The REST API Provider

The REST API Provider

作者: RayRoad | 来源:发表于2016-02-18 12:03 被阅读0次

我们已经在services一章看到了feathers-rest模块通过一个在服务器路径上的RESTful接口暴露服务。也就是说你可以通过GETPOSTPUTPATCHDELETE这些 HTTP 方法调用一个服务方法:

const messageService = {
  // GET /todos
  find(params [, callback]) {},
  // GET /todos/<id>
  get(id, params [, callback]) {},
  // POST /todos
  create(data, params [, callback]) {},
  // PUT /todos[/<id>]
  update(id, data, params [, callback]) {},
  // PATCH /todos[/<id>]
  patch(id, data, params [, callback]) {},
  // DELETE /todos[/<id>]
  remove(id, params [, callback]) {},
  setup(app, path) {}

app.service('/messages', messageService);

A full overview of which HTTP method call belongs to which service method call and parameters can be found in the REST client use chapter. This chapter will talk about how to use and configure the provider module on the server.


Install the provider with:

$ npm install feathers-rest body-parser

We will have to provide our own body parser middleware (here the standard Express 4 body-parser) to make REST .create, .update and .patch calls parse the data in the HTTP body.

Note: The body-parser middleware has to be registered before any service. Otherwise the service method will throw a No data provided or First parameter for 'create' must be an object error.

If you would like to add other middleware before the REST handler, simply call app.use(middleware) before registering any services. The following example creates a messages service that can save a new message and return all messages:

// app.js
'use strict';

const feathers = require('feathers');
const rest = require('feathers-rest');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

class MessageService {
  constructor() {
    this.messages = [];

  find(params) {
    return Promise.resolve(this.messages);

  create(data, params) {

    return Promise.resolve(data);

const app = feathers()
  // Enable the REST provider
  // Turn on JSON parser for REST services
  // Turn on URL-encoded parser for REST services
  .use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));

app.use('/messages', new MessageService());

// Log newly created messages on the server
app.service('messages').on('created', message => 
  console.log('Created message', message)


After starting the application with node app.js, we can now use CURL to create a new message:

curl 'http://localhost:3030/messages/' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{ "text": "Learning Feathers!" }'

And should see the created message logged on the console. When going to localhost:3030/messages/ we see the newly created message.

Query, route and middleware parameters

URL query parameters will be parsed and passed to the service as params.query. For example

GET /todos?complete=true&user[]=David&user[]=Eric&sort[name]=1

Will set params.query to

  "complete": "true",
  "user": [ "David", "Eric" ],
  "sort": { "name": "1" }

Since the URL is just a string, there will be no type conversion. This can be done manually in a hook.

For REST calls, params.provider will be set to rest (so you know where the service call came from). It is also possible to add information directly to the service params by registering Express middleware before a service that modifies the req.feathers property and to use URL parameters for REST API calls which will also be added to the params object:

const feathers = require('feathers');
const rest = require('feathers-rest');

const app = feathers();

  .use(function(req, res, next) {
    req.feathers.fromMiddleware = 'Hello world';

app.use('/users/:userId/todos', {
  get(id, params) {
    console.log(params.query); // -> ?query
    console.log(params.provider); // -> 'rest'
    console.log(params.fromMiddleware); // -> 'Hello world'
    console.log(params.userId); // will be `1` for GET /users/1/todos

    return Promise.resolve({
      id, params,
      description: `You have to do ${id}!`


You can see all the passed parameters by going to something like localhost:3030/users/213/todos/23?complete=true&user[]=David&user[]=Eric&sort[name]=1. More information on how services play with Express middleware, routing and versioning can be found in the middleware chapter.

Formatting the response

The default REST handler is a middleware that formats the data retrieved by the service as JSON. If you would like to configure your own handler middleware just pass it to rest(handler). This middleware will have access to res.data which is the data returned by the service. res.format can be used for content negotiation. For example, a middleware that just renders plain text with the todo description:

const feathers = require('feathers');
const rest = require('feathers-rest');

const app = feathers();

function restFormatter(req, res) {
    'text/plain': function() {
      res.end(`The todo is: ${res.data.description}`);
  .use('/todos', {
    get(id, params) {
      return Promise.resolve({
        description: `You have to do ${id}`

Now going to localhost:3030/todos/laundry will print the plain text The todo is: You have to do laundry.



      本文标题:The REST API Provider
