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1) Waymo's autonomous cars have driven 4 million miles
Lest anyone think that Waymo hasn't been preparing to launch its own autonomous ride-sharing service at some point, the Google spinoff just announced that its self-driving cars have driven a collective 4 million miles on public roads. But it's not just the milestone the company is celebrating, it's the pace: ...
2) Apple Might Be Leasing Chrysler's Old Proving Grounds To Test Autonomous Car Technology
Apple appears to be leasing a former Fiat Chrysler-owned proving grounds in Arizona to test autonomous vehicles, according to a source familiar with the matter. It's the latest sign that one of the largest technology companies in the world isn't as done with autonomous vehicles as expected, following the ...
3) What If Autonomous Cars Just Never Happen?
But if 2017 has proven anything in the world of cars, it's that whooshing along without incident in one lane falls far short of what you can comprehensively call “driving.” Just the other week, a “fully autonomous” bus took to the road in Las Vegas and almost instantly got involved in a crash. Somebody ...
4) 国内物流平台TOP 2“合二为一”:货车帮、运满满宣布合并
5) 蒋健:未来出行会达到零事故和零排放
未来电动无人驾驶的车运送物流,整个城市的交通情况可以在手机上呈现,每个人可以根据情况决定我是坐公交还是开车,还是坐地铁,同时各种交通工具之间可以实现无缝切换,最大程度减少寻找和等待的时间,这是理想的城市交通状况,要实现这种交通状况还要解决很多的问题,接下来跟大家分享博世现在在 ...
6) 英国跌出前五大经济体后,发布白皮书规划脱欧后产业发展战略
在未来的物流领域,从无人驾驶到无人机送货,人口、物品、服务的流动正在快速发展,英国也需要抢占领先地位。 在人才支持方面,英国计划建立技术教育系统,使之能够与世界一流的技术教育体系相匹敌,与英国已有优势的高等教育体系共同发挥作用。因此,对数学、数字技术教育增加投资4.06亿英镑,帮助解决 ...
7) Yandex wants to ensure its self-driving cars can survive the winter
Many self-driving car tests are conveniently run in warm, sunny climates where the road conditions are rarely less than ideal. But what about that significant chunk of the planet that gets snowfall? Yandex is finding out. The Russian internet giant has started testing its autonomous Prius cars in winter ...
8) What makes a self-driving car 'safe'?
In early November, a self-driving shuttle and a delivery truck collided in Las Vegas. The event, in which no one was injured and no property was seriously damaged, attracted media and public attention in part because one of the vehicles was driving itself – and because that shuttle had been operating ...
9) Redefining 'safety' for self-driving cars
Albany Times Union
It's not the first collision involving a self-driving vehicle. Other crashes have involved Ubersin Arizona, a Tesla in “autopilot” mode in Florida and ...
10) China racing for AI military edge over US: report
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A research arm of the U.S. intelligence community just wrapped up a competition to see who could develop the best facial ...
11) 51 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Predictions for 2018
It is somewhat safe to predict that AI will continue to be at the top of the hype cycle in 2018. But the following 51 predictions also envision it becoming more practical and useful, automating some jobs and augmenting many others, combining machine learning and big data for fresh insights, with chatbots ...
12) Chinese tech titans Baidu and Xiaomi announce AI and internet of things partnership
Two of China's biggest tech companies, internet search giant Baidu and smartphone maker Xiaomi, have entered into a partnership that will see them "establish in-depth cooperation." The businesses said Tuesday that the partnership would leverage their strengths in both artificial intelligence (AI) and ...
北京时间17/11/29 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】
