楚天千里清秋 水随天去秋无际。
A thousand miles of autumn view in Tru Land, water goes with the sky to give an unlimited autumn view.
遥岑远目 闲愁供恨 玉簪螺髻。
Faraway mountains rising in faraway sight, only to make people more reminiscent like the hair knot on a woman's head.
落日楼头 断鸿声里 江南游子。
Standing by the window at sunset with lonely bird singing a lonely song, I am a wanderer.
把吴钩看了 栏杆拍遍 无人会 登临意。
Giving a glimpse to my sword, no one knows why I climb this high.
休说鲈鱼堪脍 尽西风季鹰归未?
Don't say good food good wine,
求田问舍 怕应羞见 刘郎才气。
if only seek fortune, how dare you confront other knight?
可惜流年 忧愁风雨 树犹如此。
What a pity that time has already past by, even trees have grown old.
Yet lost land is still in bad men's hand.
倩何人唤取 红巾翠袖 搵英雄泪。
Oh! Who can help me find a beautiful girl to wipe off tears on my face with her red scarf?
-水龙吟 辛弃疾