Instead of storing the data rows contiguously across pages, all the data contained within a column is stored contiguously down a set of pages.
adjective /kən'tɪɡjuəs/
next to something, or next to each other.
used to describe things that touch each other or are immediately next to each other.
touching or next to sth.
next to or touching another, usually similar, thing.
next to each other, or joining each other.
Things that are contiguous are next to each other or touch each other.
America’s 48 contiguous states.
She's visited each of the 48 contiguous states in the U.S., but she hasn't been to Alaska or Hawaii yet.
the mountains contiguous to/with our border.
The countries are contiguous.
The bruising was not contiguous to the wound. [wound = /wund/ noun, an injury to your body that is made by a weapon such as a knife or a bullet]
The two states are contiguous with/to each other, but the laws are quite different.
Its vineyards are virtually contiguous with those of Ausone. [vineyard = /'vɪnjɚd/ a piece of land where grapevines are grown in order to produce wine]
two years of travel throughout the 48 contiguous states.
contiguously /kən'tigjuəsli/ adverb
contiguity /ˌkɑntə'gjʊəti/ noun
the contiguity of the lands.