

作者: 唐三战神 | 来源:发表于2022-01-27 16:05 被阅读0次




Today, I read the article "naughty little monk". This article mainly talks about a trip. The little monk and his friend "Xiaofeng" found a very heavy old wood. They thought that maybe there was a treasure in the old wood, so they began to compete for vinegar. When they competed, it was not true. In this regard, they accidentally cut a big hole in the old wood. It turned out to be three pearls and a large piece of coal. So the little monk suggested, otherwise, my three pearls and the coal are yours. Silly little Feng agreed. So the little monk ran away with three pearls, and the honest little Maple took the coal to the market and cut it into small portions. He wanted to sell the coal to the public. Unexpectedly, the coal in the old wood was the most powerful jadeite. Four Jadeites in a nanometer were worth 40 million pearls. In this way, the honest little Maple became the richest man in the world, while the greedy little monk fell into the abyss of the world. Why did Xiao ever do this? Because the bosses wanted to buy his pearls, but after going back to inspect the goods, they found that the pearls were pirated, and Xiao Zhang had spent all their money on pearls. In this regard, Xiaozeng owed 400 million yuan.


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