Day104 Read to Your Bunny

Day104 Read to Your Bunny

作者: 芳芳香 | 来源:发表于2019-08-15 21:58 被阅读0次

铸就好习惯,为爱共阅读,8月打卡第14天。今天阅读Read to  Your  Bunny.


        ALL OF US love our children more than anything in the world. In their first years we feed them so they grow. We bring them to the doctor so they are healthy. We strap them in car seats so they are safe.

But the most important thing in the first years of life is the growth of the mind and spirit. This is when a child learns to love and trust, to speak and listen.

After a child turns two years old, these things are very difticult to learn or teach ever again. Trusting, singing, laughing, and language are the most important things in a young child's life.



      本文标题:Day104 Read to Your Bunny
