sleek 圆滑的,井然有序的,使…光滑,掩盖
waistband 腰带,束腰带
swagger 吓唬,虚张声势吓人,大摇大摆
mess with 与…厮混在一起,吃饭,干扰
even 使…平坦,相等
big shot 大亨,权贵之人
disastrous 灾难性的,悲惨的,悲伤的
liberation 释放,解放
jaw 下巴,狭窄入口,教训,唠叨
sheer 绝对的,透明的,陡峭的,纯粹的
blazing 燃烧的,强烈的,闪耀的,非常
relieve 解除,减轻,换班,解围
bladder 膀胱,囊状物
shove 挤,撞,猛推
barrel 桶,枪管,炮管,快速移动
roulette 轮盘赌
idiot 笨蛋,傻瓜,白痴
dumb 哑的,不说话的
stumble 踌躇,蹒跚,失足,犯错
flake 小薄片,火花,剥落
swirl 盘绕,打旋,眩晕,漩涡,打旋
shatter 打碎,削弱,使心烦意乱
shattered 破碎的,极度疲劳的
tuck 卷起,挤进,食物,船尾突出部
fuck up 搞糟,搞坏
drink away 不停地喝,连续地喝酒
strip poker脱衣扑克
strip 剥夺,剥去,脱去衣服
rod 棒,惩罚,枝条,权利
shitty 较差的,劣等的
faintly 微弱地,模糊地
freak 怪人,怪事,反复无常,奇异的,反常的
suspect 怀疑,猜想,嫌疑犯,可疑的
virgin 处女,童男,纯洁的,未经利用的
floorboard (s)地板
painkiller 止痛药
save up 储蓄,贮存
in case 万一,假使
antique 古老的,年代久远的
booze 酒宴,豪饮,痛饮
bite down on咬
fleshy 肉的,丰满的,肥胖的
thigh 大腿,股
splay 张开,展开,倾斜的
even out 使正常,使平坦,使均等
root around乱翻,瞎找
nudge 推动,用肘轻推,没完没了抱怨的人,向…不停地唠叨
idly 无所事事地,慵懒地,空闲地,无益地
(ly) 实事求是的,讲究实际的,不带感情的,平淡的
ponytail 马尾辫
wrist 手腕,腕关节
make a dent削减,削弱
cartridges 打印机的墨盒,弹药桶,胶卷,子弹
elastic 有弹性的,灵活的,松紧带,橡皮圈
snatch 抢夺,抓举,及时救助
toss 投掷,摇荡
massage 按摩,揉
viciously 邪恶地,恶意地
groan 呻吟,抱怨,发吱嘎声
mortify 抑制,苦修,禁欲,约束
mortified 窘迫的,受辱的
bowlegged 弯脚的
crotch 胯部,分叉处
hurtle 猛冲,猛烈冲撞
flagrant 明目张胆的,极端恶劣的,臭烘烘的
cock 公鸡,龙头,雄鸟,使竖起,耸立,头朝上,大摇大摆
rage 愤怒,狂暴,肆虐,情绪激动
flicker 闪烁,摇曳,颤动
venture 敢于,冒险,投机,企业,风险,冒险
tilt 倾斜,翘起
haywire 乱七八糟的,疯狂的
popped 被警察局拘押的,被逮捕的
pop 突然爆开,突然地出现
fuse 保险丝,导火索,雷管,使融合,融化,熔融
utter 发出,表达,发射,完全的,彻底的,无条件的
buckle 扣住,使弯曲
sting 刺痛,驱使,讽刺,使…苦恼
gut 胆量,勇气,内脏,肠子,取出内脏,摧毁建筑物的内部,简单的,本质的,根本的
footstep 脚步声,足迹
act up 调皮,运作不正常,出毛病
He’d pictured tucking it into his waistband, swaggering around with it for a bit, getting the feel,
Gun evens the score, turned losers into big shots.
It looked more like you would see at a museum than at the scene of a crime.
But in the moment of the accident, the sheer blazing of it and the certainty, just then, he would die, he’d found a kind of peace he’d never known, or at least hadn’t felt in years.
No more failing, no more fucking up, no more loneliness like a constant pressure on his bladder that he couldn’t piss or sleep or drink away.
But lying the hospital, it had occurred to him that suicide was the only possible solution. Clean. Elegant. Brave, even.
He supposed that he could just shove the barrel of the gun in his mouth and fire, but Russian
roulette lacked integrity.
Flakes of snow were swirling in through the shattered window.
He’d never even been kissed, at least not in a way that counted.
He turned this peace of information over in his head and found that it gave him a little of pleasure, a direction, a temporary lifting away from the everyday, like being a little drunk.
How come you didn’t tell me before?
She dropped the box, which was empty, and nudged it with a foot to turn it right side up.
That was life, he thought: people knew your secrets, but if you had shit on them, too, they couldn’t rap you out. So everything evened out, piled under one huge shit sandwich.
Some of her hair had fallen out of her ponytail and she brushed them back with a wrist.
PS: 在家幸福到不真实的时光