2008-05-23 我还期待着Count Zero,三部曲中的第二部有一个像样的中译本呢!
2008-05-23 20:50 Count Zero的英文版我就已看过。
THEY sent A SLAMHOUND on Turner's trail in New Delhi, slotted
it to his pheromones and the color of his hair. It caught up
with him on a street called Chandni Chauk and came scram-
bling for his rented BMW through a forest of bare brown legs
and pedicab tires. Its core was a kilogram of recrystallized
hexogene and flaked TNT.
他们派「爆袭猎犬」在新德里追踪特纳,以费洛蒙和头发颜色为标记。猎犬在月光集市发现了他,穿过赤裸的棕色腿脚和人力车车轮的森林,扑向他租用的宝马轿车。猎犬的核心是一公斤黑索金与片状 TNT 的重结晶体。
He didn't see it coming. The last he saw of India was the
pink stucco facade of a place called the Khush-Oil Hotel.
Because he had a good agent, he had a good contract.
Because he had a good contract, he was in Singapore an hour
after the explosion. Most of him, anyway The Dutch surgeon
liked to joke about that, how an unspecified percentage of
Turner hadn't made it out of Palam International on that first
flight and had to spend the night there in a shed, in a support
It took the Dutchman and his team three months to put
Turner together again. They cloned a square meter of skin for
him, grew it on slabs of collagen and shark-cartilage polysac-
charides They bought eyes and genitals on the open market
The eyes were green.