

作者: 麦子恩 | 来源:发表于2019-02-25 11:45 被阅读0次

诗篇 92:1-3, 12-15 CUNPSS-神

“称谢耶和华! 歌颂你至高者的名! 用十弦的乐器和瑟, 用琴弹幽雅的声音, 早晨传扬你的慈爱; 每夜传扬你的信实。 这本为美事。

义人要发旺如棕树, 生长如 黎巴嫩 的香柏树。 他们栽于耶和华的殿中, 发旺在我们神的院里。 他们年老的时候仍要结果子, 要满了汁浆而常发青, 好显明耶和华是正直的。 他是我的磐石,在他毫无不义。”


“棕树(Phonix dactylifra) 是中东地区最有用的植物,也是行经沙漠的人,最乐意看到的植物。棕树的旁边有荫凉,可以遇到泉水,找到食物。棕树又称为棕榈树,植株的高度约15-25公尺,树干负载强度不高,不能作栋作梁,却可作大门的边柱。”


棕树的根部非常的深,可达10公尺以下,可以吸到深处的地下水,生长在年降雨量低於200厘米的沙漠里,棕树在海边,或盐湖,也能吸到供应生长所需要的淡水。关键在其根毛细胞能够合成高浓度的胺基酸,使细胞内的渗透压(osmotic prssur)比海水的渗透压高。希伯来文称棕树为taw-mawr,意即「直立」












棕树, 诗篇

The wicked will perish but the godly will flourish!

Psalms 92:11-14 NLT

My eyes have seen the downfall of my enemies; my ears have heard the defeat of my wicked opponents. But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the LORD’s own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.


1) Palm trees - they flourish well in the courts of The Lord! They grow well in deserts and stand tall in drought. They don’t grow fast but grow steadily and upright. The palm leaves were signs of victory in biblical times and used in the triumphant entry of Christ in Jerusalem.

2) Cedars - These are strong trees and are material for the building of God’s temple. They withstand storms and continue to remain evergreen in storm and frost.

3) courts of The Lord - “Solomon covered all the walls of the "Holy of Holies” round about with palm trees. They were thus planted, as it were, within the very house of the Lord; and their presence there was not only ornamental, but appropriate and highly suggestive. “ W M Thomson


Here is a psalm of praise to be sung in the Sabbath. The psalmist reminded us to give thanks to God and remember Him in the Sabbath. For the wicked shall perish but the godly will flourish! The picture of the palm and cedar speaks so much of how the godly will continue to stand strong in the midst of adversities. These trees stay ever green in drought and storms! They flourish well in the courts of God! Disciples of Christ are not like "strawberries”, which turn bad easily. They are strong, tough and upright! They grow well with very little resources and thrive in stormy times! Indeed, a great man of God is most clearly seen in the difficult times, not in peaceful times.


Lord, let me flourish well in Your Presence! Let me grow like the palm trees, that stand upright and grow tall in the desert. Let me be strong like the cedar that can handle storms and be used to build God’s house. Let me learn from these imageries , to know that godliness comes from within and never wavers by outward circumstances! Bless my bros n sis to be like palm trees and Cedar trees, staying evergreen in their faith! In Jesus’ Name, amen!


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