! He’s coming over. 他要过来了

See? Kind of panicked. 恐慌;紧张

You did panic, Cam. You panicked real bad.

hand 给;递

Pick up. You are doing it. 快接电话 该你上了

Hat rack 挂帽架,帽钩

You’re still going golfing?! God sent you a sign, Jay!

What,the earthquake? You got to be kidding me.

You said that you’re never going to church again, and the ground shoes with a vengeance.

I’ll prove it to you. God, if you have a problem with me golfing, send me a sign. I mean, throw a little lightning! Put on a show!

Don’t talk to god like that!

Turst me, if god had a problem with me he would let me know without shaking the whole city. He would be a little more specific.

I’m not gonna argue with you. I don’t want to get upset.我可不气自己 vlmanos, Manny.

I think I’m gonna skip it today.


I like what Jay said about god being in nature.

No,no,no,no,no. Don’t listen to him. His days are numbered!他已经时日无多了

Think about it, mom. It makes sense. God made the trees and grass. He didn’t make that church.

But he made the people that make the church, and you’re making me angry! Vlmanos.

Just one week. Can I go golfing with you.

Well, I’m probably gonna have a latino kid carry my clubs anyway. Might as well be you.

Fine! See what I care! Go!

Manny. Go change.

Sorry, mom. Hope you  understand.

Probably good for us to spend a little time together.

You’re gonna spend eternity together.

Ohh,damn it. I suppose that was god, too!

I don’t know who did it, but it makes me happy.

vengeance 报仇,with a vengeance 极其 出乎意料的

Put on a show上演一出好戏,作秀

Get upset 生气

Skip 逃

numbered 计数

latino kid 拉丁裔小孩

Carry clubs 提球杆

Might as well be you 还不如是你 也可能是你

Go change 换衣服

eternity永远;spend eternity together天长地久,永远在一起

Where are you doing?

Hey, buddy. Oh, just double-checking these straps. This is an estra. These babies saved your life. That’s why this cabinet barely moved.

It fell all the way to the couch. It almost killed me.

Not, it didn’t . This cabinet barely moved. That’s just perspective playing tricks on your mind. Like if I hold up my thumb, it looks bigger than your head.

Not doesn’t. It looks tiny.

You have to look at it  from over here.

How can I look at my head from over there?


 Why don’t you just lie down. I got to make sure your mom’s still stuck. So she — I can get her out. Don’t fall asleep. Sorry  that look — you filthy。 Sorry that took so long!  I’m gonna go ahead and just take off the doorknob, okay?


There we go. That’s  — oh, damn!

What? What happened?

I, uh, brought the wrong screwdriver. so I’ll be right back!

All right, but hurry up, Phil!

Doing my best,Claire!

Oh, don’t talk back, dad! She’ll just ground you!

Tha’s 32 weeks, young lady! I was at 16 before, right? What?


Don’t judge me until you’ve had a teenage girl.

I had four of them.

God, how did you survive that?

Girls were a piece of a cake. It was the boy. Every look on his face, every stupid decision he made. The way he sat there, chewing his food like an idiot. And then it hit me why this kid drove me so crazy. He’s me.

Well, all the more reason she should listen to me, I can stop her from making the same mistakes.

Did you listen to your mother?

Ooh, god no, but, you know. I had a reason. That woman was a psycho control… freak.

Hey,mom. I brought you some soda. But I couldn’t find any straws. So you’ll have to drink it like a cats.

Oh! Thank you, Luke! That’s my sweetie. 

I was going to bring you wine, but you finished the big bottle last night. Okay. Off you go.

double-checking 复查,再检查

straps 绷带

barely moved纹丝不动

perspective 透视

hold up握着

You filthy 我日


a piece of a cake小菜一碟

Off you go你可以走了


Hold this, Weill you ,kid? You know, Mitchell used to caddy for me. of course, he spent most of time chasing butterflies.

You won’t catch me doing that.

Good for you.

I’’m terrified of them.

Huh. Look at that. That’s a perfect shot.完美的一杆 and I hit that with a bent club.

So you’re not worried about getting in trouble? You know, with god?

I think he’s got bigger things on his plate.

So you’re not worried about hell?

Let me let you in on a little secret, kid. There is no hell.

Seriously? No hell? That’s fantastic! So everyone just goes to heaven?

Yep. End of story.

Even bad people?

Yeah, they’re—they’re— they’re in another section, see? They got this  thing figured out. Can I hit this? Damn it.  You distracted me.

I didn’t say anything.

I could hear you thinking.

I’m thinking about  this heaven of yours, that’s full of bad people. Not full. The tiniest fraction. They’re walled in.

What if they break out?

They’re surrounded by a lake of fire.

They are fiery lakes in heaven? This is turning into hell.

Tell me about it.


chasing 追赶

bent club 高尔夫球杆的一种

got bigger things on his plate 有更重要的事要做

See 懂吗

tiniest fraction 极少一小部分

walled in关起来

End of story 到此为止

What are you doing?

Well, you promised Pepper broken dishes. So… I’m breaking this. 你告诉。。。

Not my frog! I know you think it’s tacky, but I happened to have won this at my first 4-H summer camp. In a hollering’ contest.

Well, we wouldn’t have to break anything if you were a better liar. If you’re trying to make me feel bad, about bot being as good as a liar as you—What are you doing?

A hat rack fell through the window,remember? One … Two… Three!

Michell, wait! I can’t do this. I quit. You might be comfortable with all this lying, but I’m not.

Oh,please. Where was all this conscience,when I got us into the first-class lounge at the airport, and you chewed Angela Lansbury’s ear know what you are? You’re like a mob wife. you look down at me my ways, but you’re happy to wear the mink coat that fell off the back of the truck!

How dare you?

I know. I know. It really hit us bad.

No. I’m just always surprised how small this place is. 

Pepper, you didn;r have to leave your party to come check on us. Great costume, by the way. This isn’t my costume. I just threw this on to help you clean up.

Well,about your party… 

Oh,don’t worry about canceling. At least you have an excuse. Unlike Steven and Stefan. They said they had the flu. Meantime, I just saw them out riding their bicycle.

Oh, Pepper, that is horrible. I’m gonna make you a cocktail.

Oh, honey. Don’t go to any trouble. I’ll just have a Kir Royale. I mean, my god, if they didn’t want to come to my party., just say it. I’m a big boy, I can take it.

Well, since you brought it up, Pepper… we didn’t want to come to your party, either.


Well, you know, we love you, but they’ve just gotten to be so much work  over the years, and…

We’re all out  of cassis.

I can’t bear it.

I will make you a Bellini.

Everybody canceled on me! and now you two! For 15 years, I have killed myself setting a community standard with my fanciful themed brunches, mounted at great personal expense. well, clearly. I’ve been a fool. No one likes your brunches, Pepper. No one likes you. You’re gonna die alone! In a quaint Spanish revival outside of Palm Springs… or La Quinta.

Yeah,yeah, I puzzled that out.

tacky 俗气

hollering’ contest 大喊大叫,这里可以翻译吆喝比赛

conscience 良心 

first-class lounge头等舱休息室

chew your ear of 喋喋不休 不断唠嗑

mob wife坏人的老婆;指那些自己不做坏事却坐享其成,在干坏事的人那里为自己谋福利

Look down at 鄙视他 轻视它

Mink coat 貂皮大衣

fell off the back of the truck坐享其成

cocktail 鸡尾酒

Don’t go to any trouble 不要那么麻烦

Kir Royale 皇家基尔鸡尾酒,加了葡萄干的调味白酒

bring it up 既然你说了

over the years 多年以来 长年累月

cassis 黑醋栗甜酒


canceled on sb 取消和某人的约会

fanciful themed brunches 新奇主题的早午餐

personal expense 花很多钱

mount 准备;安排;组织开展;逐步增加;登上;爬上;攀登

setting a community standard树立一个社区标准 创造一个和谐的社区氛围

quaint复古 在棕榈泉外的西班牙复古风中驾鹤西去

La Quinta 奎因塔

Puzzle out 推测出;苦苦思索;苦心思索,看出来了

I just don’t understand this bad section of heaven. What if they send you to the wrong place? They make mistakes with paperwork sometimes. I was put in a girl’s health class last year, and  had to watch a very disturbing movie.

Calm down. Instead of thinking all morning about what heaven’s gonna look like, what it’s not gonna look like, who’s where. If there even is a heaven. Why don’t we just concentrate on this beautiful, carefree day that’s in front of us?

I’d rather concentrate on something you just said. There might not even be a heaven.

I don’t know.

You seemed pretty sure of yourself this morning. So what happens after you die? There’s just nothing?

Look, you focus too much on one little thing that I said. It was just a hunch, okay?

A hunch? I’m skipping church based on a hunch?!

All right, don’t freak me out on here, kid.

You’re playing pretty fast and loose with my soul.

Listen, I want you to forget everything that I said, okay?

Some things can’t be forgotten, Jay. Do you know what menstruation is? because I do.


hey! W-what are you doing ? Aren’t you supposed to be getting mom out of the bathroom?

That is what I was doing. This c—this cabinet… was the problem.


Yeah,it’s very heavy, and because it was properly anchored to the wall. There’s sort of a ripple effect.

It was… pulling part of the floor down… and then pushing part of the floor up. Using the bathroom door— please don’t tell on me.

paperwork 文书工作;(诉讼案件、购置房产等所需的)全部文件,全部资料

a very disturbing movie非常使人不安的电影,此处指可怕的科教片

Concentrate on专心于,把思想集中于; 将…集中于…

carefree 无忧无虑

pretty sure of yourself 你看起来非常肯定,看起来自信满满

play fast and loose with 玩弄 你总是玩弄别人

hunch, okay 直觉,预感

menstruation 行经 月经

because I do. 为一清二楚

properly 完全地

a ripple effect 连锁反应

Tell on sb 告发某人

I don’t know who am I anymore. Who am I?! I’m a joke! That’s who.


No, you’re not a joke. You’re Pepper Saltzman.

I think I better just go. If anything terrible should happen, don’t feel an obligation to attend my memorial.

New York or L.A.

Pepper. You— you don’t let me finish. The reason we didn’t want to come to your party is … Mitchell?


Who’s a mob wife?

I’m a mob wife.

I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you.

I’m a mob wife.

Okay…um,Pepper. This is a little embarrassing.

I don’t even want to hear it.

Cameron still has feelings for you.

Go on.

Yeah, and it’s just very hard for him to be around you, especially at your… magical brunches where you’re just so magnetic. And then I see the way that he looks at you, and … damn it, it just makes me so mad. That I could just


Yeah, oh, you don’t know the pain, Cam!

Ohh, boys! I can’t stand that I’m coming between you!我真的当不了小三 not that I’m surprised. I admit I have noticed the stolen glances and the yearning in your eyes.

Okay, well. You’ll forgive us, pepper. If we sit out your next few brunches?

Absolutely. I would hate to lose you two. I’ve aways thought of you as being like my sons?


I was gonna say “Brothers.” It’s a house pain!

obligation 义务,责任

memorial 纪念碑,这里是追悼会

has feelings for you还是喜欢你 对你有感觉

magnetic 有吸引力 有魅力

Admit 承认

stolen glances 暗送秋波 偷看


All right, Claire!

Okay , eady? 

Oh, I got it! Ohh! It’s moving! It did it!

All right! we got it.

Oh, Thank god!


Oh, Thank god! Thank god! Thank god! Phil? Honey-phil,where are you? Are you kidding me?! Not the— phill!


What happened to you? You disappeared for 20 minutes. We just had to break ourselves out of that bathroom.

I am so happy to see you. Get in here.

Oh,no. No,no. Seriously. What happened?

Dad was incredible! He was running around here turning off the gas line. Cleaning up broken glass, and taking care of Luke after he ran into a wall.

I got scared because the cabinet didn’t fall down.

Ohh,i’m sorry.

Well, don’t worry about it.

Oh… I was so nervous. I feared out.

It’s all right. i think it was a little bit of a rough morning.


Wasn’t it?

Yes, it was.

I don’t know about you guys, but I just want to relax and put my feet up. At the museum of tolerance, who’s in?

I am.

You are, okay. Let’s do it.

incredible 难以置信

put my feet up指什么都不做

There’s nothing mystical about an earthquake. Pressure builds, and it’s released. And you just hope there’s not too much damage. But It makes you realize what matters. And for me. That’s my family.

I’ll put in a good word for you.

You’re the best, kid.

My family and golf.



      本文标题:MFS02 E03
