2022-06-07 高考

2022-06-07 高考

作者: 俊才鑫驰 | 来源:发表于2022-06-07 22:46 被阅读0次

If no news alerts, i am sure i do not know today is the first day of the entrance examination of college. many years ago , I also took part in the exam. i still remember the first test subject is Chinese. i also remember the day before my attending the entrance examination of college.

at that night maybe i was to excited, i found myself could not fall asleep. until 5.Am. i only slept almost one hour and then went to  attend the exam which can be said to be my most important exam in my life. of course the result is predictable and 

i got very little score in the Chinese subject. after finished the examination, i told my mom that maybe i failed and i really wanted to have a good sleep. because my headache was killing me at that time. my mom did not scold me, i knew she was trying to keep her temper. and she said to me i needed a good rest. then she made a good decision. and quickly led me to a hotel nearby the school to sleep. i still remembered she brought some food to the hotel and let me eat.and then told me not worry. she set the alarm clock  and would wake me up 40 minutes before the examination. i ate some food and soon felt asleep. 

when my mom wake me up. i felt very fresh and energic. the subject mathematics is also my favorite subject. i hoped i could outdo myself and got better score as a remedy  to my failure on Chinese subject. Finally i really got a very high score in mathematics and a very low score in Chinese. the average score of the both subjects  is nearly in my former plan so  finally I went into my ideal university。 thanks mom. i will remember it forever in my life.

after finished recalling the exam stuffs. i can share my daily work. today i wrote some code, and fixed 3 bugs.attended four meetings. one of the meeting is interesting. my big boss hopes to build a meta team. now the meta seems so popular. everybody hopes to do meta. actually i do not the meta concept. i just know something about the vr glasses. later i can find some articles related to the meta to read. i also know the facebook has changed its name to Meta. it is cool. i have to say now the world is changing so fast. we have to keep the pace of it.


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      本文标题:2022-06-07 高考
