「 口译同传」三星2019系列新品纽约全球发布会

「 口译同传」三星2019系列新品纽约全球发布会

作者: 52e47f71698a | 来源:发表于2019-08-14 09:43 被阅读0次
    北京时间2019年8月8日凌晨,三星公司(Samsung)在美国纽约布鲁克林的巴克莱中心(the Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn)举行2019新品全球发布会,重点发布了 Galaxy Note 10 系列手机以及平板电脑、智能手表等产品。
    手机方面,这次的 Note 10 带来了两款机型——这也是Note 系列首次推出两款机型——尺寸的不同是最直观的,Note10 和 Note10+ 分别采用了 6.3 英寸和 6.8 英寸“超感官全视屏”。 除此之外,发布会上还正式发布了Galaxy Tab S6 平板电脑、Galaxy Book S 笔记本电脑、Galaxy Watch Active 2 智能腕表等产品。 8 月 12 日,DxOMark 发布了三星 Galaxy Note10+ 5G 的相机评测报告,公布了其相机评分成绩为 113 分,超越华为 P30 Pro 的 112 分总分,位居排行榜首位。其中,Note10+ 5G 版静态相片分数为 118 分(top2),动态视频分数为 101 分(top1),而前置摄像头分数为 99 分(top1)。
    Samsung Electronics Co. unveiled its latest flagship smartphone Wednesday, hoping extra variety with the new Galaxy Note 10 device attracts consumers who aren’t so likely anymore to want the same new thing.
    The debut in New York City, before a partisan crowd, followed a familiar script for a familiar-looking device. But the event prompts a question: How much magnetism is left with a top-of-the-line smartphone?
    Samsung’s newest premium handsets, once its dominant growth driver, now make up just one-quarter of the company’s total shipments, as affluent consumers see fewer reasons to upgrade. 
    Samsung, the world’s largest smartphone maker, launched the Galaxy Note 10 at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center. For the first time, the South Korean technology giant chose to offer two sizes of the phone, with screens measuring diagonally at 6.3 inches and 6.8 inches respectively. The phone is also equipped with new camera tricks. “The Galaxy Note 10 delivers the speed and productivity you need,” said D.J. Koh, Samsung’s mobile chief, at the event.

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