Day 4

作者: YAN_tdlorang | 来源:发表于2019-08-17 23:59 被阅读0次

    Day 4
    ALAN: I thought you’d love重 the neighborhood.
    LIA: Yeah, that was the upside. The neighborhood is away from the city, so the yard was beautiful. But here’s the downside: there wasn’t a subway anywhere near the place! It would take forever to get to work.

    weight their option
    pros and cons 优点和缺点
    lease agreement 租赁协议/合同
    handy 有用的;便利的
    relocating 重新安置;迁移
    fine print 小字(契约中)难懂的条文;极小的字体
    [网络] 细则;小号字体;给玩家们精美印刷
    landlord n. 房东,老板;地主
    [网络] 房东;土地主
    advanced notice 预先通知
    security deposit 押金
    which is usually equivalent to one month's rent.
    hookup fee 网络连接费?
    utility company 公共公司
    you are out of luck 不走运
    you are off hook 你脱离了困境
    mortgage 抵押贷款额
    chunk of change
    down payment (分期付款中的)头期款;预付定金
    [网络] 首期;定金;头期款;首付
    [专业] 定金 [法学]
    closing costs 成交成本;借款手续费;房地产买卖手续费
    [网络] 手续费;户费用;结算成本
    realtor fee 房地产经纪人的费用/中介费?
    lot =property
    property line 建筑红线;界址线
    Founding father 开国元勋;创建人
    in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.
    trash collection and recreation 垃圾处理和娱乐设施
    that was the upside
    here's the downside
    take forever: take a ​long time
    appliances 器械;装置
    zap nuke
    what's that old proverb?怎么说来着

    1. Know, both, sure, eat,
    2. Ate and drink a little too much
    3. Snacks 把k漏掉
    4. Wanted t 不读
    5. In,on, of
    6. Busy, baby,burger Dd
    7. What did you think about the apartment you looked at this morning (think about/looked at比你想象的长)
    8. You could always buy an secondhand (adv重音在后second,听原音)
    9. 这是我的兼职:Part-time it’s my part0time job. I work part-time(做副词)I work full-time.
    10. Provel
    11. Upside and downside 优点和缺点
    12. Appliances 家电
    13. There wasn’t a subway anywhere near the place.
    14. 还差的远呢 it is not anywhere/ no where near native speaker
    15. Take forever
    16. it could take forever to get。。。Documents 黄花菜都凉了
    17. Bill
    18. I didn’t think you’d need a timer to reminder yourself about bills ( think need timer reminder bills)
    19. Just the usual. Junk mails, and bills, bills, bills
    20. Uh-oh oh-yeah what’s up? What’s it with you? What’s wrong? What’s the matter?
    21. 我担心死你啦
    22. I worry about you lot. I am worry the sick about you
    23. Timer 计时器
    24. Timing 正是时候
    25. Good timing perfect timing
    26. Time 动词 计时
      Just in time 及时
      地道 idiomatic expression ausentic
      Win the down the house
      On the house 免单
      Drive someone up war 疯

    Debit card
    checking account 经常、
    saving account
    credit car 信用卡 (返现cashback)
    刚去办不了,credit rating
    Get cashback from purchase (在英国,进入任何一间超市,买东西付钱的时候,很多时候,收银员会问你是否需要‘cashback’(买东西时是否想顺便提取点现金——一般有金额限制)
    Do you need cashback? if you want 'any cashback with that?
    Bank account 开户 pay the electric bill (the j electric 连读)
    It is easy to get cash if i want some (if i)
    Was it easy to open an account?
    Hassle 麻烦
    Free hassle
    Hassle free dresser shop 没人推荐
    Required documents
    Don’t get carried away 别得意忘形;别激动;嘚瑟;真的要上天了;给你能的;办个银行卡,就要上天啦

    Down to earth put your food on the ground
    Hectic nightmare hassle trouble

    But I am glad my paycheck isn’t big bills
    Deposite 押金
    5 K
    No kidding you’re not kidding 讲真
    I see what you come from/what you are saying
    Due payroll工资结算日
    Get paid
    I am working in 5 people company
    We have 5 people on the payroll
    a dime a dozen 不值钱



          本文标题:Day 4
