为了方便Seurat (Signac使用)和CellDataSet (Cicero使用)格式之间的转换,我们将使用GitHub上提供的SeuratWrappers 包中的一个转换函数 。
我们使用的单细胞ATAC-seq数据包含人类CD34+造血干细胞和祖细胞,这个数据发表在Satpathy and Granja et al. (2019, Nature Biotechnology)上。
处理好的dataset可以在NCBI GEO下载: 这里
> library(Signac)
> library(Seurat)
> library(SeuratWrappers)
> library(monocle3)
> library(Matrix)
> library(ggplot2)
> library(patchwork)
> set.seed(1234)
> peaks <- read.table(paste0("./GSE129785_scATAC-Hematopoiesis-CD34.peaks.txt"), header = TRUE)
> cells <- read.table(paste0( "./GSE129785_scATAC-Hematopoiesis-CD34.cell_barcodes.txt"), header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
> head(peaks)
1 chr1_10238_10738
2 chr1_115476_115976
3 chr1_236856_237356
4 chr1_237511_238011
5 chr1_240801_241301
6 chr1_250084_250584
> head(cells)
UMAP1 UMAP2 Clusters Group depth FRIP Barcodes Internal_Name Group_Barcode
1 -2.419656 7.603472 Cluster6 Bone_Marrow_Rep1 29301 0.3471895 CAAGAAAGTCAAGACG-1 SUHealthy_BM_B1_50 Bone_Marrow_Rep1
2 -7.153399 -5.512960 Cluster11 Bone_Marrow_Rep1 29608 0.4491860 AAAGGGCAGTACCCAT-1 SUHealthy_BM_B1_52 Bone_Marrow_Rep1
3 -8.475636 -5.377475 Cluster9 Bone_Marrow_Rep1 16810 0.4986318 CACAACATCGTGGGTC-1 SUHealthy_BM_B1_53 Bone_Marrow_Rep1
4 -6.706686 12.041433 Cluster2 Bone_Marrow_Rep1 47369 0.3847031 TTACCCGTCTGATCCC-1 SUHealthy_BM_B1_55 Bone_Marrow_Rep1
5 -7.591989 -3.001234 Cluster9 Bone_Marrow_Rep1 23342 0.4957159 CTTTGCGGTACGGTTT-1 SUHealthy_BM_B1_56 Bone_Marrow_Rep1
6 -6.898403 11.516414 Cluster2 Bone_Marrow_Rep1 78378 0.4175853 GGTTGCGCAGGGAGTT-1 SUHealthy_BM_B1_57 Bone_Marrow_Rep1
> rownames(cells) <- make.unique(cells$Barcodes)
> head(cells)
UMAP1 UMAP2 Clusters Group depth FRIP Barcodes Internal_Name
CAAGAAAGTCAAGACG-1 -2.419656 7.603472 Cluster6 Bone_Marrow_Rep1 29301 0.3471895 CAAGAAAGTCAAGACG-1 SUHealthy_BM_B1_50
AAAGGGCAGTACCCAT-1 -7.153399 -5.512960 Cluster11 Bone_Marrow_Rep1 29608 0.4491860 AAAGGGCAGTACCCAT-1 SUHealthy_BM_B1_52
CACAACATCGTGGGTC-1 -8.475636 -5.377475 Cluster9 Bone_Marrow_Rep1 16810 0.4986318 CACAACATCGTGGGTC-1 SUHealthy_BM_B1_53
TTACCCGTCTGATCCC-1 -6.706686 12.041433 Cluster2 Bone_Marrow_Rep1 47369 0.3847031 TTACCCGTCTGATCCC-1 SUHealthy_BM_B1_55
CTTTGCGGTACGGTTT-1 -7.591989 -3.001234 Cluster9 Bone_Marrow_Rep1 23342 0.4957159 CTTTGCGGTACGGTTT-1 SUHealthy_BM_B1_56
GGTTGCGCAGGGAGTT-1 -6.898403 11.516414 Cluster2 Bone_Marrow_Rep1 78378 0.4175853 GGTTGCGCAGGGAGTT-1 SUHealthy_BM_B1_57
> mtx <- readMM(file = paste0("./GSE129785_scATAC-Hematopoiesis-CD34.mtx.gz"))
> mtx <- as(object = mtx, Class = "dgCMatrix")
> colnames(mtx) <- rownames(cells)
> rownames(mtx) <- peaks$Feature
> bone_assay <- CreateChromatinAssay(
counts = mtx,
min.cells = 5,
fragments = "./GSM3722029_CD34_Progenitors_Rep1_fragments.tsv.gz",
sep = c("_", "_"),
genome = "hg19"
Computing hash
Checking for 18489 cell barcodes
> bone <- CreateSeuratObject(
counts = bone_assay,
meta.data = cells,
assay = "ATAC"
# 这个dataset包含多种细胞类型
# 我们可以只保留Group_barcode里是CD34_Progenitors_Rep1的数据
> bone <- bone[, bone$Group_Barcode == "CD34_Progenitors_Rep1"]
# 添加细胞类型注释(来自文献)
> cluster_names <- c("HSC", "MEP", "CMP-BMP", "LMPP", "CLP", "Pro-B", "Pre-B", "GMP",
"MDP", "pDC", "cDC", "Monocyte-1", "Monocyte-2", "Naive-B", "Memory-B",
"Plasma-cell", "Basophil", "Immature-NK", "Mature-NK1", "Mature-NK2", "Naive-CD4-T1",
"Naive-CD4-T2", "Naive-Treg", "Memory-CD4-T", "Treg", "Naive-CD8-T1", "Naive-CD8-T2",
"Naive-CD8-T3", "Central-memory-CD8-T", "Effector-memory-CD8-T", "Gamma delta T")
> num.labels <- length(cluster_names)
> num.labels
[1] 31
> names(cluster_names) <- paste0(rep("Cluster",num.labels),seq(num.labels))
> cluster_names #这样每一个细胞类型都有一个cluster编号
Cluster1 Cluster2 Cluster3
Cluster4 Cluster5 Cluster6
"LMPP" "CLP" "Pro-B"
Cluster7 Cluster8 Cluster9
"Pre-B" "GMP" "MDP"
Cluster10 Cluster11 Cluster12
"pDC" "cDC" "Monocyte-1"
Cluster13 Cluster14 Cluster15
"Monocyte-2" "Naive-B" "Memory-B"
Cluster16 Cluster17 Cluster18
"Plasma-cell" "Basophil" "Immature-NK"
Cluster19 Cluster20 Cluster21
"Mature-NK1" "Mature-NK2" "Naive-CD4-T1"
Cluster22 Cluster23 Cluster24
"Naive-CD4-T2" "Naive-Treg" "Memory-CD4-T"
Cluster25 Cluster26 Cluster27
"Treg" "Naive-CD8-T1" "Naive-CD8-T2"
Cluster28 Cluster29 Cluster30
"Naive-CD8-T3" "Central-memory-CD8-T" "Effector-memory-CD8-T"
"Gamma delta T"
> bone$celltype <- cluster_names[as.character(bone$Clusters)]
> bone[["ATAC"]]
ChromatinAssay data with 570154 features for 9913 cells
Variable features: 0
Genome: hg19
Annotation present: FALSE
Motifs present: FALSE
Fragment files: 1
#add gene annotations for the hg19 genome to the object
> library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75)
# extract gene annotations from EnsDb
> annotations <- GetGRangesFromEnsDb(ensdb = EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75)
# change to UCSC style since the data was mapped to hg19
> seqlevelsStyle(annotations) <- 'UCSC'
> genome(annotations) <- "hg19"
# add the gene information to the object
> Annotation(bone) <- annotations
> bone <- TSSEnrichment(bone)
Extracting TSS positions
Extracting fragments at TSSs
|========================================================================| 100%
Computing TSS enrichment score
> bone <- NucleosomeSignal(bone)
Found 18489 cell barcodes
Done Processing 99 million lines
> bone$blacklist_fraction <- FractionCountsInRegion(bone, regions = blacklist_hg19)
> VlnPlot(
object = bone,
features = c("nCount_ATAC", "TSS.enrichment", "nucleosome_signal", "blacklist_fraction"),
pt.size = 0.1,
ncol = 4
> bone <- bone[, (bone$nCount_ATAC < 50000) &
(bone$TSS.enrichment > 2) &
(bone$nucleosome_signal < 5)]
> bone <- FindTopFeatures(bone, min.cells = 10)
> bone <- RunTFIDF(bone)
Performing TF-IDF normalization
Warning message:
In RunTFIDF.default(object = GetAssayData(object = object, slot = "counts"), :
Some features contain 0 total counts
> bone <- RunSVD(bone, n = 100)
Running SVD
Scaling cell embeddings
> DepthCor(bone)
> bone <- RunUMAP(
reduction = "lsi",
dims = 2:100,
reduction.name = "UMAP"
Warning: The default method for RunUMAP has changed from calling Python UMAP via reticulate to the R-native UWOT using the cosine metric
To use Python UMAP via reticulate, set umap.method to 'umap-learn' and metric to 'correlation'
This message will be shown once per session
12:25:45 UMAP embedding parameters a = 0.9922 b = 1.112
12:25:46 Read 9765 rows and found 99 numeric columns
12:25:46 Using Annoy for neighbor search, n_neighbors = 30
12:25:46 Building Annoy index with metric = cosine, n_trees = 50
12:25:57 Writing NN index file to temp file
12:25:57 Searching Annoy index using 1 thread, search_k = 3000
12:26:01 Annoy recall = 100%
12:26:14 Commencing smooth kNN distance calibration using 1 thread
12:26:20 Initializing from normalized Laplacian + noise
12:26:21 Commencing optimization for 500 epochs, with 461970 positive edges
12:27:00 Optimization finished
> bone <- FindNeighbors(bone, dims = 2:100, reduction = "lsi")
Computing nearest neighbor graph
Computing SNN
> bone <- FindClusters(bone, resolution = 0.8, algorithm = 3)
Modularity Optimizer version 1.3.0 by Ludo Waltman and Nees Jan van Eck
Number of nodes: 9765
Number of edges: 633636
Running smart local moving algorithm...
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
Maximum modularity in 10 random starts: 0.8206
Number of communities: 61
Elapsed time: 11 seconds
45 singletons identified. 16 final clusters.
> DimPlot(bone, label = TRUE) + NoLegend()
根据文献,给每一个cluster分配most common cell type:
> for(i in levels(bone)) {
cells_to_reid <- WhichCells(bone, idents = i)
newid <- names(sort(table(bone$celltype[cells_to_reid]),decreasing=TRUE))[1]
Idents(bone, cells = cells_to_reid) <- newid
> bone$assigned_celltype <- Idents(bone)
> DimPlot(bone, label = TRUE)
> DefaultAssay(bone) <- "ATAC"
> erythroid <- bone[, bone$assigned_celltype %in% c("HSC", "MEP", "CMP-BMP")]
> lymphoid <- bone[, bone$assigned_celltype %in% c("HSC", "LMPP", "GMP", "CLP", "Pro-B", "pDC", "MDP", "GMP")]
> erythroid.cds <- as.cell_data_set(erythroid)
> erythroid.cds <- cluster_cells(cds = erythroid.cds, reduction_method = "UMAP")
> erythroid.cds <- learn_graph(erythroid.cds, use_partition = TRUE)
|==================================================================| 100%
> lymphoid.cds <- as.cell_data_set(lymphoid)
> lymphoid.cds <- cluster_cells(cds = lymphoid.cds, reduction_method = "UMAP")
> lymphoid.cds <- learn_graph(lymphoid.cds, use_partition = TRUE)
|==================================================================| 100%
为了计算每个轨迹的伪时间,我们需要决定每个轨迹的起点是什么。在我们的例子中,我们知道造血干细胞是轨迹中其他类型细胞的祖细胞,所以我们可以把这些细胞设为轨迹的根(root)。Monocle 3包括一个交互功能,在图中选择细胞作为根节点。调用order_cells()
但不指定root_cells参数,将启动此函数自动寻找根节点。在这里,我们预先选择了一些细胞作为root,并将它们保存到一个文件中,以便重现结果。这个文件可以在 这里下载。
# load the pre-selected HSCs
> hsc <- readLines("./hsc_cells.txt")
# order cells
> erythroid.cds <- order_cells(erythroid.cds, reduction_method = "UMAP", root_cells = hsc)
> lymphoid.cds <- order_cells(lymphoid.cds, reduction_method = "UMAP", root_cells = hsc)
# plot trajectories colored by pseudotime
> plot_cells(
cds = erythroid.cds,
color_cells_by = "pseudotime",
show_trajectory_graph = TRUE
> plot_cells(
cds = lymphoid.cds,
color_cells_by = "pseudotime",
show_trajectory_graph = TRUE
> bone <- AddMetaData(
object = bone,
metadata = erythroid.cds@principal_graph_aux@listData$UMAP$pseudotime,
col.name = "Erythroid"
> bone <- AddMetaData(
object = bone,
metadata = lymphoid.cds@principal_graph_aux@listData$UMAP$pseudotime,
col.name = "Lymphoid"
> FeaturePlot(bone, c("Erythroid", "Lymphoid"), pt.size = 0.1) & scale_color_viridis_c()