Dear Evan,
I apologize for not responding sooner, but I have been thinking about your questions and discussing your dilemma with my wife.
I have a difficult time offering advice, but can speak from my own experience and that of my sons.
When I finished my undergraduate degree in Art, I had to choose where to apply to graduate school. My number #1 choice was in New York. My wife already had graduated and had a job and we had purchased a small home in Utah. We had a baby boy, and New York would require us to sell our home, my wife give up her job, and all of us move across the USA to New York state. BYU where I had already graduated, offered me a full scholarship for my Masters degree. I chose the easy route; we stayed in Utah and I earned my graduate degree from the same University. For me, this turned out to be a mistake. I should have taken the risk and made the difficult decision to move. The reward would have been greater. In Art, a degree from the more prestigious university would have advanced my career more. For me, the short term challenges would have offset by the long term rewards. But this is only MY story.
My youngest son currently has a similar decision. He has earned his Doctorate degree in BioMedical Engineering and has begun a 3 year post-doc program at the same university. He received a prestigious 3 year research grant from the National Institute of Health to fund his studies. BUT he also has an opportunity to move to a more prestigious National Government Lab for a different area of post-doc study. But in entails moving to another area of the country with his wife and baby. What does he do? What is the risk/reward for each position? My counsel to him was to evaluate the risk/reward for each position and decidewhich would most benefit his
career in 5/10/20 years.I want him to take the risk, get out of his comfort zone, and accept the challenge. But it is his decision in the next month to make.
Make a list.
Write down the pros and cons of each side.
Stay at PKU Apply to study abroad
Risks Rewards Risks Rewards
Be honest and compile a detailed list on each side of the challenges and difficulties versus the positive outcomes.
What will be the greatest benefit to you in 5/10/20 years?
It seems to me that you can be successful in either scenario.
PKU is an outstanding university with little downside in staying for an advanced degree.
But PKU also is a gateway to the challenges of applying and studying abroad.
Please understand that all of this is only MY opinion. I am not qualified to offer career advice to anyone.
You must make the decision for yourself. And then don't look back. Go full speed ahead with 100% effort and commitment.
My wife and I are excited to return to Beijing in early September for Fall Semester. Please stop by during office hours and let me know what you decide.
Best wishes,
Professor Lee Dillon