

作者: 胡教育家的腿部挂件 | 来源:发表于2019-06-21 16:08 被阅读0次


  It has been two months since I upload last article. But the man who said we had to upload an article every month haven't uploaded any article in nearly three months. Whatever, when I tried to buy some drink by wechat but it showed "balance is not enough", I knew it was time to write something.

    I had a hard time last month. I tried to get some periodical results to complete my graduation design, but failed many times. Sometimes I even feared to enter the lab because I felt that only failure was waiting for me. Before the experiment, I planned a lot, but the reality always exceeded my exception at the first a few steps. Fortunately, I finally got a few good results to complete my graduation design.

    I have to do the same things for another five years. Hope I can get through it.


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