难的时候想想Elon Musk

难的时候想想Elon Musk

作者: 心水 | 来源:发表于2018-12-04 23:12 被阅读18次

    “For a long time, ” he answered, “I've thought that it's inevitable that something bad is going to happen on a planetary scale-a plague, a meteor-that will require humanity to start over somewhere else, like mars. One day I went to the NASA website to see what progress they were making on their Mars program, and I realized that they weren't even thinking about going there anytime soon.”

    “I had gotten 180 million when my partners and I sold PayPal,” he continued, “and it occurred to me that if I spent $90 million and used it to acquire some ICBMs from the former USSR and sent one to Mars, I could inspire the exploration of Mars. ”

    When I asked him about his background in rocketry, he told me he didn't have one. “I just started reading books,” he said. That's how shapers think and act.



    马斯克简直是神一样的存在,一方面他忧国忧民,心怀人类; 另一方面,为了实现火星旅行的目标,他在没有任何火箭技术背景的情况下,毫不犹豫开始看书,坚信自己一定能造出火箭。



    以后再碰到难题的时候,我会首先想到Elon Musk



          本文标题:难的时候想想Elon Musk
