what are you looking for ?
I'm looking for a part time job
look at
why you look at me like that?
look me in the eye
look at the time. we'll be late
hear about
did you hear about David
I hear about you getting married
hear of
not that I know of
rise and shine
we're running out of time
I'm not mad at you
how many times do I have to tell you
can I have it back?
give me a break
none of your business
how dare you
get over yourself
I'll make it up to you
I'll figure it out
I'm sorry I yelled you
it's time to get up
where have I heard that before
you are one to talk
that's no excuse
how could you not tell me
I don't wanna think about it
I plan to buy a car this year
I plan to get a few lessons in
I have to go to the bathroom
I would like to eat some food
I would like to see a movie
I am about to
I am about to take a long vacation
I'm getting better
maybe I am getting a cold
I'm trying to move on
I don't know what to say
what are you trying to prove?
I've heard so much about you
I don't know what else to do
I'll take care of it
I suggest you do the same
be my guest
what smells so good
drops your weapons
you're my hero
get our of my way
why do you think?
it's been a long day
what are you looking at?
it's on the left