今天又一次重温了经典爱情电影《诺丁山》有注意到一句台词,We're living in cloud-cuckoo-land.“我们脱离现实了”,我觉得十分有趣,想要分享给大家,在日常生活与写作中都可以用起来啦。
英文释义:to think that things that are completely impossible might happen, rather than understanding how things really are: (剑桥词典释义)
典故来源:Cloud Cuckoo Land 这个名字来自阿里斯托芬的喜剧The Birds,书中的人物Pisthetairos 和 Euelpides在 Tereus的帮助下,决定在云层间建造一个完美理想的城市, 正是取名为 Cloud-Cuckoo-Land。因此,live in cloud-cuckoo-land延申为“不切实际,虚无缥缈”。
I was living in cloud-cuckoo-land about my salary expectations. 我对我的工资有不切实际的预期。
We're living in cloud-cuckoo-land about geting such an enormous task done today.太脱离现实了,今天不可能完成这巨大的任务。