

作者: 0071f28a7a2d | 来源:发表于2017-10-23 00:50 被阅读20次



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    答  我认为微笑曲线还有现实意义 毕竟绝大多数产品以及公司整套产品运营模式还是遵循微笑曲线的 虽然在当前各种经济发展模式的冲击下 一部分产品以及一些特殊公司的发展模式 微笑曲线虽然对它解释无效 但绝大部分的公司产生的利润大小还是看其微笑曲线的理论而进行的 如 一个苹果手机 有研发 有组装 有售出 就其各公司获取利益来说 无疑是研发者获取利益最多 我们发展中国家组装厂家被挤在低利润环节 附加值低 而发达国家的企业往往占据着研发设计和品牌营销的高端位置  微笑曲线带给我们这些发展中国家的经济附属意义就是 只有靠其我们自己的不断创新 不断发展 吸取各国经验 创作人才 才能迎来我们自己经济发展模式 提高我们经济附加值     

    在当前世界互联网环境下 特别在我国这几年随着互联网的猛速发展 网民用户的不断增多 智能手机的不断普及 产生了一些以购物APP孕育而生的公司 如 京东 苏宁 阿里巴巴旗下的天猫 都以互联网为基础而搭建的电商平台 靠着其微笑曲线理论当中最中间点 产品销售为主而创造了不可惊人的经济价值 也增加了公司附加值 微笑曲线在互联网运用下 它呈现出一种相反模式 所以我们要学着在各种环境背景下 开发出增加出微笑曲线的各个点 创造利润最大化

    答  BEIJING - China's power generation saw faster growth in September than August, with electricity from clean energy sources expanding at rapid pace, official data showed Thursday.

    Last month, power production rose 5.3 percent, 0.5 percentage point faster than August, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said Thursday.

    Electricity from hydropower plants rose 18.6 percent, higher than the 5 percent increase in August, due to sufficient water supply in southern regions.

    Nuclear, wind and solar power production surged by 21.9 percent, 36.8 percent and 25.2 percent respectively, all much faster than August.

    In the first three quarters, power generation rose 6.4 percent to 4.69 trillion kWh.

    The NBS also reported strong growth in the production of a number of energy sources in September.

    Coal output increased 7.6 percent to 300 million tons, faster than the 4.1 percent year-on-year growth in August. Natural gas output rose 10.7 percent to 11.15 billion cubic meters last month.

    Crude oil output dropped 2.9 percent, narrowing by 0.2 percentage points from August.

    NBS data also showed that China's GDP expanded 6.8 percent year on year in the third quarter, compared with 6.9 percent in the second quarter.

    关键词    NBS        CHIANAPOWER              PERCENT 




    3.阅读一篇以上supply chain 相关英文文章,要求用英文摘录文章主旨,并列出关键单词,附上文章链接。

    答  厂家直销会带来产品质量问题 商品更趋于平民化 不利于品牌的发展与建立 厂家直销呈现出多分散性 不利于我国经济朝集团化 规模化以及国际化方向发展  在建立产品质量的同时应加紧认识当前一些高端大众品牌是怎样在网络运营的发展模式 而不是一味看重当前直销带来的暴利 而应长久考虑发展模式 线上与线下有机结合 让消费者了解一个公司一个产品的精神理念

    红领集团借助互联网数据的智能工厂流水作业形成信息化系统 构成一体化信息平台 以及C2M平台的建立 让红领集团的囤货量非常少 根据当前互联网的大数据 更加简单直白的了解消费者的喜好 顺应时代发展 把当前难转型难改革的经济形势摸准

    The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)[4] defines supply chain management as follows:

    Supply Chain Management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all logistics management activities. Importantly, it also includes coordination and collaboration with channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers, and customers. In essence, supply chain management integrates supply and demand management within and across companies. Supply Chain Management is an integrating function with primary responsibility for linking major business functions and business processes within and across companies into a cohesive and high-performing business model. It includes all of the logistics management activities noted above, as well as manufacturing operations, and it drives coordination of processes and activities with and across marketing, sales, product design, finance and information technology.

    — CSCMP

    A typical supply chain begins with the ecological, biological, and political regulation of natural resources, followed by the human extraction of raw material, and includes several production links (e.g., component construction, assembly, and merging) before moving on to several layers of storage facilities of ever-decreasing size and increasingly remote geographical locations, and finally reaching the consumer.

    Many of the exchanges encountered in the supply chain are therefore between different companies that seek to maximize their revenue within their sphere of interest, but may have little or no knowledge or interest in the remaining players in the supply chain. More recently, the loosely coupled, self-organizing network of businesses that cooperates to provide product and service offerings has been called the extended enterprise.[citation needed]

    As part of their efforts to demonstrate ethical practices, many large companies and global brands are integrating codes of conduct and guidelines into their corporate cultures and management systems. Through these, corporations are making demands on their suppliers (facilities, farms, subcontracted services such as cleaning, canteen, security etc.) and verifying, through social audits, that they are complying with the required standard. A lack of transparency in the supply chain is known as mystification, which bars consumers from the knowledge of where their purchases originated and can enable socially irresponsible practices. Supply Chain Managers are under constant scrutiny to secure the best pricing for their resources, which becomes a difficult task when faced with the inherent lack of transparency. Cost Benchmarking is one effective method for identifying competitive pricing within the industry. This gives negotiators a solid basis to form their strategy on and drive overall spend down.

    关键词  SUPPLY  CHIAN




