

作者: 爱丽丝的钢琴 | 来源:发表于2019-08-09 10:06 被阅读0次

When the full stop of the absorption tower slurry spraying system occurs and under the condition that the accident cooling water system can meet the BMCR working condition, the temperature of the accident flue gas reduces to 80 ℃, so that the anticorrosion of the internal equipment and the clean flue of the absorption tower will not be damaged; when  the flue gas at the inlet of FGD exceeds 180 ℃ and under the condition that the accident cooling water system can meet the BMCR working condition, the temperature of the accident flue gas decreases to meet the normal operation of the desulfurization system. 


The position of desuperheating water system for accidents shall be provided with a sufficient flue distance from the inlet of the absorption tower. In order to ensure the full heat transfer between the desuperheating water and the flue gas. Materials above the grade of 1.4529 shall be selected for the equipment of desuperheating water system for accident spray to ensure reliability and durability throughout the life cycle of FGD.



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