circos 学习手册(三十一)

circos 学习手册(三十一)

作者: 名本无名 | 来源:发表于2021-01-12 20:58 被阅读0次


20. 细胞周期 —— II


# cycle.txt
chr - cycle cycle 0 100 greys-6-seq-5

20.1 使用裁剪


karyotype   = cycle.txt
chromosomes = cycle[g1]:0-45;cycle[s]:45-80;cycle[g2]:80-95;cycle[m]:95-100

然后在 <spacing> 块中定义 break 参数来控制裁剪区域间的间距

default = 0.005r
break   = 1r

20.2 为阶段上色


palette  = greys-6-seq
g1 = 3
s  = 4
g2 = 5
m  = 6
# g1, s, g2, m are tags defined in 'chromosomes' above
chromosomes_color = g1=conf(palette)-conf(phases,g1),



21. Nature 封面图


21.1 图片元素

该图片包含 23 个片段,表示人类的染色体 1-22X 染色体。

图中展示的染色体长度与 hg19 版本的染色体并不完全一致,在这里我们使用的是组装长度


图中的数据以 6 个同心圆方式显示,它们之间的间距向内侧略微减小,每个轨迹都会高亮显示固定的区域,并在染色体着色之后再着色

21.2 配色

我们从封面图片中提取到了如下的颜色配置,并通过加 * 号来重新为变量赋值

# circos.conf
<<include etc/colors_fonts_patterns.conf>>
chr1*  = 163,132,130
chr2*  = 188,162,118
chr3*  = 216,196,96
chr4*  = 233,212,56
chr5*  = 229,229,50
chr6*  = 212,222,56
chr7*  = 195,215,57
chr8*  = 177,209,58
chr9*  = 160,204,61
chr10* = 139,198,61
chr11* = 128,193,95
chr12* = 115,186,126
chr13* = 102,183,152
chr14* = 91,178,176
chr15* = 61,174,199
chr16* = 36,170,224
chr17* = 75,129,194
chr18* = 85,111,180
chr19* = 92,92,168
chr20* = 98,70,156
chr21* = 101,45,145
chr22* = 121,74,141
chrx*  = 140,104,137

然后在 <image> 块中定义图像背景

<<include etc/image.conf>>
background* = black

21.3 轨迹位置


# variables used in each plot.conf block

plot_width   = 80 
plot_padding = 25 
num_plots    = 6  

type             = highlight
file             = bins.txt
stroke_thickness = 0
<<include plot.conf>>
<<include plot.conf>>
<<include plot.conf>>
<<include plot.conf>>
<<include plot.conf>>
<<include plot.conf>>
<<include plot.conf>>

plot.conf 文件的定义

r1   = dims(ideogram,radius_inner)
         - conf(plot_padding)*eval(remap(counter(plot),0,conf(num_plots),1,0.9))
         - eval((conf(plot_width)+conf(plot_padding))*counter(plot)*eval(remap(counter(plot),0,conf(num_plots),1,0.9)))
r0   = conf(.,r1)
         - conf(plot_width)*eval(remap(counter(plot),0,conf(num_plots),1,0.9))
post_increment_counter = plot:1
<<include rules.conf>>

轨迹的内半径和外半径(r0,r1),通过 plot_paddingplot_width 参数进行设置

每次绘制图像时,变量 counter(plot) 的值自动加 1

通过 dims(ideogram,radius_inner) 获得 ideogram 内半径的值


21.4 轨迹数据

每个轨迹使用相同的数据,定义了 7.5 Mb 基因组区域

hs1 0 7499999
hs1 7500000 14999999
hs1 15000000 22499999
hs1 22500000 29999999

然后在 plot 块中用 rule 动态更改颜色

# rules.conf


# The first condition tests that bins are further than 5 Mb from the
# start and end of each ideogram.  This ensures that the color
# for the first/last bin will be the same as the ideogram.

condition  = var(start) >= 5e6 && var(end) < chrlen(var(chr))-5e6

# The probability that the second condition is true is proportional to
# the track counter. Bins in inner tracks are more likely to trigger
# this rule.  Here, rand() is a uniformly distributed random number in
# the range [0,1).

condition  = rand() < remap(counter(plot),0,conf(num_plots)-1,1/conf(num_plots),1) 

# If this rule is true, the color of the bin is changed to that of a
# random ideogram.

fill_color = eval("chr" . (sort {rand() <=> rand()} (1..22,"x"))[0])


condition  = 1
fill_color = eval("chr" . lc substr(var(chr),2))

22. 不只是基因组

circos 并不是只能用来绘制基因组区域,还可以绘制任何形式的轴。


我们在核型文件定义这些片段。例如,我们假设奥巴马说了 2,000 个单词,理查森说了 1,000个单词,依此类推。

# karyotype.txt
chr - obama obama 0 2000 dem
chr - richardson richardson 0 1000 dem
chr - clinton clinton 0 1500 dem
chr - mccain mccain 0 1000 rep
chr - romney romney 0 1750 rep
chr - huckabee huckabee 0 1250 rep


<<include etc/colors_fonts_patterns.conf>>

# append to the colors block
rep = 211,121,111
dem = 85,143,190

22.1 片段切片


# slices.txt
obama 0 300     # Obama's 1st debate words
obama 301 750   #         2nd
obama 751 950   #         3rd
obama 951 1250  #         4th
obama 1251 1500 #         5th
obama 1501 2000 #         6th

这些切片在 ideogram 的顶部绘制为空心高亮,并带有白色的粗轮廓。

file  = slices.txt
type  = highlight
r0    = dims(ideogram,radius_inner)
r1    = dims(ideogram,radius_outer)
fill_color       = undef
stroke_color     = white
stroke_thickness = 5

22.2 指名道姓

当一位候选人在演讲中提到另一位候选人的名字时,我们会画一个 link

link 从辩论部分开始,其中提到了另一个候选人的名字,那么 link 的结束就是所述候选人片段的中心

# links.txt
# Obama mentions Clinton in his 1st debate
obama 150 150 clinton 750 750
# McCain mentions Clinton in his 3rd debate
mccain 875 875 clinton 750 750
# Huckabee mentions Clintin in his 2nd debate
huckabee 525 525 clinton 750 750

默认情况下,link 的颜色设置为 rep,即共和党红色

file      = links.txt
radius    = dims(ideogram,radius_inner)
bezier_radius = 0r
thickness = 5
color     = rep 

如果推荐候选人是民主党人,则会添加一条规则以将链接颜色更改为 dem

# set dem color if start is on a democrat
condition = var(chr1) =~ /obama|richardson|clinton/
color     = dem

22.3 关注候选人

要显示来自给定候选对象的 link,可以使用 from() 函数返回 link 起始段的名称

# only links from obama are shown (all others are hidden by setting show=no)
# the condition test is equivalent to
#   var(chr1) ne "obama"
condition = ! from(obama)  
show      = no

或者,要测试 link 结束段的标识,可以使用 to() 函数。

# only links to mccain are shown (all others are hidden by setting show=no)
# the condition test is equivalent to
#   var(chr2) ne "mccain"
condition = ! to(mccain)
show      = no

或者用 fromto() 测试 link 的两端

# only links from obama to mccain are shown (all others are hidden by setting show=no)
# the condition test is equivalent to
#   var(chr1) ne "obama" || var(chr2) ne "mccain"
condition = ! fromto(obama,mccain)
show      = no


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      本文标题:circos 学习手册(三十一)
