Ch3 忍把浮名 换了浅斟低唱

Ch3 忍把浮名 换了浅斟低唱

作者: 谈悦tanner | 来源:发表于2018-01-20 22:20 被阅读0次



 1. What does "entitlement" mean?Can you give an example to explain it?

"entitlement"means special treatment. For example , when you were born in a poor family,you treated it as a diaster and it was natural for people around you to be kind to you because of your poverty. Also , if you succeeded in the bussiness area while others didn't , others ought to praise and respect you instead of envying you or even speaking ill of you.

2. What's the point of telling Jammy's story?

  Jammy is a typical example of deluding himself into entitlement,thus helping the author demonstrate the social phenomenon that people become fixated on the self-esteem.

3. Do you think you are special?What's wrong with feeling you are special ?

  I do feel that I am special.However,we are not since our problems are actually not privileged,which others have had in the past,have now and are going to have in the future.

4.If you are not special,how can we achieve greatness?

Health itself,both physical and emotional,stands for greatness,which comes from accepting the bland and mundane truths of life.Ordinary things,though boring,actually matter.


People like Jimmy become so fixated on feeling good about themselves that they manage to delude themselves into believing that they are accomplishing great things even when they are not.

Jimmy,the delusional start-up founder.

He had a delusional level of self-confidence.


delude sb/sth into doing =deceive sb/sth into doing=deceive sb about sth=trick sb into doing

delusion n. He is under the delusion that i am going to cheat him.      

                   delusions of grandeur.妄自尊大

delusive adj.令人产生错觉的。 Hope is delusive.

delusional adj.妄想的 a delusional man divorced from reality.

Something about recent technology seems to allow our insecurities to run amok like never before.

run amok.狂奔乱杀 胡作非为.

For four days now , mobs have run amok in multiple areas across this city,looting,brawling,and terrorizing people.

tyranny of exceptionlism

tyranny n. 通常的意思为暴政 苛政 the fight against tyranny/tyranny of the majority


但如果深究tyranny的意思,有“限制”的意思:something that limits your freedom to do sth.

也恰好有tyranny of sth的搭配,放入这个题目里更为贴切。


I gave the title"忍把浮名,换了浅斟低唱"since i hold this title fits into the theme quite properly.I'm fascinated with the last part of chapter3 that reflects the true meaning of life lies in how you treat the ordinary things,in that this is the state i am pursuing for a long time.It is certain that people today live a fast pace life,overwhelmed by pressures from every corner of life and work. Zhang Ailing's quotation "出名要趁早" not only reveals that you ought to achive something but also you're expected to stand out as early as possible.But if we reflect on this sentence from this chapter's angle,is it so necessary that everyone,though simple and average,forces us to become famous?Not to mention making it at an early age.Well,I was taught to have a appreciation for life by a singer called Lijian. He was not in a hurry to be extraordinary.Instead,he praised blue sky,cute flowers,peaceful dawn and beautiful life.Also,he never gave up struggling to enrich himself and render himself stronger.As a result,he gained reputation accidentally,or to some extent,inevitably.So what I recommend everyone to do is keeping everything natural,"accepting the bland and mundane truths of life,and enjoying the feeling of "行到水穷处,坐看云起时".


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      本文标题:Ch3 忍把浮名 换了浅斟低唱
