

作者: 75d3f95b058e | 来源:发表于2018-03-24 11:43 被阅读311次


$ conda install rseqc #安装RseQC,注意都是小写

Solving environment: /
Warning: 2 possible package resolutions (only showing differing packages):

  • defaults::requests-2.18.4-py27h9b2b37c_1, defaults::urllib3-1.22-py27hc3787e9_0

  • bioconda::urllib3-1.12-py27_0, defaults::requests-2.14.2-py27done
    Package Plan
    environment location: /Users/xiuliliu/miniconda3
    added / updated specs:

  • rseqc
    The following packages will be downloaded:

    package build
    wheel-0.30.0 py27h677a027_1 66 KB
    jedi-0.11.1 py27_0 297 KB
    idna-2.6 py27hedea723_1 122 KB
    python-2.7.14 h138c1fe_30 11.5 MB
    backports.shutil_get_terminal_size-1.0.0 py27hc9115de_2 8 KB
    pycparser-2.18 py27h0d28d88_1 167 KB
    send2trash-1.5.0 py27_0 16 KB
    bx-python-0.7.3 py27_0 863 KB bioconda
    ipython-5.4.1 py27_2 1014 KB
    urllib3-1.22 py27hc3787e9_0 153 KB
    configparser-3.5.0 py27hc7edf1b_0 35 KB
    python-dateutil-2.3 py27_0 213 KB bioconda
    pygments-2.2.0 py27h1a556bb_0 1.3 MB
    terminado-0.8.1 py27_1 20 KB
    backports-1.0 py27hb4f9756_1 3 KB
    testpath-0.3.1 py27h72d81a5_0 89 KB
    notebook-5.4.0 py27_0 6.6 MB
    pyopenssl-17.5.0 py27hfda213f_0 77 KB
    decorator-4.2.1 py27_0 15 KB
    webencodings-0.5.1 py27h19a9f58_1 19 KB
    nbconvert-5.3.1 py27h6455e4c_0 394 KB
    ipykernel-4.8.2 py27_0 143 KB
    functools32- py27h8ceab06_1 22 KB
    entrypoints-0.2.3 py27hd680fb1_2 9 KB
    asn1crypto-0.24.0 py27_0 155 KB
    pip-9.0.1 py27_5 2.2 MB
    pyzmq-17.0.0 py27h1de35cc_0 393 KB
    backports_abc-0.5 py27h6972548_0 12 KB
    ruamel_yaml-0.15.35 py27h1de35cc_1 228 KB
    backports.functools_lru_cache-1.5 py27_1 9 KB
    scandir-1.7 py27h1de35cc_0 25 KB
    setuptools-38.5.1 py27_0 509 KB
    pyparsing-2.2.0 py27h5bb6aaf_0 94 KB
    tornado-5.0 py27_0 618 KB
    requests-2.18.4 py27h9b2b37c_1 91 KB
    futures-3.2.0 py27h1b80678_0 24 KB
    bleach-1.4.2 py27_0 31 KB bioconda
    kiwisolver-1.0.1 py27h9856860_0 57 KB
    html5lib-1.0.1 py27h5233db4_0 188 KB
    cycler-0.10.0 py27hfc73c78_0 13 KB
    singledispatch- py27he22c18d_0 15 KB
    jsonschema-2.6.0 py27hd9b497e_0 61 KB
    numpy-1.14.2 py27ha9ae307_0 3.9 MB
    nbformat-4.4.0 py27hddc86d0_0 136 KB
    pandocfilters-1.4.2 py27hed78c4e_1 12 KB
    pickleshare-0.7.4 py27h37e3d41_0 11 KB
    jupyter_client-5.2.2 py27_0 121 KB
    prompt_toolkit-1.0.15 py27h4a7b9c2_0 333 KB
    jupyter_core-4.4.0 py27h5ea6ba4_0 60 KB
    cython-0.27.3 py27h6429b90_0 2.6 MB
    ipython_genutils-0.2.0 py27h8b9a179_0 38 KB
    pytz-2018.3 py27_0 211 KB
    markupsafe-1.0 py27hd3c86fa_1 23 KB
    conda-4.4.11 py27_0 931 KB
    chardet-3.0.4 py27h2842e91_1 180 KB
    appnope-0.1.0 py27hb466136_0 8 KB
    ptyprocess-0.5.2 py27h70f6364_0 22 KB
    six-1.11.0 py27h7252ba3_1 21 KB
    pathlib2-2.3.0 py27he09da1e_0 31 KB
    pysocks-1.6.8 py27_0 22 KB
    parso-0.1.1 py27he57c4c6_0 115 KB
    ipaddress-1.0.19 py27_0 32 KB
    python.app-2 py27hf2d5e94_7 11 KB
    wcwidth-0.1.7 py27h817c265_0 25 KB
    matplotlib-2.2.0 py27hfa7797c_0 6.6 MB
    pycosat-0.6.3 py27h6c51c7e_0 106 KB
    subprocess32-3.2.7 py27h24b2887_0 38 KB
    htseq-0.9.1 py27_0 315 KB bioconda
    rseqc-2.6.4 py27_0 228 KB bioconda
    certifi-2018.1.18 py27_0 143 KB
    simplegeneric-0.8.1 py27_2 9 KB
    mistune-0.8.3 py27_0 52 KB
    pexpect-4.4.0 py27_0 70 KB
    pysam-0.14.0 py27_htslib1.7_2 2.0 MB bioconda
    jinja2-2.10 py27h70b8dc5_0 177 KB
    hisat2-2.1.0 py27pl5.22.0_0 6.9 MB bioconda
    enum34-1.1.6 py27hf475452_1 57 KB
    cffi-1.11.5 py27h342bebf_0 201 KB
    traitlets-4.3.2 py27hcf08151_0 126 KB
    cryptography-2.1.4 py27hdbc5e8f_0 548 KB

                                         Total:        54.1 MB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

backports:                          1.0-py27hb4f9756_1
backports.functools_lru_cache:      1.5-py27_1
backports.shutil_get_terminal_size: 1.0.0-py27hc9115de_2
backports_abc:                      0.5-py27h6972548_0
bx-python:                          0.7.3-py27_0            bioconda
configparser:                       3.5.0-py27hc7edf1b_0
cython:                             0.27.3-py27h6429b90_0
enum34:                             1.1.6-py27hf475452_1
futures:                            3.2.0-py27h1b80678_0
ipaddress:                          1.0.19-py27_0
pathlib2:                           2.3.0-py27he09da1e_0
rseqc:                              2.6.4-py27_0            bioconda
scandir:                            1.7-py27h1de35cc_0
subprocess32:                       3.2.7-py27h24b2887_0

The following packages will be UPDATED:

appnope:                            0.1.0-py36hf537a9a_0             --> 0.1.0-py27hb466136_0
asn1crypto:                         0.24.0-py36_0                    --> 0.24.0-py27_0
bleach:                             1.4.2-py36_0            bioconda --> 1.4.2-py27_0            bioconda
certifi:                            2018.1.18-py36_0                 --> 2018.1.18-py27_0
cffi:                               1.11.4-py36h342bebf_0            --> 1.11.5-py27h342bebf_0
chardet:                            3.0.4-py36h96c241c_1             --> 3.0.4-py27h2842e91_1
conda:                              4.4.11-py36_0                    --> 4.4.11-py27_0
cryptography:                       2.1.4-py36h842514c_0             --> 2.1.4-py27hdbc5e8f_0
cycler:                             0.10.0-py36hfc81398_0            --> 0.10.0-py27hfc73c78_0
decorator:                          4.2.1-py36_0                     --> 4.2.1-py27_0
entrypoints:                        0.2.3-py36hd81d71f_2             --> 0.2.3-py27hd680fb1_2
hisat2:                             2.1.0-py36pl5.22.0_0    bioconda --> 2.1.0-py27pl5.22.0_0    bioconda
html5lib:                           1.0.1-py36h2f9c1c0_0             --> 1.0.1-py27h5233db4_0
htseq:                              0.9.1-py36_0            bioconda --> 0.9.1-py27_0            bioconda
idna:                               2.6-py36h8628d0a_1               --> 2.6-py27hedea723_1
ipykernel:                          4.8.2-py36_0                     --> 4.8.2-py27_0
ipython_genutils:                   0.2.0-py36h241746c_0             --> 0.2.0-py27h8b9a179_0
jedi:                               0.11.1-py36_0                    --> 0.11.1-py27_0
jinja2:                             2.10-py36hd36f9c5_0              --> 2.10-py27h70b8dc5_0
jsonschema:                         2.6.0-py36hb385e00_0             --> 2.6.0-py27hd9b497e_0
jupyter_client:                     5.2.2-py36_0                     --> 5.2.2-py27_0
jupyter_core:                       4.4.0-py36h79cf704_0             --> 4.4.0-py27h5ea6ba4_0
kiwisolver:                         1.0.1-py36h792292d_0             --> 1.0.1-py27h9856860_0
markupsafe:                         1.0-py36h3a1e703_1               --> 1.0-py27hd3c86fa_1
matplotlib:                         2.2.0-py36hfa7797c_0             --> 2.2.0-py27hfa7797c_0
mistune:                            0.8.3-py36_0                     --> 0.8.3-py27_0
nbconvert:                          5.3.1-py36h810822e_0             --> 5.3.1-py27h6455e4c_0
nbformat:                           4.4.0-py36h827af21_0             --> 4.4.0-py27hddc86d0_0
notebook:                           5.4.0-py36_0                     --> 5.4.0-py27_0
numpy:                              1.14.2-py36ha9ae307_0            --> 1.14.2-py27ha9ae307_0
pandocfilters:                      1.4.2-py36h3b0b094_1             --> 1.4.2-py27hed78c4e_1
parso:                              0.1.1-py36hc90e01c_0             --> 0.1.1-py27he57c4c6_0
pexpect:                            4.4.0-py36_0                     --> 4.4.0-py27_0
pickleshare:                        0.7.4-py36hf512f8e_0             --> 0.7.4-py27h37e3d41_0
pip:                                9.0.1-py36h1555ced_4             --> 9.0.1-py27_5
prompt_toolkit:                     1.0.15-py36haeda067_0            --> 1.0.15-py27h4a7b9c2_0
ptyprocess:                         0.5.2-py36he6521c3_0             --> 0.5.2-py27h70f6364_0
pycosat:                            0.6.3-py36hee92d8f_0             --> 0.6.3-py27h6c51c7e_0
pycparser:                          2.18-py36h724b2fc_1              --> 2.18-py27h0d28d88_1
pygments:                           2.2.0-py36h240cd3f_0             --> 2.2.0-py27h1a556bb_0
pyopenssl:                          17.5.0-py36h51e4350_0            --> 17.5.0-py27hfda213f_0
pyparsing:                          2.2.0-py36hb281f35_0             --> 2.2.0-py27h5bb6aaf_0
pysam:                              0.14.0-py36_htslib1.7_2 bioconda --> 0.14.0-py27_htslib1.7_2 bioconda
pysocks:                            1.6.7-py36hfa33cec_1             --> 1.6.8-py27_0
python.app:                         2-py36h54569d5_7                 --> 2-py27hf2d5e94_7
pytz:                               2018.3-py36_0                    --> 2018.3-py27_0
pyzmq:                              17.0.0-py36h1de35cc_0            --> 17.0.0-py27h1de35cc_0
requests:                           2.18.4-py36h4516966_1            --> 2.18.4-py27h9b2b37c_1
ruamel_yaml:                        0.15.35-py36h1de35cc_1           --> 0.15.35-py27h1de35cc_1
send2trash:                         1.5.0-py36_0                     --> 1.5.0-py27_0
setuptools:                         38.4.0-py36_0                    --> 38.5.1-py27_0
simplegeneric:                      0.8.1-py36_2                     --> 0.8.1-py27_2
six:                                1.11.0-py36h0e22d5e_1            --> 1.11.0-py27h7252ba3_1
terminado:                          0.8.1-py36_1                     --> 0.8.1-py27_1
testpath:                           0.3.1-py36h625a49b_0             --> 0.3.1-py27h72d81a5_0
tornado:                            5.0-py36_0                       --> 5.0-py27_0
traitlets:                          4.3.2-py36h65bd3ce_0             --> 4.3.2-py27hcf08151_0
urllib3:                            1.22-py36h68b9469_0              --> 1.22-py27hc3787e9_0
wcwidth:                            0.1.7-py36h8c6ec74_0             --> 0.1.7-py27h817c265_0
webencodings:                       0.5.1-py36h3b9701d_1             --> 0.5.1-py27h19a9f58_1
wheel:                              0.30.0-py36h5eb2c71_1            --> 0.30.0-py27h677a027_1

The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

ipython:                            6.2.1-py36h3dda519_1             --> 5.4.1-py27_2
python:                             3.6.4-hc167b69_1                 --> 2.7.14-h138c1fe_30
python-dateutil:                    2.7.0-py36_0                     --> 2.3-py27_0              bioconda

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