
作者: 如果我名王玉珏 | 来源:发表于2018-05-03 22:01 被阅读0次

    Hasty conclusions can occur in scholarly pursuits as well as in everyday

    situations. As noted briefly in Chapter 1, one of the most ambitious tests of human intelligence ever conducted led to hasty conclusions; almost a

    century later it remains a vivid testimony to the harm they can do. During

    World War I, psychologists administered intelligence tests to almost 2 million army recruits. The resulting scores, expressed in terms of mental age,were as follows: immigrants from northern Europe, 13; immigrants from southern and central Europe, 11; U.S.-born blacks, 10. The psychologists

    leaped to the conclusion that southern and central Europeans and blacks

    are morons. (The term was considered scientific at that time.) This conclusion was instrumental in the framing of the 1924 immigration law that discriminated against southern and central Europeans and reinforced

    negative stereotypes about African Americans.




