It is supposed that there are N L7 pods, for each pod, it will get hash slots number Ni, the total hash slots is 256.
ratio = Max(Ni) / Min(Ni)
Ni = 256 (i=1,2,3...N)
worst = Max(Ni)/256
We can conclude that the ratio is lower, the traffic is more balanced. we will focus more on the pod which takes most traffic. So here the worst value is lower, it is better. If we focus more on resource utilization, we should pay attention to the ratio value.
Hash Test
For N L7 pods, randomly assign a weight 0 < Wi <= 256 to pod Ni.
Different pods have different weights. For each Wi, we use the rendezvous algorithm with a different hash function to test the slot distribution.
Test round: 1000
Hash function: crc32/murmur32/murmur64/murmur128
package ipvs
import (
const (
type TABLE struct {
replicas [REPLICAS]int
func getPercentile(data []float64, percentile int) float64 {
number := len(data)
return data[number*percentile/100]
type Result struct {
ratio float64 // (max slots)/(min slots)
worst float64 // (max slots)/BUCKET_SIZE
func minmaxSlice(s map[int]int) (int, int) {
max := 0
min := 0xffff
for _, v := range s {
if v > max {
max = v
if v < min {
min = v
return min, max
func randomGenerate(epNumber int) (int, int) {
nums := make([]int, epNumber)
for i := 0; i < epNumber; i++ {
for {
nums[i] = rand.Intn(BUCKET_SIZE)
for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
if nums[i] == nums[j] {
generateTable(nums, &table)
result := make(map[int]int, epNumber)
for _, v := range table {
min, max := minmaxSlice(result)
//ratio := float32(max) / float32(min)
//fmt.Printf("ids: %v, ratio: %v, result: %+v\n", nums, ratio, result)
return min, max
func generateTable(ids []int, table *[BUCKET_SIZE]TABLE) {
hash := rendezvous.New()
for _, id := range ids {
for i := 0; i < BUCKET_SIZE; i++ {
nodes := hash.GetN(REPLICAS, strconv.Itoa(i))
for r := 0; r < REPLICAS; r++ {
nodeId := 0
if len(nodes) > r {
nodeId, _ = strconv.Atoi(nodes[r])
if nodeId >= BUCKET_SIZE {
nodeId = 0
table[i].replicas[r] = nodeId
func TestHash(t *testing.T) {
var minRatio, maxRatio float64
maxEP := 20
p50 := make([]Result, maxEP)
p75 := make([]Result, maxEP)
p90 := make([]Result, maxEP)
p99 := make([]Result, maxEP)
fmt.Printf("L7 pods, min ratio, max ratio, p50, p75, p90, p99\n")
for ep := 2; ep <= maxEP; ep++ {
minRatio = 0xffff
maxRatio = 1
worst := make([]float64, TEST_ROUND)
ratios := make([]float64, TEST_ROUND)
for i := 0; i < TEST_ROUND; i++ {
min, max := randomGenerate(ep)
worst[i] = float64(max) / 256
ratio := float64(max) / float64(min)
//fmt.Printf("ratio: %f\n", ratio)
ratios[i] = ratio
if ratio > maxRatio {
maxRatio = ratio
} else if ratio < minRatio {
minRatio = ratio
//fmt.Printf("rations: %v\n", ratios)
var r Result
r.ratio = getPercentile(ratios, 50)
r.worst = getPercentile(worst, 50)
p50[ep-2] = r
//fmt.Printf("p50: %v\n", p50)
r.ratio = getPercentile(ratios, 75)
r.worst = getPercentile(worst, 75)
p75[ep-2] = r
r.ratio = getPercentile(ratios, 90)
r.worst = getPercentile(worst, 90)
p90[ep-2] = r
r.ratio = getPercentile(ratios, 99)
r.worst = getPercentile(worst, 99)
p99[ep-2] = r
fmt.Printf("%-2v, %-5.2f, %-5.2f, %-5.2f, %-5.2f, %-5.2f, %-5.2f\n", ep, minRatio, maxRatio, p50[ep-2].ratio, p75[ep-2].ratio, p90[ep-2].ratio, p99[ep-2].ratio)
fmt.Printf("\nL7 pods, p50, p75, p90, p99\n")
for ep := 2; ep <= maxEP; ep++ {
fmt.Printf("%-2v, %-5.2f, %-5.2f, %-5.2f, %-5.2f\n", ep, p50[ep-2].worst, p75[ep-2].worst, p90[ep-2].worst, p99[ep-2].worst)
Murmur32 is the best hash function for our case. It is much better than crc32. But the ratio is still high, especially when the L7 pod number increases.