部分攒说 Jeff Dean

部分攒说 Jeff Dean

作者: 史春奇 | 来源:发表于2017-11-01 11:13 被阅读198次

​Google 大数据Map Reduce平台的鼻祖 Jeff Dean, 程序员的凯撒!一般来说Fellow已经最高级别, 但是..., Google觉得Fellow不足以表达Dean的贡献, 创造了Senior Fellow。


Software Engineer

Software Engineer II

Software Engineer III

SeniorSoftware Engineer


Senior StaffEngineer




传说, 在他女儿18岁生日礼物说:呀, 我女儿要18岁了, 我想是时候上“TAOCP” 和 “ Hacker's Delight” 了。    TAOCP 是The Art of Computer Programming(计算机程序设计艺术),Donald E. Knuth 高纳德凭借此书获得图灵奖, 是程序员的圣经。 你如果是学计算机的, 不知道高老头,赶紧面壁去。  另外, 作为一个有上进心的程序员, 每天跟我说:上天保佑高纳德 活到 99 + ,阿门!你懂得 ~~~

与Don Knuth的互动

Knuth mailed a copy of TAOCP to Google. Jeff Dean autographed it and mailed it back.

When Jeff gives a seminar at Stanford, it's so crowded Don Knuth has to sit on the floor. (TRUE)


Jeff Dean's PIN is the last 4 digits of pi.

Compilers don’t warn Jeff Dean. Jeff Dean warns compilers.

Jeff Dean writes directly in binary. He then writes the source code as documentation for other developers.


Jeff Dean wrote an O(n^2) algorithm once. It was for theTraveling Salesman Problem.


Jeff Dean was forced to inventasynchronousAPIs one day when he optimized a function so that it returned before it was invoked.


Google Search was Jeff Dean's Noogler Project



Jeff Dean invented Bigtable so that he would have a place to send his weekly snippets.


Jeff Dean got promoted to level 11 in a system where max level is 10. (True.)

Jeff Dean's resume has so many accomplishments, it has atable of contents.

Some of the production system design and statistical machine translation system forGoogle Translate.

BigTable, a large-scale semi-structured storage system.

MapReduce, a system for large-scale data processing applications.

Spanner, a scalable, multi-version, globally distributed, and synchronously replicated database

Google Brain, a system for large-scale artificial neural networks.

LevelDB, an open-source on-disk key-value store.

TensorFlow, an open-source machine-learning software library.


When Jeff Deangoes on vacation, production services across Google mysteriously stop working within a few days. This is actually true.

You don't explain your work to Jeff Dean. Jeff Deanexplains your work to you.

Jeff Dean's Peer Review is what got Larry promoted to CEO.

小结, Dean的神话太多太多了, 选几个秀一下多维度的Dean而已。  我想说的是, 一个又红又专还混圈子的Dean的女儿捧着的书笑成这样, 我也是醉了。。。




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      本文标题:部分攒说 Jeff Dean
