“奖励”看来是大人小孩都无法拒绝的诱惑。当我跟宝哥说:“这周完成作业的话,Tyger老师有奖励哦!” 宝哥马上两眼放光的说:“好!妈妈,那我们快点,今天就把它完成!”
因为周六的课程宝哥没听到,我周一的晚上选取课程的片段让孩子观看了Tyger老师关于“整体提问三要点”的讲解。让他初步体验了第一课怎么一句句变成疑问句的。宝哥对突然多了个did有点困惑。我说你们课文里是不是有“Do you .....”的句子?他马上说“Do you like pears?”。“对了!这里的do 和多出来的did是一样的作用。”宝哥似有所悟。
Did you go to the theater last week?
------Yes,last week,I went to the theater.
Did you have a very good seat?
------Yes,I had a very good seat. 宝哥顺着我把had 读成了have,经我提醒改过来。
Was the play very interesting?
------Yes,The play was very interesting.宝哥说成“No, the play was very ...” 提醒后改正。口误?
Did you enjoy it?
------No,I did not enjoy it.
Were a young man and a young woman sitting behind you?
------Yes,a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.
Were they talking loudly?
------Yes,they were talking loudly.
Did you get very angry?
------Yes,I got very angry.
Could you hear the actors?
------No,I could not hear the actors. 把No说成Yes了。
Did you turn round?
------Yes,I turned round.
Did you look at the man and the woman angrily?
------Yes, I looked at the man and the woman angrily.
Did they pay any attention?
------No,they did not pay any attention.又把No说成Yes了。
Could you bear it in the end?
------No, In the end,I could not bear it. 这次把“not”漏了,提醒后加上。
Did you turn round again?
------Yes,I turned round again.
Did you say"I can't hear a word" angrily?
------Yes,"I can't hear a word" I said angrily.
Did the young man say "It's none of your business,this is a private conversation." rudly
------Yes,“It's none of your business”,the young man said rudly,"This is a private conversation."