基于SpringBoot的智能物流监控系统数据平台设计 毕业论文

基于SpringBoot的智能物流监控系统数据平台设计 毕业论文

作者: 毕业设计论文资料 | 来源:发表于2022-06-07 15:41 被阅读0次

摘 要






Under the background of the Internet of Everything, it is necessary to integrate the logistics industry into the ecosystem of the Internet of Things. This project hopes to contribute to the improvement of the logistics industry in the Internet of Things ecosystem. Its purpose is to construct a system that is suitable for the preset logistics monitoring needs, so that logistics and transportation can become a transparent process for all logistics participants.

The designed system is divided into four parts: data platform docking, data service, user and order service. Among them, the data platform docking completes the regular update of data to ensure the real-time nature of the data; the data service completes the service for reading some basic data of the data platform, and the system application will develop around these data. The user and order service is the part that interfaces with the user application and completes the API provision of the front-end application.

The intelligent logistics monitoring system is a front-end and back-end separated project. The front-end builds web-side applications and Android-side applications. The back-end uses springboot to build server-side applications and develops API ports to interact with front-ends. The server uses redis technology to cache data. It can provide session login services for distributed systems. It uses spring-data-jpa to simplify database operations, provides APIs in accordance with the RESTful specification, and uses the webSocket protocol to implement two-way communication between the server and the client. This project completed the design of the system database, completed the implementation of the module including system data viewing, order management, vehicle management, and then realized the user's application requirements.

Key words:Internet of things; logistics monitoring; springboot; front-end separation; RESTful; webSocket; OneNET; data platform

目  录


图 目 录 Ⅴ

表 目 录 Ⅵ

第1章 引言 1

1.1 项目背景 1

1.2 国内物联网平台的产业生态 2

1.3 论文的主要工作和组织结构 3

第2章 系统支撑平台与技术概述 5

2.1 OneNET平台介绍 5

2.1.1 OneNET平台概述 5

2.1.2 OneNET平台能力与架构 5

2.1.3 OneNET平台产品案例 6

2.2 Spring框架 7

2.3 JPA规范与在Spring中的应用 9

2.4 RESTful API 10

2.5 WebSocket协议 12

第3章 智能物流监控系统需求分析与概要设计 13

3.1 智能物流监控系统需求分析 13

3.1.1 智能物流监控系统需求概述 13

3.1.2 智能物流监控系统的功能需求 13

3.1.3 智能物流监控系统的非功能需求 20

3.2 智能物流监控系统整体方案 20

3.2.1 系统基础数据平台架构设计 21

3.2.2 应用于物流的管理系统设计 25

3.3 智能物流监控系统概要设计 26

3.3.1整体系统框架结构 26

3.3.2系统模块设计 27

3.3.3 数据库设计 36

第4章 智能物流监控系统的详细设计 39

4.1 平台数据更新模块 39

4.2 基础数据访问模块 39

4.3 用户账号与权限控制模块 40

4.4 订单管理模块 41

4.5 车辆管理模块 41

4.6 告警模块 42

第5章 智能物流监控系统的实现 44

5.1 平台数据更新模块 45

5.2 基础数据访问模块 47

5.3 用户账号与权限控制模块 48

5.4 订单管理模块 51

5.5 车辆管理模块 54

5.6 告警模块 55

第6章 总结与展望 58

6.1 总结 58

6.2 展望 58

参考文献 60

致谢 61

本文来自: 毕业作品网站(www.biyezuopin.vip) 详细出处参考:http://www.biyezuopin.vip/onews.asp?id=16165



      本文标题:基于SpringBoot的智能物流监控系统数据平台设计 毕业论文
