There are some foods that I abhor...
There are some people that I avoid...
There are some things that I won't do...
There are some roads that I won't know...
一夜风雪杂雨行 窗损门残 怎耐生寒 紧衣卷缩未成眠 起来独自对孤影 花月相怜 休教凭栏 强忆与君话长短
When you have to do something, Do it dutifully... When yo...
There are some foods that I abhor... There are some peopl...
When traveling on alien lands long, Tired, enjoyment lost...
意气风发少年时 沽酒悼月昨夜诗 知交零落凭谁问 湖月无声风细细
题记:至今日,余幼时亲近祖辈,已无一人。思此,不觉悲来。 故人挥手从兹去,从此天涯不见君。 松...
无题(旧作) 楼顶上摔碎的雨滴相拥而泣,叹息着沉落的命运。相挽着跌下楼顶再次摔碎。- 在这没有话语的夜,...
梦里花凋梦外忧 清风明月几闲愁 世间无尽尘土事 心自逍遥伴沙鸥
地老天荒雁孤鸣,流水落花两无情。 凡人只修今生缘,痴心伴我天地行。
如画江山,狼烟失色。 金戈铁马,争主沉浮。 倚天万里须长剑,中宵舞,誓补天!。 天马西来,都为翻云手。 握虎符挟玉...