

作者: 筱秋_4176 | 来源:发表于2019-06-08 13:21 被阅读0次

    1,To assign, to give someone a task to do.分配,给某人一项任务。

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    2,His boss assigned him to increase sales by  fifty  percent.他的老板指派他把销售额增加百分之五十。

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    3,Her company assigned her to find out more about the competition.她的公司只派她去了解更多关于竞争的情况。

    测验:Her boss assigned her to do too many things at the same time,so she’s frustrated她的老板让她同时做太多事情,所以她很沮丧

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    4,To penalize, to fine or punish someone for doing something wrong.惩罚,因某人做错事而罚款或惩罚。

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    5,They were penalized for breaking the rules.他们因犯规而受到处罚。

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    6,You will be penalized if you are late.如果你迟到了,你将受到惩罚。

    测验:  They were all penalized so they had to work even harder to complete the project on time他们都受到了惩罚,所以他们不得不更加努力地按时完成项目

    7,To lay off, to fire or sack a worker because business is bad.裁员,因生意不好而解雇或解雇工人。

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    8,The company was failing, so he was laid off.公司倒闭了,所以他被解雇了。

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    9,Our company had to lay off 50% of our employees.我们公司不得不裁掉50%的员工。

    10,A company may have to lay off workers when business is bad.当生意不好时,公司可能不得不裁员。

    测验:She was laid off, not fired , so it should be easier for her to find a new job.她下岗了,不是被开除,所以她应该更容易找到一份新工作。

    11,To recruit, to look for new employees to hire.招聘,寻找新员工。

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    11,They are expanding their business, and recruiting new employees.他们正在扩大业务,招聘新员工。

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    13,She joined the company after she was recruited at a job fair.她在一次招聘会上被录用后加入了这家公司。

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    测验:She was recruited to work for a recruiting company , but now she's being laid off她被招聘到一家招聘公司工作,但现在她被解雇了。

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    14,To resign, to voluntarily quit one's job.辞职,自愿放弃工作。

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    15,His boss didn't like him, so he was asked to resign.他的老板不喜欢他,所以他被要求辞职。

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    16,She resigned from her job because of health reasons.她因健康原因辞职。

    测验:He didn't want to be transferred , so he decided to resign and work for a competitor. 他不想被调走,所以他决定辞职去为一个竞争对手工作

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    ①We knew we should be penalized, but the penalty was unfair, so we dropped out of the competition.我们知道我们应该受到惩罚,但是惩罚是不公平的,所以我们退出了比赛

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    ②He lost his job because his company had to lay off most of its employees.他失去了工作,因为他的公司不得不解雇大部分员工。

    ③ It's very dangerous,so I won't assign this project to you unless you are willing to take a risk.这是非常危险的,所以我不会把这个项目分配给你,除非你愿意承担风险

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    ④It isn’t easy for a small company to recruit experienced managers.一个小公司要招聘经验丰富的经理并不容易。

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    ⑤He wanted to resign, but he need to stay on for another year to complete the project.他想辞职,但他需要再呆一年才能完成这个项目。

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