Part 1:认知cognition
科学早已揭示出,宇宙间万物的本质是能量。Science has revealed that the essence of everything in the universe is energy.英语作为一种语言,也是能量。English is a kind of vibration.It's energy too.
为什么有人英语学得那么好,而有些人却怎么学都不能入门呢?Someone learn English so well,and someone can't get into English at all.WHY?
第一因素在于:能量是否同频共振。The key is whether you are in the vibration of English.
英语语种的人从出生起就在共振这种能量波,从小在听、说、读、写、用的环境里熏陶,自然具足英语的能量。English speakers have been resonating with this energy wave since birth. They have been nurtured in the environment of listening, speaking, reading, writing and using since childhood, and naturally have enough energy of English.
这跟我们学母语是一样的道理。我们中国人只要是成长于本土环境的,哪有人觉得中文不是自己的一部分呢?This is the same as learning our mother tongue. As long as we Chinese grow up in the local environment, who thinks Chinese is not a part of us?
提醒一个关键:你感觉英文是你生命的一部分吗?Do you think English is a part of yourself?
换句话说,如果你把英语看作是与自己分离的一部分,看作自己生命之外的存在,看作是恶魔、讨厌鬼、烦恼的根源,则它也同样如此对待你。In other words, if you regard English as a part separated from yourself, as an existence outside your life, and as the source of demons, nuisances and troubles, it will treat you the same way.
你对于英语如果是这样的关系,英语就不可能成为你的一部分,英语就不能很好地服务于你.If you have such a relationship with English, English will not be a part of you and English will not serve you well.
Part 2:方法ways
如何与英语同频共振,让它成为你的一部分?How to resonate with English and make it a part of you?
下一篇将进入这个主题。We will enter this topic in next article.
前提是,你想要学好英语。The premise is that you want to learn English well.
一个自测小作业:感受一下自己的情绪:看到英语、听到英语、想到英语的时候,自己是什么感觉?A self-test homework: feel your emotions: how do you feel when you see English, hear English and think of English?
欢迎留言你的领悟与收获。Welcome to leave a message about your understanding and harvest.
Many blessings.
Flora 于2021.12.1