Poor Charlie's Almanack(Talk 9 )

Poor Charlie's Almanack(Talk 9 )

作者: 思悟记录仪 | 来源:发表于2017-04-25 09:17 被阅读0次

    阅读内容: 《穷查理宝典》 Poor Charlie's Almanack---Talk Nine

    Academic Economics: Strengths and Faults after Considering Interdisciplinary Needs


    This talk was made by Charles T. Munger at the Herb Kay Undergraduate Lecture University of California, Santa Barbara Economics Departrnent on October 3, 2003.

    What Charlie laid forth on that occasion might be considered the Grand Unified Theory of the Munger approach. The talk incorporates the many ideas that Charlie discussed in his previous talks and presents them, checklist-style, as a coherent philosophy.

    "If you would persuade, appeal to interest and not to reason."


    1, my personal education history is interesting because its deficiencies and my peculiarities eventually created advantages. For some odd reason, I had an early and extreme multidisciplinary cast of mind.从小就有极强的跨学科的意识

    2, I also was born with a huge craving for synthesis. And when it didn't come easily, which was often, I would rag the problem, and then when I failed, I would put it aside, and I'd come back to it and rag it again。

    I have this tendency to want to rag the problems. 总喜欢琢磨一些问题

    3, I absorbed what I call the fundamental full attribution ethos of hard science.吸收到自然科学的完整的基础的本质思想Under this ethos, you've got to know all the big ideas in all the disciplines more fundamental than your own.受这种思想的影响,从而领略到比你所学领域更重要的所有学科的宏观理念

    the obvious strengths of academic economics学术经济学的明显优势:

    1, The first obvious strength, and this is true of a lot of places that get repute, is that it was in the right place at the right time. 它的出现是适时适地的

    2, Economics was always more multidisciplinary than the rest of soft science. It just reached out and grabbed things as it needed to.比其他社会科学横跨更多的学科

    3, economics attracted the best brains in soft science.

    economics early on attracted some of the best writers of language in the history of the Earth. So economics started with some very great men and great writers.经济学吸引了社会学科的杰出人才

    a few things that are wrong with academic economics.学术经济学的错误之处:

    1) Fatal Unconnectedness, Leading to Man-with-a-Hammer Syndrome, Often Causing Overweighing What Can Be Counted 致命的自闭


    You don't have just a hammer. You've got all the tools. And you've got to have one more trick. You've got to use those tools checklist-style because you'll miss a lot if you just hope that the right tool is going ro pop up unaided whenever you need it. But if you've got a full list of tools and go through them in your mind, checklist-style, you will find a lot of answers rhat you won't find any other way.

    2) Failure to Follow the Fundamental Full-Attribution Ethos of Hard Science 没有采用硬科学基本的“全归因”治学法


    3) Physics Envy 物理学嫉妒


    So, economics should emulate physics' basic ethos, but its search for precision in physics- like formulas is almost always wrong in economics.

    4) Too Much Emphasis on Macroeconomics 太过强调宏观经济学



    Anyway, I recommend that sort of mental puzzle solving ro all of you, flipping one's thinking both backward and forward. And I recommend that academic economics get better at very small-scale microeconomics as demonstrated here.

    5) Too Little Synthesis in Economics 经济学的综合太少


    6) Extreme and Counterproductive Psychological Ignorance 对心理学极度无知及其在经济学中造成负面影响


    you have got to keep grinding out of your system as much removable ignorance as you can remove.

    7) Too Little Attention to Second- and Higher-Order Effects 对二级或更高级别的效应关注太少。


    8) Not Enough Attention to the Concept of Febezzlement 对“捞灰金”的概念关注太少。(这点在Talk 7提到过)


    9) Not Enough Attention ro Virtue and Vice Effects 对美德效应和恶行效应不够重视----因为美德和恶行无法用大量的数据、图标来表示。

    在经济生活中产生了巨大的美德效应的例子:复式簿记法和收款机。查理认为:economic systems work better when there's an extreme reliability ethos. 极端的诚信精神能让经济体系运转得更好。


    10) 对嵌入式庞氏骗局的效应不够重视。


    1, What I've urged is the use of a bigger multidisciplinary bag of tricks, mastered to fluency, to help economics and everything else.

    2, And I also urged that people not be discouraged by irremovable complexity and paradox. It just adds more fun to the problems.

    3, If you skillfully follow the multidisciplinary path, you will never wish to come back.



          本文标题:Poor Charlie's Almanack(Talk 9 )
