2020-11-07信心的角力(哈巴谷书 1:1-2:1)The

2020-11-07信心的角力(哈巴谷书 1:1-2:1)The

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2020-11-08 14:01 被阅读0次
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Jon Nowlin 乔恩.诺林
Habakkuk 1:1-2:1 哈巴谷书 1:1-2:1
Hab 1:1 The oracle that Habakkuk the prophet saw. 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not hear? Or cry to you “Violence!” and you will not save? 3 Why do you make me see iniquity, and why do you idly look at wrong? Destruction and violence are before me; strife and contention arise. 4 So the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; so justice goes forth perverted. 5 “Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told. 6 For behold, I am raising up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, who march through the breadth of the earth, to seize dwellings not their own. 7 They are dreaded and fearsome; their justice and dignity go forth from themselves. 8 Their horses are swifter than leopards, more fierce than the evening wolves; their horsemen press proudly on. Their horsemen come from afar; they fly like an eagle swift to devour. 9 They all come for violence, all their faces forward. They gather captives like sand. 10 At kings they scoff, and at rulers they laugh. They laugh at every fortress, for they pile up earth and take it. 11 Then they sweep by like the wind and go on, guilty men, whose own might is their god!” 12 Are you not from everlasting, O LORD my God, my Holy One? We shall not die. O LORD, you have ordained them as a judgment, and you, O Rock, have established them for reproof. 13 You who are of purer eyes than to see evil and cannot look at wrong, why do you idly look at traitors and remain silent when the wicked swallows up the man more righteous than he? 14 You make mankind like the fish of the sea, like crawling things that have no ruler. 15 He brings all of them up with a hook; he drags them out with his net; he gathers them in his dragnet; so he rejoices and is glad. 16 Therefore he sacrifices to his net and makes offerings to his dragnet; for by them he lives in luxury, and his food is rich. 17 Is he then to keep on emptying his net and mercilessly killing nations forever? 2:1 I will take my stand at my watchpost and station myself on the tower, and look out to see what he will say to me, and what I will answer concerning my complaint. 1:1 哈巴谷先知所得的默示。2 耶和华啊! 我恳求,你不垂听, 要到几时呢? 我向你呼叫“有狂暴的事” ,你却不拯救。 3 你为甚么使我看见恶行? 有奸恶的事,你为甚么见而不理? 毁灭和强暴在我面前, 纷争和相斗常常发生。4 因此律法不能生效(“律法不能生效” 原文作“律法松懈”),公理无法彰显。 因为恶人把义人包围,所以公理颠倒。 5 你们当看列国,要定睛观看,就会大大惊奇,因为在你们的日子,我要作一件事, 即使有人说了出来,你们也不会相信。6 就是要兴起迦勒底人,那残忍凶暴的民;他们遍行全地,占领别人的家园。7 他们恐怖可怕,自以为义,趾高气扬。8 他们的马比豹更快,比晚上的豺狼更猛。他们的骑兵奔驰,自远而来; 他们如鹰飞翔,迅速吞噬。9 他们定着脸面向前,齐来行暴,掳获战俘多如尘沙。10 他们戏弄君王,以掌权的为笑柄;他们嗤笑一切城堡,筑垒攻取;11 然后扫荡如风吹过。他们是有罪的,因他们以自己的势力为神。12 耶和华我的 神,我的圣者啊! 你不是自古就有的吗? 我们不会死的。 耶和华啊! 你派他们行审判。 磐石啊! 你立他们施惩罚。13 你的眼目纯洁,不看邪恶,不能坐视奸恶; 为甚么见行诡诈的人而不理? 恶人吞灭比自己公义的人,你为甚么缄默呢?14 你竟使人像海里的鱼,像无人管辖的爬行的动物。15 迦勒底人既用钩把他们钓起来,用网拖走,用鱼网收聚在一处,就欢喜快乐,16 向自己的网献祭,对鱼网烧香,因他们藉此收获丰富,饮食充裕。17 这样,他们倒空自己的网,毫不留情地继续杀戮列国。2:1 我要站在哨岗,立在城楼,留心看耶和华在我里面说甚么, 怎样使我答覆自己的怨诉。
I. Opening to the Book: God’s Gift to Us in These Times: Habakkuk 一、开篇:神在这个时代给我们的礼物——哈巴谷书
A. What Is Weighty in These Days? As one of the leaders on this campus who loves you let me ask you a few questions - in these weighty days where has your heart been burdened? Where have your eyes been looking for answers and clarity? Where have you cried out to God for help seeking to fix his attention on things that are not right? In what, are you hoping? How is the condition of your faith? A.这年头什么是沉重的?作为这个堂区爱你们的领导之一,请允许我问大家几个问题—在这些沉重的日子里,你的心在哪里有过负担?你的眼睛一直在哪里寻找答案和明确性?你曾在哪里向神呼求帮助,祈求祂看看那些不公不义的事情?你的盼望在哪里?你的信仰状况如何?
B. Walking with Habakkuk: We can learn so much from others that have walked hard journeys before us - especially when they are recorded for us in God’s powerful word which does surgery on our thoughts and hearts. B.与哈巴谷同行:我们可以从那些在我们之前走过艰难旅程的人身上学到很多东西—特别是当它们被记录在神的大能话语中,为我们的思想和心灵做手术。
In God’s perfect timing - our plan is to spend the next three weeks, God willing, walking alongside a man, wrestling with his faith, looking through his eyes to see great injustice in his land, hearing his concerns and the things he can’t come to terms with in light of God’s Sovereign Holiness and what he sees around him. We will travel back in history to walk with the prophet Habakkuk on his journey and gain greater clarity on its central theme: “The righteous will live by faith.” 在神完美的时间安排里—我们的计划是,在接下来的三周里,若神愿意,我们将与一个人同行,与他的信心一同搏斗,透过他的眼睛看到他的土地上巨大的不公,听到他的担忧和他无法接受的事情,同时看着神的至高无上的圣洁和他周围所看到的一切。我们将穿越历史,与先知哈巴谷一起走过他的旅程,并更加明确其中心主题:“义人将因信而活”。
This book is unlike any of the smaller in size (Minor Prophets). It is not a word from God directed to a specific group of people. It is rather a back and forth conversation between the prophet and the LORD. It is almost as if we are given a printed copy of Habakkuk’s prayer journal and are able to read the most stunning conversations between the prophet and the LORD’s responses. 这本书不像任何一本规模较小的(小先知)。这不是神针对特定人群的话语。而是先知与耶和华之间一来一往的对话。我们仿佛得到了一份印刷版的哈巴谷祈祷日记,能够读到先知与耶和华的之间最惊人的对话。
C. Outline of Our Sermon & 3 Week Study of Habakkuk: Today we will seek to understand the historical realities in the day that Habakkuk lived so that we can understand Habakkuk’s first and second complaint and the LORD’s staggering response. That will take us through what was just read for you. Pastor Brian Liechty plans to open up the LORD’s second and extended response for us next week moving through chapter 2. Then Dr. Andy Naselli - one of our Elders - will exposit Habakkuk’s closing prayer. C.我们的讲道大纲和三周学习哈巴谷书的计划:今天我们要设法了解哈巴谷生活的那个时代的历史现实,以便我们能够理解哈巴谷的第一次和第二次申诉,以及耶和华的惊人回应。那我们就来看看刚才为大家朗读的内容。布莱恩·里奇牧师计划在下周为我们讲解第二章中耶和华的第二个和延伸的回应。然后,安迪·纳塞利博士—我们的一位长老—将讲解哈巴谷的结束祷告。
This is not a light book. These are weighty words spoken in the midst of Habakkuk’s weighty days, which offer great help for our weighty time. We will not walk away with everything tied up in a nice bow. All of our questions will not be answered but we will, LORD willing, be able to seek mercy from our God to help us in our wrestling of faith. 这不是一本轻飘飘的书。这些都是在哈巴谷的负重日子里所说的沉重的话,为我们沉重的时代带来了极大的帮助。我们不可能把什么事情都完成得漂漂亮亮的。不是所有的问题都会有答案,但是若耶和华愿意,我们能够从我们的神那里寻求怜悯,帮助我们进行信心的角力。
D. Historical Setting Understanding the place in Israel's history is very important to understanding this book. When we read the Bible we must first ask - what did it mean to them. Only then can we rightly ask, what does it mean to us. D.历史背景了解作者在以色列历史上处于什么位置,对理解这本书非常重要。当我们读圣经时,我们必须先问—圣经对当时的读者意味着什么。只有这样,我们才能正确地问,它对我们意味着什么。
• Scholars Habakkuk is not explicit about its date. However based on clues Scholars believe it should be dated in a three year window between 608 and 605 BC (prior to Christ’s coming). 学者们的意见哈巴谷书没有明确的年代日期。然而根据线索,学者们认为它的年代应该是在公元前(即基督降临之前)608年到605年这三年之间。
• God’s chosen people - the descendants of Abraham - were a nation living in the Promised Land. They began as a united kingdom under three kings Saul, David and Solomon and became a divided people under Solomon’s son Rehoboam. One tribe Judah stayed with the kings in the line of David and the rest split off and became Israel. •上帝的选民—亚伯拉罕的后裔—是一个生活在应许之地的民族。他们一开始是在扫罗、大卫和所罗门三位王的统治下,成为一个统一的王国,而在所罗门的儿子罗波安的统治下分裂了。其中一个支派犹大留在了大卫家王朝,其余的支派则分裂出来,成为以色列国。
• While Judah’s history (which Habakkuk was from) was more up and down, the larger group Israel set themselves from their beginning on a path of false worship and their history was one of disobedience to God. The LORD sent the nation of Assyria against them who conquered them and removed their people and repopulated it with a mixture of nations. This was the fulfillment of what God said would happen if they persisted in disobedience and was a shocking warning to Judea who was now the only remnant of God’s chosen people in the region. •虽然犹大的历史(哈巴谷来自于此)更多的是起伏不定,但更大的群体以色列国从一开始就把自己定在了假敬拜的道路上,他们的历史是不顺服神的。耶和华兴起亚述国征服了以色列国,掳去了他们的人民,移来混合的民族重新居住在这里。这就是神说的如果他们坚持不顺服就会发生的事情的应验,也是对犹太的一个骇人的警告,因为犹太现在是神所拣选的子民在这个地区的唯一余民。
• Juda’s history much more like a rollercoaster up in revival and faith, and drastic plunges down in disobedience - one of their kings Manasseh who preceded Habakkuk “Did what was evil in the sight of the LORD according to the despicable practices of the nations who the LORD drove out before the people of Israel.” 2 Kings 21:2. He even burned his son as a sacrifice and “Did much evil in the sight of the LORD provoking him to anger.” 21:6 •犹大的历史更像是在复兴和信仰中过山车式的上升,又在悖逆中急剧的下坠—在哈巴谷之前,他们的一位王玛拿西 “行耶和华看为恶的事,好像耶和华在以色列人面前赶走的民族所行的可憎恶的事。”列王记下21:2。他甚至把自己的儿子当作祭品烧掉,“多行耶和华看为恶的事,惹他发怒”。列王记下21:6
• His son followed in his wicked footsteps for a two year reign and then Josiah, a good and godly King, came to the throne at 8 years of age. This is a remarkable story, one I would encourage kids and all to read. •他的儿子跟随他的邪恶脚踪在位两年,然后约西亚这个善良虔诚的王在8岁时登基。这是一个不同寻常的故事,我鼓励孩子们和所有人去读。
• Habakkuk most likely lived through some or all of this season of revival which was followed by two kings who went in an evil direction. This book was written at that time. These evil years as we will see allowed for great injustice and wickedness to take place among God’s covenant people living in Judah. In distress Habakkuk seeks to bring this to the LORD’s attention. •哈巴谷很可能经历了这个复兴时期的一部分或甚至全部,而这个复兴时期之后,又有两个王向着邪恶的方向发展。这本书就是在那个时候写的。这本书就是在那个时候写的。正如我们将要看到的,这些邪恶的岁月让生活在犹大的圣约子民中发生了极大的不公和邪恶。哈巴谷在苦恼中,力求使耶和华注意到这一点。
E. The Opening Words of Habakkuk: This book opens with this sentence: E.哈巴谷书的开篇:这本书开头如下:
1 The oracle that Habakkuk the prophet saw. 1 哈巴谷先知所得的默示。
Habakkuk received this powerful oracle, (or message, a word from the LORD). This is one of the shortest introductions in the prophets. We know almost nothing about Habakkuk other than his designation as a prophet - authoritatively speaking God’s word. It’s brevity encourages us to move on to his message. 哈巴谷接收了这大能的神谕(或信息、耶和华的话语)。这是先知书中最简短的引言之一。我们对哈巴谷几乎一无所知,只知道他被指定为先知—权威性地说出神的话。这个简短的引言鼓励我们继续关注他的信息。
II. Habakkuk’s First Complaint: Lord Do You See the Injustice That I See? 二、哈巴谷的第一个怨诉 耶和华啊,你看到我所看到的不公吗?
2 “O LORD, how long 2 耶和华啊!
shall I cry for help, and you will not hear? 我恳求,你不垂听, 要到几时呢?
Or cry to you “Violence!” and you will not save? 我向你呼叫“有狂暴的事” ,你却不拯救。
3 Why do you make me see iniquity, and why do you idly look at wrong? 3 你为甚么使我看见恶行? 有奸恶的事,你为甚么见而不理?
A. Four Questions of Dissonance: (1:2-3a) A.四个不和谐的问题。 (1:2-3a)
a. How Long X 2 - In the original language the first words we read in this sentence is “How long.” How long what? Notice the pairings. a.“要到几时呢”出现两次—在原文中,我们读到这句话的第一个词是“要到几时”。是什么要到几时呢?请注意这些配对。
i. How long shall I cry to you for help and you will note hear? Meaning - answer me, I have been begging and begging for you to act. i.我恳求,你不垂听, 要到几时呢?意思是—请回答我,我一直在求,求你采取行动。
ii. “Or (how long shall I) cry to you “Violence” (the unjust taking advantage of the weak by the strong) and you will not save? Again I have been calling out and you are inactive. ii.或者(我还要多久)向你们喊“凶暴”(强者利用弱者的不义之举),而你却不救?我再次呼求,而你却不作为。
b. Why & Why? This is followed by two “why questions: b.为什么啊为什么?随后是两个“为什么”的问题:
i. Why Do you make me see iniquity and i. 为什么你让我看到不义
ii. why do you look idly at wrong? Great God this is tearing me up, I don’t want to keep looking at this and yet I can’t get away from it. I do not see you acting. Why? As a leader, a prophetic voice this is probably further anodizing. ii. 你为什么坐视不管?伟大的神啊,这让我泪流满面,我不想继续看下去,却又无能为力。我没看见你采取行动。为什么?作为一个领导者,先知性的声音,这可能引起进一步的极化。
Destruction and violence are before me; strife and contention arise. 毁灭和强暴在我面前, 纷争和相斗常常发生。
4 So the law is paralyzed, 4 因此律法不能生效(“律法不能生效” 原文作“律法松懈”)
and justice never goes forth. 公理无法彰显。
For the wicked surround the righteous; 因为恶人把义人包围,
so justice goes forth perverted.” (1:2-4) 所以公理颠倒。(1:2-4)
B. What I See & The Results (1:3b-4) B.我所看到的及其结果(1:3b-4)
(1) Four Things There is destruction and violence before me. We are not living in that day but do we not see destruction and violence. Do we not see strife and contention arising around us. (1) 四件事: 在我面前有毁灭和强暴。我们不是生活在那个时候,但我们难道没有看到毁坏和强暴吗?难道我们没有看到我们身边出现的争闹和争执吗?
(2) Results: Rather than walking forward in God’s law as God’s chosen people your instruction - your perfect law - the Torah is numb from head to toe lying flat on a mat unable to move. Justice should go forth from us but it “never goes forth.” These are bleak days. But he is not done. (2) 结果:作为神的选民,不是在神的律法—你的指示—你完美的律法中前行,而是从头到脚瘫软麻木地躺在垫子上不能动弹。公理应该从我们身上彰显出来,但它就是“无法彰显”。现在是阴郁暗淡的日子。但他还没说完。
(3) The wicked surround the righteous They are outnumbered, surrounded, to exert their power, to get their way. (3) 恶人把义人包围他们寡不敌众,被团团包围,想要奋力杀出一条路。
(4) Therefore: justice is perverted, twisted. What should be right is oh so wrong. (4) 所以:公理被颠倒,扭曲。事情本该是这样的的,却错得离谱。
C. How Does This Apply to Us? C.这如何适用于我们?
Application #1: Are We Guilty of These Things? If So Repent! We could quickly look on the news, and our favorite internet site and see all of these things. We are, and certainly should, be grieved by these things. But let me direct your eyes to a different place. This is Israel - the tribe of Judah. This is a special group intended by God to be a nation of priests - a people who by God’s design should display him from their holidays to their dress, from their ritual purity to their temple worship. So to whom does this most closely apply? The church - We just read in 1 Peter we are a kingdom of priests. A holy nation. The first place we should look to apply this text is within the followers of God. 应用1:我们是否在这些事上有愧?如果是这样的话,请忏悔!我们可以快速地看看新闻,还有我们喜欢的互联网网站,看到这些东西。我们是,当然也应该为这些事情感到悲哀。但请允许我把你的目光引向另一个地方。这就是以色列—犹大族。这是一个特殊的群体,神定意让他们成为一个祭司的国度—按照神的设计,他们从节期到服饰,从洁净礼仪到圣殿敬拜,都应该彰显祂。那么,这一点对谁最适用呢?教会—我们刚刚在彼得前书中读到,我们是祭司的国度、圣洁的国民。我们首先应该把这段文字应用在神的跟随者身上。
~ Are we taking advantage of the weak in any way? So much of this is hidden in our day but I will set one example before you - pornography. ~ 我们是否在以任何方式利用弱者?在我们今天的时代里很多东西都是隐藏的,但我要在大家面前树立一个例子—色情。
~ Are strife and contention arising from us? We can see it on Twitter - but is it true in our homes, in our relationships? ~ 我们中间是否有纷争和争执?我们可以在推特上看到它—但在我们的家里,在我们的关系中,也有吗?
~ Is our life displaying God’s word or are the Scriptures twisted by our actions? ~ 我们的生活是在彰显神的话语,还是我们的行为扭曲了圣经?
As the Spirit brings things to light, call your sin what the WORD does, bring it into the light & turn from it God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. 当圣灵把事情放在亮光之下的时候,承认你的罪,把它带到亮光之下,并转离那罪。神反对骄傲的人,却赐恩给谦卑的人。
• Application #2: Are We Crying Out? 应用2:我们是否在呼求?
This book is a journey of faith. It begins with the prophet Habakkuk’s wrestling. 这本书是一次信心之旅。这要从先知哈巴谷的角力说起。
◦ We must ask ourselves (though the circumstances are different) are we beginning at the same place that the Prophet is beginning? ◦ 我们必须扪心自问(虽然环境不同),我们的出发点是否与先知的出发点相同?
▪ Habakkuk is pouring out a complaint after what is implied to be a significant prayer on these matters. If it were not, he would not say, “how long?” •哈巴谷在倾诉之后,隐含的是对这些事情的重要祷告。如果不是这样,他就不会说“要到几时呢?”
▪ I personally am burdened by many weights in this season. Grieved, struggling, perplexed but I cannot say that I am continually crying out to the LORD about them. What about you? Let’s together be like Habakkuk. Let’s cry out to the LORD. ▪在这段时间里,我心里有很多负担。我悲伤、挣扎、迷茫,但我不能说我在不断地向耶和华呼求。那你们呢?让我们一起像哈巴谷那样。让我们向耶和华呼求。
• What front row seat has God given you to injustice within in his church (believers) as well as in the wider nation (Israel was a nation too)? ▪神给了你什么前排座位,让你在他的教会(信徒)以及更广泛的国家(以色列也是一个国家)中面对不公正的现象?
• When and with what reminders can you regularly bring that before the LORD? ▪什么时候,以及用什么样的提醒可以经常把这些事带到耶和华面前?
III. An Unexpected Response: Look & Wonder I am Raising Up a Nation in Judgment! 三、出乎意料的反应: 看吧!惊奇吧!我要兴起一个审判的国!
5 “Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told. 6 For behold, I am raising up the Chaldeans, 5 你们当看列国,要定睛观看,就会大大惊奇,因为在你们的日子,我要作一件事,即使有人说了出来,你们也不会相信。就是要兴起迦勒底人,
A. Transition to a new section: (1:5) Very abruptly there is a shift of speakers. The original reader did not have hints from the ESV like we do (a title & quotation marks) They did have something in the original language we do not. Habakkuk’s complaint to the One true God becomes a reply to the believing community. In Hebrew the command to “look” and the command to “wonder” are both plural commands (to more than one person). The words “in your (plural) day,” “that you (ie. y'all) would not believe” are also both plural. A.过渡到新的一段:(1:5)说话者的转换非常突兀。原来的读者不像我们一样有ESV的提示(标题和引号)他们在原文中确实有一些我们所没有的记号。哈巴谷对独一真神的抱怨,引出对信徒群体的回答。在希伯来语中,“观看”的命令和“惊奇”的命令都是复数的命令(对不止一个人)。“在你们(复数)的日子里”、“你们也不会相信”也都是复数。
a. Don’t miss the significance here. So often God’s people with “righteous burdens” (those that are in line with Scripture) can feel isolated, alone, even “crazy.” While Habakkuk may have been a spokesperson for these complaints - he is not the only one crying out to the LORD on behalf of the oppressed. He is not the only one lowering the mat of the paralyzed law before the The Savior & Great Healer - there are others with him on that roof and God addresses them all. If you are crying out to God with a righteous complaint know you are not alone. a.别错过这里的重要意义。所以,常常有(符合圣经的)“义的重担”的神的子民会感到孤单、孤独,甚至“抓狂”。虽然哈巴谷可能是这些抱怨的代言人—但他并不是唯一一个代表受压迫者向耶和华呼求的人。他不是唯一一个在救主和大医者面前放下瘫子的床垫的人—还有其他人和他一起在那个屋顶上(译注:牧师这里用的典故是马可福音2章中的故事),神对他们所有人讲话。如果你在向神呼求正义的控诉,要知道你并不孤单。
B. As well notice what is missing: There is no rebuke (Let me question you Job!). There is gentleness - all the power in the universe - under control responding to Habakkuk. As well there is no correction. God did not say, “You are not seeing this correctly.” Rather there is the opposite, Habakkuk you wonder if I am seeing this clearly and if I am acting, let me tell you I see it and it is so serious I am responding in a way that will leave you astounded. B.同时也要注意到缺了什么。这里没有责备(就像:我问你,约伯!)。这里有温柔—宇宙中全能者的力量—在自我节制中回应哈巴谷。并且也没有纠正。神并没有说:“你们这样看事情不对。”恰恰相反,哈巴谷你想知道我是不是看清楚了,是不是在采取行动。我告诉你,我看清楚了,而且知道这很严重,我的反应会让你惊呆了。
C. Behold I am raising up the Chaldeans Look what the LORD is doing in response to the paralyzed law among his people. He is raising up (bringing the Chaldeans to their feet). History shows that this was God’s work. One Commentator said, “They became the world rulers over Babylonia, Assyria, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt when twenty years previously they were hardly known to exist.” Robertson p. 149. Habakkuk knew of their conquests prior to marching on his land. C.看啊,我正在兴起迦勒底人。看看耶和华针对祂子民中瘫痪的律法在做什么。祂正在兴起(使迦勒底人站起来)。历史表明,这是神的工作。一位注释家说:“他们成为巴比伦、亚述、叙利亚、巴勒斯坦和埃及的世界统治者,而在这二十年前,他们几乎不为人所知。”Robertson p. 149.哈巴谷早在迦勒底人向他的国土进军之前,就知道他们要来征服。
D. Be astounded. Note, he is saying much more than, “Watch out, something bad coming.” This is a declaration that I am raising up, empowering and giving dominion to this wicked people and they are marching on you. This is truly a staggering thought and we will return to that in just a minute. Let’s first read on. D.被惊呆了。注意,他说的不仅仅是:“小心,有坏事要发生。”这是在宣告,我正在兴起、武装、把统治的权柄授予这个凶恶之民,他们正在向你进军。这确实是一个惊人的想法,我们稍后再谈。我们先往下读。
E. Vs 6b-11 lay out a terrifying preview of coming judgment. It is full of descriptions - causing them to be “seen” in our minds. Let me read it quickly with a few comments. E.6b-11节为即将到来的审判作了可怕的预告。这番描述绘声绘色—以致它们在我们的脑海中被“看见”。让我快速地读一读,并加一些评论。
6 For behold, I am raising up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, who march through the breadth of the earth, to seize dwellings not their own. 6 就是要兴起迦勒底人,那残忍凶暴的民;他们遍行全地,占领别人的家园。
The Chaldeans are a bitter drink of judgment to discern God’s people’s unfaithfulness (Numbers 5). Hasty, meaning giving no thought to their actions rough, unthinking, fast. Rather than merciful, thoughtful or gentle. 迦勒底人是审判的苦杯,以辨别神子民的不忠(民数记5章)。凶暴,意思是对自己的行为不加思考,粗暴,不加思考,迅猛。 而不是仁慈、体贴或温柔。
7 They are dreaded and fearsome; their justice and dignity go forth from themselves. 7 他们恐怖可怕,自以为义,趾高气扬。
Whereas Judah’s justice goes forth perverted, the Babylonian empire is a law unto themselves. Like many in our day - make up their own rules. They decide what is right and wrong. That is a very scary thing. 犹大的公义走得歪歪扭扭,巴比伦帝国则是无法无天。就像我们这个时代的许多人一样—自定规矩。他们自行决定什么是对什么是错。这是一件非常可怕的事情。
8 Their horses are swifter than leopards, more fierce than the evening wolves; their horsemen press proudly on. Their horsemen come from afar; they fly like an eagle swift to devour. 8 他们的马比豹更快,比晚上的豺狼更猛。他们的骑兵奔驰,自远而来;他们如鹰飞翔,迅速吞噬。
Habakkuk’s cry was how long, the LORD’s reply in Hebrew begins and ends with the word swift. The imagery of leopards, fierce wolves and an eagle add to the visual picture of coming judgment and highlight the seriousness of Israel's sin. 哈巴谷的呼喊是“要到几时”,耶和华在希伯来语中的回答是以“迅速”这个词开始和结束的。豹子、猛狼和老鹰的意象,增加了即将到来的审判的视觉画面感,突出了以色列人罪的严重性。
9 They all come for violence, all their faces forward.They gather captives like sand. 9 他们定着脸面向前,齐来行暴,掳获战俘多如尘沙。
Habakkuk’s cry was “Violence” - this is their intent, their purpose. 哈巴谷的呼声是关于“强暴”—这就是他们的意图、目的。
10 At kings they scoff, and at rulers they laugh. They laugh at every fortress, for they pile up earth and take it. 10他们戏弄君王,以掌权的为笑柄;他们嗤笑一切城堡,筑垒攻取;
God’s people often looked to other nations for their help, this is saying all your defenses are futile. And as history proved Babylon for a season destroyed them all. Building siege mounds, penetrating walls, and decimating kingdoms. 神的子民常常向其他国家寻求帮助,这里是说你们所有的防卫都是徒劳的。而历史证明,巴比伦在一个季度内将他们全部摧毁。修建攻城垒,穿透城墙,斩杀王国。
11 Then they sweep by like the wind and go on, guilty men, whose own might is their god!” 11然后扫荡如风吹过。他们是有罪的,因他们以自己的势力为神。
God is very aware of their pride - that they worship their strength and success. 神很清楚他们的骄傲—他们崇拜自己的力量和成功。
F. Application: What are we to do with all of this? God’s command to Habakkuk and the believing community in this section is to Look! (and see). Wonder! (and be astounded). At this specific time in the life of this believing community God is calling them into wrestling with the hard realities of God’s perfect righteousness, his absolute control over all things, and his raising up of a wicked people to do wicked things for his righteous purposes. This is not at all easy to comprehend. Remember, we are on a journey with the Prophet. We will not have all of our answers by the end of this sermon, or even three sermons on this book. As God leads you, press into this matter. Let God’s word shape you. Wrestle and be astounded like Habakkuk as we will see in just a moment and know that you do not have to be alone. We want to help you - specific attention will be given to this in the third message. But if we can wrestle with you please seek the help of others. F.应用:我们该如何处理这些事情?神在这一段话中对哈巴谷和信徒群体的命令是要观看! (然后也是亲眼目睹)。要惊奇!(然后也被惊呆了)。在这个信徒群体生命中的这一特定时期,神正呼召他们与神的完全公义、祂对万有的绝对主权、以及祂兴起恶民为祂公义的目的而行恶事等艰难的现实进行理智上的角力。这一点都不容易理解。记住,我们是在和先知一起旅行。我们在这次讲道结束前,甚至在这本书的三次讲道中,都不会有全部的答案。当神带领你们的时候,就来考查这件事。让神的话语来塑造你们。角力,并且像哈巴谷那样惊呆了,我们一会儿就会看到,知道你必不孤单。我们希望帮助你—在第三条信息中会特别关注这个问题。但如果我们能和你们一同角力,请你们也寻求别人的帮助。
G. Transition - that is exactly what we see Habakkuk do. G.过渡—这正是我们所看到哈巴谷的做法。
IV. Habakkuk’s Declaration & Complaint: Fix Your Eyes on the LORD & Continue the wrestling of faith! 四、哈巴谷的宣告与控诉:专心仰望耶和华,继续信心的角力!
A. Habakkuk’s Ballast! As the LORD concludes his words with Babylon sweeping by like the wind (bringing violence, seizing, fearsome, attacking in haste, without regard). Habakkuk - like a sailboat shows us the ballast (the large weight that goes down into the tumultuous sea) and keeps him upright. A.哈巴谷的压舱石!如耶和华的话中最后说到,巴比伦如风扫过(带来强暴、掠夺、恐怖、迅猛攻击、不顾一切)。哈巴谷—像帆船一样向我们展示了压舱物(大重量,下到动荡的海中),让他保持直直地站立。
12 Are you not from everlasting, O LORD my God, my Holy One? We shall not die. O LORD, you have ordained them as a judgment, and you, O Rock, have established them for reproof. 12 耶和华我的 神,我的圣者啊! 你不是自古就有的吗?我们不会死的。耶和华啊! 你派他们行审判。磐石啊! 你立他们施惩罚。
B. Reply of Faith #1: The LORD’s Character: What comes out of his mouth is the LORD’s proven character and truth from God’s word to help him begin to grapple with these astounding words. B.信心的回应1:耶和华的品格:从他口中说出的是耶和华从神的话中证明的品格和真理,帮助他开始努力面对这些惊人的话语。
(a) Look at the first half of verse 12: (a)请看第12节的前半部分:
12 Are you not from everlasting, O LORD my God, my Holy One? We shall not die. 12 耶和华我的 神,我的圣者啊! 你不是自古就有的吗?我们不会死的。
1) “From everlasting” This is an OT tagline to God’s story of relentless steadfast love with his people. God I know your story. You are faithful. Your discipline to your people has always been righteous from Adam to king Hezekiah - just a few years ago. You call us to remember your works and I am seeking to do so right now! 1)“自古就有”这是旧约中的一个标语,是神与祂的子民之间坚定不移的爱的故事。神,我知道你的故事。你是信实的。从亚当到几年前的希西家王,你对你的子民的管教一直都是正直公义的。你叫我们记念你的工作,我现在就在设法记念你的工作。
2) LORD My God - My Holy One- 2)耶和华我的 神,我的圣者啊!
1. YHWH This again is the covenant God of the Bible. LORD My God is often used in the Psalms to express DEEP connection with the LORD and a heartfelt plea for his help. 1.耶和华 这又是圣经中立约守约的神。“耶和华我的神”在诗篇中常被用来表达与耶和华深深的连结,以及对耶和华帮助的衷心恳求。
2. My Holy One is unique to the OT only here in Habakkuk. How personally he is connected to the LORD loving and building his life around this critical aspect of God’s character as R.C. Sproul did with God’s holiness in our generation. 2.“我的圣者”是旧约中少有的,只在哈巴谷书这里才有。他个人是如何与耶和华相连,围绕着神品格的这一关键方面来爱和建立自己的生命,就像R.C.Sproul在我们这一代中对神的圣洁所做的那样。
3) You Will Not Completely Eliminate Us! Because I know who you are, I know your covenant promises, I know your promise to raise up an offspring of David, a Prophet like Moses, a deliverer who will enact your promises to “circumcise our hearts” I know that this is not the end of the story. You will not utterly forsake us. I am putting that stake in the ground. 3)你不会全然消灭我们!因为我知道你是谁,我知道你的盟约应许,我知道你应许兴起一个大卫的后代,一个像摩西一样的先知,一个将实施你的应许“使我们的心受割礼”的拯救者,我知道这不是故事的结局。你不会完全抛弃我们。我要着手做这事。
4) Fast-forward: We should do the same thing in 2020. On this side of the cross, we know even more of the story. The point of Habakkuk’s words “we shall not die” point to the exact same thing that Paul did in Romans 8:31: 4)快进:我们应该在2020年做同样的事情。在十字架的这一边,我们知道的故事更多。哈巴谷说的“我们不会死的”,其指向与保罗在罗马书8:31中所做的完全相同。
“If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31b) “神若帮助我们,谁能敌挡我们呢?”(罗马书8:31)
This means nothing can ultimately stand against us! 这意味着最终没有任何东西能与我们抗衡!
Jesus offers us a new covenant, “in his blood.” 耶稣为我们带来了一个新约,“用祂的血”。
“In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” (1 John 4:10 ESV) “不是我们爱神,乃是神爱我们,差他的儿子为我们的罪作了挽回祭,这就是爱了。”(约翰一书4:10)
We know the extent of his steadfast love expressed in the cross. He took wrath upon himself far beyond that of the Babylonian’s, not sparing his son, so that we might be accepted. 我们知道祂在十字架上所表达的坚定的爱到了什么样的程度。祂把愤怒放在自己身上,远远超过巴比伦人的愤怒,不爱惜祂的儿子,使我们可以得悦纳。
C. Reply of Faith #2: Truth from God’s Word! C.信心的回应#2:神的话中的真理!
a. Where did he get this? We should ask how did he get this double line of poetic truth to stand upon? a.他从哪里得到这个?我们应该问,他是如何得到这双线的诗意真理的立足点的?
O LORD, you have ordained them as a judgment, and you, O Rock, have established them for reproof. (1:12 b) 耶和华啊! 你派他们行审判。磐石啊! 你立他们施惩罚。(1:12b)
b. Deuteronomy: The answer is Deuteronomy. In chapter 28 (vs 49-50) God warns his people in the midst of calling them to “choose life” that if the persist in evil: b.申命记:答案是申命记。在第28章(49-50节)中,神在呼召他的子民“选择生命”的时候警告他们,如果坚持作恶:
“The LORD will bring a nation against you from far away, from the end of the earth, swooping down like the eagle, a nation whose language you do not understand,a hard-faced nation who shall not respect the old or show mercy to the young.” Deuteronomy 28:49-50 “耶和华要从远方、地极带一国的民,如鹰飞来攻击你。这民的言语,你不懂得。这民的面貌凶恶,不顾恤年老的,也不恩待年少的。”申命记28:49-50
ii. What is more in Deuteronomy 32: Our God is called “The Rock” multiple times in the Song of Moses recorded in Deut 32. Which I believe Habakkuk references here. It is a song wrestling with God’s justice in the midst of judgement and says in part that the LORD is: ii.申命记32中还有更多:在申命记32章记载的摩西之歌中,我们的神多次被称为“磐石”。我相信哈巴谷在引用这里。这是一首在审判中与神的公义角力的歌,其中有一段说,耶和华是:
“The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he.”(Deut 32:4) “是磐石,他的作为完全;他所行的无不公平,是诚实无伪的神,又公义,又正直。”(申命记32:4)
D. Application: This verse calls: D.应用:这节经文在呼召:
1. The people of God to actively seek to take refuge in the CHARACTER and revealed TRUTH from our God. This can be your ballast! 1.神的子民要积极寻求在我们神的品格和所启示的真理中避难。这可以成为你的压舱石!
2. If he is not your God, and you do not know his character in his word and experientially in your life I plead with you to see the seriousness with which our God takes sin and run to him in faith, help me, Jesus let your sacrifice be the substitute payment for my sins. 2.如果祂不是你的神,你不在祂的话语中和你的生命中体验认识祂的品格,我恳求你看到我们的神对待罪的严肃态度,并凭着信心奔向祂:帮助我,耶稣,让你的牺牲成为我罪的代偿。
E. Habakkuk’s Second Complaint: This fight of faith to regain his footing after being astounded by the LORD does not remove his wrestling. In that confidence he comes boldly for a second round to wrestle, confident that the LORD will answer him. We will quickly look at his two questions in this section vs. 13, and the final verses in this chapter. E.哈巴谷的第二个控诉:这种被耶和华惊吓后重新站起来的信心之战,并没有解除他的角力。在这种信心下,他大胆地来进行第二轮角力,相信耶和华会回答他。我们很快就会看到他在本段第13节中的两个问题,以及本章最后的几节经文。
a. Question 1: Consider the Scales of Justice! a.问题一:考虑正义的天平!
13 You who are of purer eyes than to see evil and cannot look at wrong, why do you idly look at traitors and remain silent when the wicked swallows up the man more righteous than he? 13 你的眼目纯洁,不看邪恶,不能坐视奸恶; 为甚么见行诡诈的人而不理? 恶人吞灭比自己公义的人,你为甚么缄默呢?
This verse calls the LORD to look at the way that Habakkuk sees the world. I believe the “traitors” here or “transgressors” are the Chaldeans (wicked below) and his rhetorical argument is that the injustice of the Babylonians far outweighs the injustice of Israel. Why are you again “idly” looking at this injustice LORD? 这节经文是在叫耶和华看哈巴谷看世界的方式。我相信这里的“诡诈的人”或“犯罪者”是迦勒底人(就是下面的恶人),他的反问是巴比伦人的不义远远超过以色列人的不义。耶和华,你为什么看着这不公平的事“而不理”呢?
b. Question 2: Consider their Inhumane behavior! Habakkuk uses an analogy comparing Judah to fish. His point is that the judgment that will take place is utterly wrong and not how humans should be treated. Furthermore - they are already doing this to other nations. LORD, why are you not stopping them. b.问题二:想想他们的非人道行为!哈巴谷用一个比喻,把犹大比作鱼。他的观点是,将发生的审判是完全错误的,不是人类应该受到的待遇。而且—他们已经在对其他国家这样做了。耶和华,你为什么不阻止他们。
14You make mankind like the fish of the sea, like crawling things that have no ruler. 15 He (that is the wicked - Babylon) brings all of them up with a hook; 14你竟使人像海里的鱼,像无人管辖的爬行的动物。15 迦勒底人既用钩把他们钓起来,
he drags them out with his net; (picture humans being treated this way and feel Habakkuk’s sense of injustice) 用网拖走,(想象人类受到这样的待遇,感受哈巴谷的不公之感)
he gathers them in his dragnet; 用鱼网收聚在一处,
so he rejoices and is glad. 就欢喜快乐,
16 Therefore he sacrifices to his net 16 向自己的网献祭,
and makes offerings to his dragnet; (he is religiously vile as well) 对鱼网烧香,(他在宗教上也很卑劣)
for by them he lives in luxury, and his food is rich. 因他们藉此收获丰富,饮食充裕。
17 Is he then to keep on emptying his net 17 这样,他们倒空自己的网,
and mercilessly killing nations forever? 毫不留情地继续杀戮列国。
LORD God look on. You who are in control, end this! It is wrong! 耶和华神,看看吧。你是主宰者,结束这一切吧!这是错的!
F. Habakkuk’s Final Stance: After a flurry of words and arguments the book pauses as Habakkuk lays his request and wrestling before the LORD and waits for his reply. F.哈巴谷的最后立场。在一阵言语和争论之后,本书停顿下来,哈巴谷将自己的要求和角力摆在耶和华面前,等待耶和华的答复。
2:1 I will take my stand at my watchpost 2:1 我要站在哨岗,
and station myself on the tower, 立在城楼,
and look out to see what he will say to me, 留心看耶和华在我里面说甚么,
and what I will answer concerning my complaint.” 怎样使我答覆自己的怨诉。
1. We could easily misinterpret this as smug, or I am right and you are wrong. Yet there is no correction for him like there was of Job’s accusations for example. 1.我们很容易将其误解为自以为是,或者我是对的,你是错的。但却没有像对约伯的指责那样对他进行纠正。
2. Rather we should see the seriousness of his concerns and next week rejoice in, and lean from the reply of Almighty God! 2.而是我们应该看到他的忧虑的严重性,下周要从全能神的回答中欢喜、倚靠!
So we end on a cliffhanger of sorts. There is more to come, yet there is much for us to begin to put into practice. Let me encourage you to follow in Habakkuk’s steps as displayed in God’s word. The people of faith should (1.) bring their WRESTLINGS to the LORD. (2) They should CRY OUT to him over the wrong around us. (3) They should do so seeking to keep a firm grip on his CHARACTER and guided by his REVEALED TRUTH in his word. 所以我们看到一种断崖式的结束。还有更多的事情要做,然而还有很多事情需要我们开始付诸实践。让我鼓励大家跟随哈巴谷的脚步,正如神的话语所显示的那样。有信心的人应该(1.)把他们的争战带到耶和华面前。(2)他们应该为我们周围的错误向祂呼求。(3)他们应该这样做,寻求牢牢抓住祂的品格,并以祂话语中启示的真理为指导。
Please pray with me! 请和我一起祷告!
LORD we come boldly to your throne of grace thankful for our faithful high priest Jesus, we want to ask you for mercy and well-timed help. We need much help in these times. Please give us grace to cry out to you. Please give us help to wrestle the things that we can’t seem to make fit - in your presence in prayer. Please help us to cling to your character guided by your word. 耶和华,我们放胆无惧地来到你的恩典宝座前,感谢我们忠心的大祭司耶稣,我们要向你祈求怜悯和适时的帮助。在这个时代,我们需要很多帮助。请赐给我们恩典,让我们向你呼求。请赐给我们帮助,让我们在你的祷告中来到你的面前,与那些我们似乎无法适应的事情角力。请帮助我们在你的话语引导下紧紧抓住你的品格。


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      本文标题:2020-11-07信心的角力(哈巴谷书 1:1-2:1)The
