by Nico/YuwanZhang
We are in the digital revolution thatcomputing power doubles every 18 months,nowadays, the costs of data storage are rapidly declining , the analysis of data and networking are advancing ,mobile device are having growth impact to the whole world , in which case the storage ,synthesis and analysis of big data are evolving quickly recent years .

Information and data are becoming the most important assets of company to maintain their competiveness and competency in the saturate market.
As a rule, he or she who has the most information will have the greatest success in life.
We are in the phase of digital revolution , the government has data about citizens , the enterprises hold large amounts of data about citizens than government so when the government want to get the data relate to citizen need ask for business cooperation and collaboration . On the flip side , citizens hold little data about government and enterprises.This has result in information inequality and asymmetry .
Apparently , the power shift are happening ,only minority know how the data works , how importance of the data security and privacy and how to defend our personal data.
What is data ethics
Data ethics is about responsibility and sustainability use of data, is about doing right thing for people and society, need adhere to principles, rules and values relate to human beings and based on personal data protection laws.
As we know , data appear recently and is in accelerated expansion , data has a wide scope such as numetric , video , photo ,characters and so on . Additionally , data is not straightforward , developed and simple . People seldom get the opportunity to be exposed to data every day , on the flip side , data is a precious and infrastructral asset for enterprises. In the IT industry , data can be collected, processed and analyzed to make the optimal decision for the company . nowadaywithout real-time data to make the dicision is critical .
The principles of data ethics
(a)The human being at the center ,most data of interestis created by humans, is about humans, or has impacts that effect humans. so people should have the primary benefit of data processing.
(b)Individual data control , the person shoould have the right to control their data , to know how their data will be processes , shared and activated .
(c)Transparencycan ensure the data security , to be transparent , the individual must need understand the purpose of data processing and understand all risks .
(d)Accountabilitycan reduce the occurrence of risks for the individual when have some body is accountable for the data processing
(e)Equalitycan ensure impartiality , special attention need to be payed to vulnerable persons .
Data can easily be misunderstoodThe way data is collected, managed, processed and shared can affect human well-being in different ways…
So the solutions to promote fairness and unbias relate to data will be challenging and imporant , until now there are two methods can be the solutions , include:
(a)he challenge related to thedata inputs
(b) the design of thealgorithm systems
Algorithms is a mathematical process of the data for decision-making and problem solving . For example , when we are watching videos from Youtube , afterwards Youtube can always show the preferences what we like making us can not stop to watch . Because of the algorithms , the system behind can analyze the videos what we watch mostly at the moment , then they can use these datas to get the preferences what you like to watch most.
GDPR-Gneral Data Protection Regulationis a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union and the European Economic Area.The law relate to data protection is different in countries.The adopt of GDPR in European Union has addressed the violation of data privacy and secruity generally.
(a)GDPR main principle is that personal data need to be processed ‘lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject’.
(b)Requirement ofinformed consent from individuals whose data are processed, unless the law states otherwise.
(c)Principles ofdata minimisationandstorage limitationare particularly important
(d)Data subjects havea number of rights as against the controller(s) and processor(s) of their data.
(e)The GDPR only applies to personal data which means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person and can be identified directly or indirectly,, not to anonymised/anonymousThe Regulation does not distinguish between anonymous and anonymised data.
Some methods to depend the security and privacy of data
(a)Keep It Simple,Sir(KISS)this mehod is to keep the system to be designed or developed in a simple way , because a simply system is easier to test and validate . Generally , the more complicated the system is , the greater the chance to be attacked and have problem.
(b)Defense in Depth(DiD) when we are building a system , normally need independent security layers so that an attacker must defeat all the security layers for the attach to succeed . So to build DiD play an important role to protect the system .
(c)Public Key Crytosystem(PKC) to avoid the information being dissemisted to the persons we do not wanna to share to , the key is to use public key crytosystem .To create 2 complementary keys , one of them be public key and another is private key . So the information can only be decripted by the recipient who have the keys.What if we have to send a message securely to many people? Obvious way is to encrypt the message separately for each recipient and generate as many ciphertexts as recipients .
Data management and storage --- Database
To storage datas we need collect all the related datas to a database which can be defined as a collection of related data items within a specific business process or problem setting. To manage the datas we need use databse management system(DBMS) which is a software package used to define,create ,use and maintain a database .
A database has a target group of users and application, for example , a product manager can use it to predict and monitor trends . an inventory manager can use it to manage the inventory and monitor the orders.Nowadays without data to make the decision is risky and critical , so database is the optimal method to make rational decision .
There are many different vendors of databases. such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server .
SQL-Structured Query Languageis the programming language used to talk to these databases to create, maintain and retrieve the data ,each database product has its own variant of SQL. when the database is relational and have relationship with different tables , we normally use SQL .It must support the ACID(Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)
NoSQLis for the database not relational , it is flexible and scalability and do not support ACID,and it is a big family which have many styles such as Key–value stores, Document stores , Column-oriented databases ,Graph-based databases and so on. The bad news is most NoSQL implementations have yet to prove their true worth in the field.