

作者: 行走在路上的余獭獭 | 来源:发表于2017-11-19 10:47 被阅读0次

    I rose to go, but Holmes caught me by the arm and pushed me back into my chair." You hire either both of us, or none," he said. "You can trust this gentleman with anything which you may say to me."


    The Count shrugged his broad shoulders.


    broad adj. 宽阔的

    shrug one's shoulders 耸了耸肩

    "Then I'll begin," he said. "But first, you must both promise to keep what I tell you secret for two years. After two years, the matter will be of no importance. But right now, what I am about to tell you may change the course of European history."


    be about to 将要

    "I promise," said Holmes and I at the same time.


    "Please excuse this mask," continued the Count. "The person who employs me wishes me to be unknown to you. Also, the title by which I have just called myself is not exactly my own."


    excuse v. 介意

    employ v. 雇佣

    title n. 头衔

    "I already knew," said Holmes dryly.


    dryly adv. 冷冰冰地

    "We are dealing with something very sensitive. Every care has to be taken to get rid of what might grow into a big scandal that can seriously hurt one of the royal families of Europe. The matter is regarding the great House of Ormstein, the kings of Bohemia."


    deal with 处理

    get rid of 摆脱

    hurt v. 损坏

    regard v. 关系到

    "I knew that too," murmured Holmes. He fell back into his armchair and closed his eyes.


    murmur v. 喃喃说道

    Our visitor looked at Holmes with surprise. Holmes had no doubt been described to him as the most incisive and energetic private detective in Europe. Holmes slowly reopened his eyes and looked impatiently at his new client.


    describe v. 刻画

    incisive adj. 敏锐的

    energetic adj. 精力充沛的

    private detective 私人侦探

    impatiently adv. 不耐烦地

    client n. 委托人

    "If Your Majesty were to reveal himself, and be honest with me, I would be in a better position to help you," he said.


    Your Majesty 陛下

    be in a position to 处于...的位置

    The man sprang from his chair and walked up and down the room nervously. Then he tore the mask from his face and threw it on the floor.


    nervously adv. 紧张地

    tear v. 扯下来

    "You are right!" the man cried. "I am the King."


    "I know," said Holmes. "The moment you walked in the door I knew who you were. You are Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismon von Ormstein, Grand Duke of Cassel-Felstein, and hereditary King of Bohemia."


    duke n. 公爵

    hereditary adj. 世袭的

    "You understand that I am not used to doing such business myself," said our strange visitor. "Yet the matter was so delicate that I had to do it myself. I have come from Prague in secret to talk with you."


    delicate adj. 敏感的

    in secret 秘密地

    "Go ahead," said Holmes, shutting his eyes once more.


    shut v. 闭上

    "Five years ago, I took a long holiday in Warsaw. There, I came to know the well-known adventuress, Irene Adler. I believe you know the woman."


    adventuress n. 女探险家

    "Please look her up in my index, Watson," said Holmes without opening his eyes. I found her biography sandwiched in between that of a Hebrew rabbi and that of a commander who had written an essay on deep-sea creatures.


    index n. 索引

    biography n. 个人资料

    sandwich in 夹在...中间

    Hebrew adj. 犹太的

    rabbi n. 拉比(犹太人的学者)

    commander n. 参谋官

    essay n. 专题论文

    creature n. 生物



