

作者: AmyzLearning | 来源:发表于2017-08-19 11:02 被阅读0次

    1> 请问Odysseus观察到求婚者哪些行为?举个例子就好,这个问题旨在让你思考Odysseus他的埋伏和搜集信息。

    2> 请问昨天今天这两章之间,你认为Penelope可能搜集了哪些信息?她做了什么决定?

    3> 请问Odysseus观察到Penelope做了什么决定?他的反应是什么?

    4> 试着推测Penelope为什么总要说谎,不把事情说清楚就好,总是要暗示?

    5> 试着推测Odysseus为什么也总是掩盖自己真实的身分,不把事情说清楚就好?不回家跟老婆说一声我回来了就好?

    1.“And the one who knew the world replied at length,“Amphinomus, you seem like a man of good sense to me.Just like your father—at least I’ve heard his praises,Nisus of Dulichion, a righteous man, and rich.You’re his son, they say, you seem well-spoken, too”奥德修斯跟乞Irus决斗赢了之后,他对Amphinomus说道:我看你像是一个明事理的人,就像你的父亲一样正直。换作是其他人,奥德修斯绝不会说这一番话点醒他们,也不可能点醒(文中多次提到这些求婚者是鬼迷心窍,执迷不悟,一条路要走到黑)。而Amphinomus 听到之后心中也有不祥之感。(Amphinomus made his way back through the hall,heart sick with anguish, shaking his head,fraught with grave forebodings …)

    “At last Amphinomus rose to take the floor,the noted son of Nisus, King Aretias’ grandson.“Fair enough, my friends; when a man speaks wellwe have no grounds for wrangling, no cause for abuse.Hands off the stranger! And any other servantin King Odysseus’ palace. Come, steward,pour first drops for the god in every cup;let’s make libations, then go home to bed.The stranger? Leave him here in Odysseus’ hallsand have his host Telemachus, tend him well—it’s the prince’s royal house the man has reached”文章末,他帮忙和解奥德修斯与Antinous 的争执,也可以看出奥德修斯没有看错人。从奥德修斯的点醒话语来看,他想劝这些人不要再执迷不悟,人不可能胜过神。天意难违。从心理上先击垮敌人,缴械投降,不损一兵一卒。见过了太多血腥战争,奥德修斯其实心里也不愿再在自己平静的家乡掀起血雨腥风,以武力换来江山就真的是赢了吗?仁德的君主难道不好吗?

    2. 本章Penelope愿意(虽然是Athena相助)光彩动人出现在众多求婚者面前,并说出三年后又一个更大的谎言,她自己在心中也是几度思量。虽然她口上说自己的儿子没有以前明智,行为颇偏,这未尝不是另一种跟儿子互相暗示,确定的方式?(So Penelope and her son exchanged their hopes)如果她擅自决定冒然行动,而未准备好的父子不但将受到更大的打击,而自己也会深陷无尽的麻烦。

    3.(Staunch Odysseus glowed with joy to hear all this—his wife’s trickery luring gifts from her suitors now,enchanting their hearts with suave seductive wordsbut all the while with something else in mind),这便是奥德修斯看到自己的妻子衣装绮靡,明艳动人出现在那一帮求婚者面前,并未惊讶、不解或是有丝毫郁怒,而是脸上闪耀着喜悦之光,知道妻子已经收到自己的暗示并为自己创造机会复仇。





