五条使你不再忙碌的规则 2018-05-22

五条使你不再忙碌的规则 2018-05-22

作者: NapoleonHill | 来源:发表于2018-05-22 19:43 被阅读0次

Life is full of to-do lists,responsibilities and obligations. In the midst of these commitments, we try tofind spare minutes here and there to do the meaningful things in life, likespending time with our families, learning a new talent or even just relaxing.Unfortunately the meaningful things seem to be put on the back burner whenother responsibilities pop up. The memorable things and important people in ourlives should be number one, they should receive a larger portion of our time.

When your life is so full ofresponsibilities and time requirements you become stressed, angry and unhappy.We have to make time for the more meaningful things in life. We do that bybecoming unbusy.

Rule 1: Set Your Priorities

The greatest weapon against stress is ourability to choose one thought over another. — William James

Decide which things in your life are mostimportant. If you are tossing too many things around, make a list of all yourresponsibilities and the activities and organizations you participate in. Putthem in order from the most important to least important. Those that are mostimportant need your time and attention; focus on them.

Making a list like this can be hard; youmay feel that everything you do is of extreme value. Be cutthroat. Reallyevaluate the things in your life. Write down the value that each one has andwhy you are doing it. You will find that there are some things that aren’t asimportant as you thought they were.

Rule 2: Get Rid of the Unimportant Things

Don’t let your mind bully your body intobelieving it must carry the burden of its worries. — Astrid Alauda

Once you have your list of priorities, itwould be best for you to drop those at the bottom of the list or set them asideto do later. There are things that might be important but don’t need your fulland immediate attention. If there are things that can wait until later, then dothem later. Don’t procrastinate, just manage your time better.

Rule 3: Learn How to Delegate

How do I cope with stress? I clean andorganize. — Sandra Lee

The idea that you are the only person outthere who can do this specific job the right way is ridiculous. There arealways going to be other capable people in your life. Give them a chance toprove to you that they can help. Some people have a hard time relinquishingpower to others, but it’s worth it if you can relieve some of the stress you’recarrying.

Rule 4: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

There is no use worrying about things overwhich you have no control, and if you have control, you can do something aboutthem instead of worrying. — Stanley C. Allyn

When things don’t turn out how you wantthem to or expected them, don’t let yourself worry about it. You have to beable to accept what happens. Life will throw things at you that you won’t seethem coming. Those are the times that you can’t worry about the little things.Take it one step at a time.

On the flip side, when little things goright, acknowledge them and the hard work you put into it. Little victories arestill victories. When you let yourself feel proud of your accomplishments, nomatter how small they are, you feel better about yourself.

Rule 5: Don’t Be Afraid to Say No

Saying yes to happiness means learning tosay no to things and people that stress you out. — Thema Davis

This can be one of the hardest things formost people, especially when it’s something requested by a friend or familymember. You know yourself the best. You know your limits and what pushes youover the edge. Don’t say yes just to please other people. It’s not selfish tothink of yourself every once in a while; it’s actually healthy.

While there are stress relieving activitiesyou can do, such as meditation, sometimes it’s not enough. To become unbusy,you should learn to get rid of the stress-causing things in your life. Hope thetips in this article will help you know how to get rid of that unnecessaryextra stress.


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      本文标题:五条使你不再忙碌的规则 2018-05-22
