

作者: NancyJiang__ | 来源:发表于2018-12-04 22:08 被阅读0次

antidote:something that helps to improve the effects of something bad or negative

例句:Some people believe that alcohol  can offer a quick antidote to depression.


仿写:Some girls believe that cakes can offer a quick antidote to depression.

例句:It seems that music serves as a powerful antidote to worries. Music provides the perfect antidote to loneliness and boredom.

仿写:It seems that flower serves as a powerful antidote to depression.

翻译:Working out is a powerful antidote to anxiety.

造句:Reading is a powerful antidote to anxiety. You will forget everything in the reality when you are travelling in a totally different world built by the writer. All you can feel in your heart is peace and love.


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