12期 11 -廖秋萍_Krissy
Read to your Bunny
_by Rosemary Wells
今天推荐的这本书《Read to your Bunny》,插画和文字作者是Rosemary Wells。暖暖的,读着很舒心。它没有要直接告诉你道理,却蕴涵着亲子共读的最真挚的意义。


最后Your Bunny will read to you 与最开始的Read to your Bunny相呼应。让人轻轻合上书后,仍被感动。

ALL OF US love our children more than anything
in the world.In their first years we feed them so they grow.We bring them to the doctor so they are healthy.
We strap them in car seats so they are safe.
But the most important thing in the first years of life isthe growth of the mind and spirit.This is when a child learns to love and trust,to speak and listen.
After a child turns two years old,these things are very difficult to learn or teach ever again.Trusting,singing, laughing,and language are the most important things in a young child's life.
And so they must come first for mothers and fathers,too.Because we can never have those years over again.
Every day,make a quiet,restful place for twenty minutes.Put your child in your lap and read a book aloud.In the pages of the book you will find a tiny vacation of privacy andintense love.It costs nothing but twenty minutes and a
library card.
Reading to your little one is just like putting gold coins inthe bank.It will pay you back tenfold.Your daughter will learn,and imagine,and be strong in herself.Your son will thrive,and give your love back forever.