On Writing Well CH16

On Writing Well CH16

作者: 夕夜Silence | 来源:发表于2017-11-14 23:41 被阅读0次

    I. Words and express

    1.Just as in science writing, anxiety is a big part of the problem and humanity and clear thinking are a big part of the solution.

    这一句的表述非常优美,a big part of 重复使用,problem 与 solution 分别对应,整个句子的结构十分精巧。

    2. Countless careers rise or fall on the ability or the inability of employees to state a set of facts, summarize a meeting or present an idea coherently.

    rise or fall 和 the ability or the inability 对应,简练地表明商业写作对职员的工作的影响

    3. Information can be imparted clearly and without pomposity.

    pomposity n.浮华;虚夸;炫耀;自负;浮华的言辞、虚夸的作风

    4. We don't want to go anywhere with a mind that expresses itself in such suffocating language.

    suffocating adj.令人窒息的,憋气的  (breathless, dyspneic)

    5. Dr. Fleishman was the first adult in my experience who admitted that youth has no momopoly on verbal sludge.

    sludge any thich messy substance

    synonymous: slime, muck, gook

    has no monopoly on  对……没有垄断地位

    6. I told them not to use the special vocabulary of education as a crutch, almost any subject can be made accessible in good English.

    crutch  anything that serves as an expedient

    can be made accessible in good English  在这里指任何素材都能够通过流畅的英文表达出来

    II. Summary

    Humanity and clear thinking are the solutions of writers anxiety in sicence writing. Even people work for an institution, that doesn't means they should use a cold and pomposity way in their writing. The style of writing is define who we are. So we should use "I" more often in our writing, because ourselves are the rich resource.

    Zinsser mentioned that, clarity, simplicity, brevity and humanity are also enssential in businiess writing. What's more, we should avoid use concepts nouns and long words instead of active verbs. The key we should remember is that the business writing is for readers, try to make it like a plain talk. We are writing to hunman being, so we should showing our personality.

    III. Thoughts





          本文标题:On Writing Well CH16
