

作者: 健康妈 | 来源:发表于2023-01-02 08:47 被阅读0次

(1)January        n.    一月

(2)February      n.    二月

(3) March        n.    三月

(4) April    n.    四月

(5) May            n.    五月

(6)  June  n.  六月

(7) July    n.  七月

(8)  August          n.  八月

(9) September    n. 九月

(10) October          n. 十月

(11) November    n.  十一月

(12) December        n.    十二月

(13) spring      n.  春天

(14) summer    n.  夏天

There are four seasons in a year. Spring is the first season. In China , springtime begins around March. It is still a little cold, but it gets warmer and warmer , and the days get longer and longer.

What is spring like? Spring is the green season. The trees have new green leaves. There are a lot of flowers on apple trees, pear trees and peach trees . Some animals wake up from their long sleep. Birds sing to welcome the spring.

What do people do in spring?  Farmers are busy. They farm the land. People  go on outings. Children fly kites. Everyone enjoys the spring.

Summer is the  second and the hottest season of the year. In China  summer begins around June. The weather is very hot and there's often a lot of rain . Sometimes there is heavy rain.

In summer , schools close and students have their holidays. Some of them go on trips with their parents, some  go camping with their  teachers, and some have  summer classes. They all enjoy the summer holidays.


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