
作者: 岭岭多 | 来源:发表于2022-04-26 19:40 被阅读0次


    Part Ⅰ Dialogue Completion(10minutes,10points)

    Directions:ln this part,there are 3dialogues with 3or 4blanks,each followed by 4choices marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the choice that best suits the situation until the dialogue is complete.With Dialogue One,all the choices will have to be used.With Dialogue Two and Dialogue Three,one choice will be left unused.Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the center of the letter that indicates your choice.

    Dialogue One

    Sandy:Can I help you?

    Derek:Yes,I need to apply for a parking permit.


    Derek:What?Are you kidding?__2__

    Sandy:__3__But don't you know only professors and students with disabilities can apply for parking permits?

    Derek:Yes,I know.__4__My hip was broken last year.And I can't walk well.

    Sandy:Oh,sorry.I didn't know.

    A.Yes,I am kidding.

    B.I'm only 22years old!

    C.I have a disability.

    D.Are you a professor?

    Dialogue Two

    Kate:Hi,Lily.What are you doing there?


    Kate:Are you going to fly the kite?

    Lily:Yes,I like flying kites when it is sunny but windy like today.What about you?

    Kate:__6__I prefer taking a walk in the hill.

    Lily:So do I.__7__

    Kate:That's great!

    A.Let's take a trip to the West Hill next Saturday.

    B.I am making a kite.

    C.I am flying the kite.

    D.I don't really like flying kites.

    Dialogue Three

    Forrest:Hello,long time no see.__8__

    Leon:I work in Lenovo as an assistant.

    Forrest:Do you like this job?

    Leon:__9__The salary is enough for me.But in the long time,it isn't benefit for my career.__10__

    Forrest:I think you are right.

    A.It is hard to say.

    B.What have you done recently?

    C.I think I will change my job if I find the most suitable position for myself.

    D.Yes,I like this job.

    Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(35minutes,40points)

    Directions:There are 4passages in this part.Each passage is followed by 5questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are 4choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the center of the letter that indicates your choice.

    Passage 1

    It was so quick and easy.A fourteen-year-old boy in Scottsdale,Arizona,put his$50bill on a color copying machine.Within seconds he transformed$50into$550,and he was ready to shop.

    Twenty years ago only a few people had the skills or equipment to make fake money.Today computer,copier,and printer technology is so good that almost anyone can“make”money.With the new technology there is a new kind of casual faking machine.These machines are called casual because they don't have special skills and because they don't need to plan much.

    The number of bills made by casual fakers on their home or office computer is growing fast.In fact,this number has doubled every year since 1989!There is no way to stop faking 100percent.But the government has recently found a few ways to make casual faking very difficult.

    One way is to put very,very small words,called microprints(微型印刷品),in hidden places on the bill.The words are only 6/1000inch.No one can read them without a magnifyingglass,a special glass that makes things look bigger.And they are too small to come out clearly on a copier.If someone copies a bill that has microprints and you look at the copy through a magnifying glass,instead of microprinted words,you will see only black lines.

    Another way to stop people from making fake money on their home computers is to use special color-changing ink.Money printed with color-changing ink will look green from one angle and yellow from another.Home computers cannot use color-changing ink.So any copies from a home computer will have normal ink and can be noticed quite easily.

    Additionally,money is made on special paper with very small pieces of red and blue silk mixed in.And on each bill there is a special line that runs from the top to the bottom of the bill.Suppose,for example,that you hold a$20bill up to the light.If you do this,you can see the line has the words“USA twenty”.The line turns red if you put it under a special light.This line and the special paper with red and blue silk are not easy for home computers to copy.

    The government must try many different ways to stop faking.It needs to keep changing the way money is made because fakers can learn to copy the changes.Today copiers can't copy microprinted words or color-changing ink.But,in a few years,who knows?

    11.It can be concluded from the first three paragraphs that_________.

    A.most children above the age of 14can fake money

    B.new high technology makes money faking easier

    C.anyone who has a computer can fake money

    D.casual faking machines are called casual for the reason that no skills and planning are required

    12.The word“magnifying”(Line 3,Para.4)means_________.

    A.making larger B.making smaller C.making clearer D.making easier

    13.You can be sure that the bill is faked when _________.

    A.you see microprinted words on the bill

    B.you see green ink from one direction and yellow from another on the bill

    C.you see a special line on the bill that runs from the top to the bottom and that has such words as“USA hundred”

    D.you see normal ink on the bill

    14.In the last paragraph the second sentence is a(n)_________of the first.

    A.explanation B.definition C.analysis D.description

    15.The author ends the article with _________.

    A.a conclusion B.an idea and a worry

    C.a prediction D.a review

    Passage 2

    Many teachers like to teach all the new words and structures in the text before reading begins.I am not going to say that new language should never be taught this way,but I have often thought that this is the dullest part of the lesson,and that the teaching would have been more effective if it had taken place actually during the process of reading.

    It is difficult to make hard-and-fast rules,but you will frequently find that a new structure hardly needs explaining if it is taken in context;whether you want to teach it for active use is a matter beyond the scope of this book.For our purposes,if it can be understood without specific teaching,then it is not a barrier to the reader and to spend time on it would be pointless.

    The same is true of vocabulary.You may feel the need to teach a few key words before the students begin to read,but other new words may be so unimportant that you do not wantto draw attention to them,while others you will want to use for practicing the skill of inferring meaning from context.If your list of key words to be taught is long,this is a warning that the text is too difficult.

    Of course we are here facing the conflict between learning to read and learning the language.Your attitude will be determined partly by the kind of texts you use;if they are specifically intended to present new language,you cannot just ignore it.But the students have to learn to read as well;use supplementary texts for this if you can,but at least use the language teaching texts in such a way that they provide genuine reading tasks i.e.that students actually get practice in interpreting them.This will involve not teaching all the new language beforehand;helping the students to use the context as a guide to interpreting some of the new language;and practicing the new items after reading rather than before,in at least some cases.

    Some of the problems will be alleviatedby dealing with the text in short sections.The new language from a single section will be more manageable than the new language from the whole text,so the dull preparatory work will be split up into short,more acceptable bits.

    16.As for teaching a text,which of the following would be the LAST to be suggested?

    A.To clear up all the language difficulties before reading starts.

    B.To divide the text into short sections.

    C.To encourage the students to learn the new language in context.

    D.To practice the new language after reading if necessary.

    17.According to the passage,if the texts are intended to present new language,the teacher_________.

    A.should use supplementary texts to teach new language

    B.should not forget to teach reading while presenting new language

    C.should teach and practice new language before reading

    D.can put reading practice aside for the time being

    18.What does“hard-and-fast”(Line 1,Para.2)mean?

    A.alternative B.specific

    C.complicated D.fixed and unchangeable

    19.In the first sentence of the last paragraph“alleviated”means_________.

    A.made more concrete B.made more specific

    C.paid more attention D.made easier

    20.The passage is mainly about________.

    A.reading skills B.teaching reading skills

    C.dealing with new language items D.teaching foreign languages

    Passage 3

    Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public.Not only does he want to say it well,but he wants it to be something which has not been said before.He hopes the public will listen and understand—he wants to teach them,and he wants them to learn from him.

    What visual artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult to explain,because painters translate their experiences into shapes and colors,not words.They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors,out of the countless billions possible,is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us.Without their work we should never have noticed these particular shapes and colors,or have felt the delight,which they brought to the artist.

    Most artists take their shapes and colors from the world of nature from human bodies in motion and at rest;their choices show that these parts of the world are worth looking at,that they contain beautiful sights.Today's artists might say that they merely choose subjects that provide an interesting pattern,that there is nothing more in it.Yet even they do not choose entirely without reference to the character of their subjects.

    If one painter chooses to paint an infected leg and another a lake in moonlight,each of them is directing our attention to a certain part of the world,each painter is telling us something,showing us something,emphasizing something—all of which means that,consciously or unconsciously,he is trying to teach us.

    21.According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?

    A.Every artist wants to say something to the public.

    B.Every artist wants to teach the public.

    C.Every artist wants people to learn good character from him.

    D.Every artist wants to say something new.

    22.Why is it difficult to explain the purpose of an artist's work?

    A.Because the artist says something too new to understand.

    B.Because the artist uses shapes and colors to teach you something.

    C.Because the artist uses difficult words to explain his work.

    D.Because the artist wants to draw something mysterious.

    23.The contribution of the artist is that his work can help us _________.

    A.feel the happiness that he got from the work

    B.notice the shapes and colors

    C.know some of his experience

    D.all of the above

    24.Most artists take their shapes and colors from ________.

    A.nothing in particular

    B.the work of other artists

    C.the parts of the world that are worth looking at

    D.a lake in moonlight

    25.The author mentions two painters in the last paragraph in order to tell us_________.

    A.each painter is trying to teach us something

    B.the first painter is realistic

    C.the second painter is romantic

    D.their painting skills are different

    Passage 4

    British writer Arthur C.Clarke's science fiction novel Childhood's End describes a future world society.The following is part of his description.

    By the standards(标准)of all earlier ages,it was Utopia(aperfect society).Ignorance,disease,poverty(贫 穷),and fear had actually stopped existing.The memory of war was fading into the past as a bad dream disappears with the dawn;soon it would lie outside the experience of all living men.

    With the energies of society going to construction sites,the face of the world had been remade.It was a new world.Production had become largely automatic:the robot(机器人)factories produced goods in such unending production lines that all the ordinary goods of life were practically free.Men worked in the interest of the comfort they wanted;or they did not work at all.

    It was one world,although the old names of the old countries were still used.There was no one on earth who could not speak English,who could not read,who was not within range of a television set,who could not visit the other side of the world within twenty-four hours.

    Crime had almost disappeared.It had become both unnecessary and impossible.When no one lacks anything,there is no point in stealing.

    One of the most obvious changes had been a slowing down of the mad speed that had so described(赋 予……特 征)the twentieth century.Life was freer than it had been for generations.It,therefore,had less competing for the few,but more peace for the many.Western man had relearned—what the rest of the world had never forgotten—that there was nothing wrong with relaxing(休闲)as long as it did not fall into ordinary laziness.

    Education was now much more thorough and much more common.Few people left college before twenty—and that was merely the first stage,since they usually returned again at twenty-five for at least three more years,after travel and experience had broadened their minds.Even then,they would probably take review courses at times for the rest of their lives in the subjects that particularly interested them.

    Another great change was the great moving ability of the new society.Thanks to the efficiency of air transport,everyone was free to go anywhere at a moment's notice.There was more room in the skies than there had ever been on the roads,and the twenty-first century had repeated,to a large degree,the great American achievement of putting a nation on wheels.It had given wings to the world.

    There were plenty of specialists,but few creative workers broadening the areas of human knowledge.Curiosity remained,and the free time to enjoy it,but the heart had been taken out of original scientific research.It seemed fruitless to spend a lifetime searching for secrets that the great creators had probably found ages before…

    26.In the last sentence of the first paragraph the word“it”refers to_________.

    A.the memory of war B.the war

    C.the bad dream D.the past

    27.The phrase“With the energies of society going to construction sites”(Para.3)means that_________.

    A.when workers go to the building sites

    B.when workers put all their efforts into building

    C.when workers put all their energies into building factories

    D.when workers use all the energies on the construction sites

    28.Education in the future will be ________.

    A.more interesting B.particularly interesting

    C.more common but less free D.more complete and free

    29.Which of the following is NOT true of the future world according to the passage?

    A.People will seldom experience war.

    B.There will be no stealing.

    C.English will be the language everyone speaks.

    D.People will not be suffering from any kind of illness.

    30.Scientists in the future will________.

    A.keep curiosity only

    B.look for free time

    C.do basic scientific research

    D.not be searching for secrets discovered ages before

    Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure(10minutes,10points)

    Directions:There are 20incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best one that best completes the sentence.Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the center of the letter that indicates your choice.

    31.The student's first attempt at writing aplay was a far _________from the work of Shakespeare.

    A.away B.way C.cry D.distance

    32._________your opinions are worth considering,the general manager finds it unwise to place too much importance on them.

    A.As B.Because C.Though D.Since

    33.I was _________than angry when I saw how they'd ruined the landscape.

    A.much B.little C.more D.less

    34.Since the matter was extremely ________,we had to turn to many people for help.

    A.tough B.tense C.important D.instant

    35.This research has attracted wide _________reportage and has been shown on BBC television's Tomorrow's World.

    A.message B.information C.media D.data

    36.Life insurance(保险),________available only to young,healthy persons,can now be obtained for old people.

    A.before B.after C.former D.previously

    37.She was ________from her poor factory job by a movie director searching for new talent.

    A.employed B.rescued C.healed D.exposed

    38.All the students in this class passed the English exam _________the exception of Li Ming.

    A.on B.in C.for D.with

    39.When workers are organized and united,managers find it hard to lay them _________.

    A.off B.aside C.out D.down

    40.________he works hard,I don't mind when he finishes the experiment.

    A.As soon as B.As long as C.As well as D.So far as

    41.The joys of travel,having long _________the disabled,are opening up to virtually anyone who has the means.

    A.omitted B.missed C.neglected D.discarded

    42.Everyone on the team_________winning the game.

    A.attributed to B.contributed to C.distributed to D.led to

    43.She isn't beautiful.But she is_________pretty.

    A.kind of B.a kind of C.of a kind D.a sort of

    44._________is no reason for discharging her.

    A.Because she was a few minutes late B.Owing to a few minutes being late

    C.The fact that she was a few minutes late D.Being a few minutes late

    45.Everything we eat and drink contains some salt;we can meet the body's need for it from natural sources without turning ________the salt shaker.

    A.up B.to C.on D.over

    46.“He gave me _________$200!”he said with satisfaction.

    A.no less than B.no more than C.something like D.only

    47.It might be _________to give your attitude towards study a second thought.

    A.worth B.worthy C.worthwhile D.worthily

    48.He always did well at school_________having to do part-time jobs every now and than.

    A.in spite of B.regardless of C.on account of D.in case of

    49.In the_________of the project not being a success,the manager stands to lose up to$30 million.

    A.face B.time C.event D.course

    50.Government reports,examination compositions,legal documents and most business letters are the main situations _________formal language is used.

    A.in which B.on which C.in that D.at what

    Directions:There are 10blanks in the following passage.For each numbered blank,there are 4choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.

    Some unknown(51)_________of time passes before her eyes open again,only this time there is no(52)________in them,just a blank stare.Without warning,her(53)________breathing stops,and within a few moments,the faint pulse is also gone.One single tear flowsfrom her left eye,(54)________the cheek and down onto the pillow.I begin to cry quietly.There is a(55)_________of emotion within me for this stranger who so quickly came into and went from my life.Her(56)________is done,yet so is the life.Slowly,still holding her hand,I become aware that I do not mind this(57)_________battle,that in fact,it was a privilege she has allowed me,and I would do it again,gladly.Mrs.Clark spared her family an(58)________that perhaps they were not equipped to handle and instead(59)_________it with me.She had not wanted to have her family see her die,yet she did not want to die(60)________.No one should die alone,and I am glad I was there for her.

    51.A.interval B.internet C.interrupt D.internal

    52.A.responsible B.responding C.response D.responsibility

    53.A.shadow B.shallow C.normal D.formal

    54.A.around B.cross C.across D.about

    55.A.mile B.smell C.smile D.swell

    56.A.suffer B.suffering C.surf D.surfing

    57.A.emotional B.motion C.feel D.sense

    58.A.scene B.episode C.site D.spot

    59.A.share B.stare C.prepare D.shared

    60.A.alone B.along C.alongside D.clone



