3月13日 晴

3月13日 晴

作者: Ken_LC | 来源:发表于2018-03-13 23:28 被阅读0次



If you want to know the taste of a pear, you need to bite it. If you want to know the effectiveness of a theroy, just use it. Mr. Li introduced a concept,called multiple thinking models.That comes from Charles T. Munger's book, Poor Charlie's Almanack.They mentioned the model of redundant backup in engineering. It sounds like a complicatied concept. In fact,it means you should have backup for the important thing. But to emphsize engineering means the preciseness. If without it, engineering doesn't exist.Ok,immediately I make backup of the important information in my computer to USB flash drives.I also set up a rule to myself that I will update it each month.A counter-example appeared my Moments in wechat.

My friend always laughts at me when I'd like to connect what happen in my daily life to some theroy in books. Each time, I want to explain, but I don't. Acturally, that can prove the extension of one's thought. A theroy shows the relativity of different things from wider dimension. With it, you can recognize and catch the essence of matters deeply. That is what I like to do. It is very interesting interaction between you and writers when you test the theory in reality. Of course, that personal experience only belongs to me. Others around me seldom understand. When I read Selected works of Mao Zedong, Mao mentioned development of theory by practice. I just do what he said, don't I? When you read something same with writer's words, you will feel terrific.

3月13日 晴 3月13日 晴


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      本文标题:3月13日 晴
