

作者: 柳风 | 来源:发表于2023-11-20 21:12 被阅读0次

    the rock is very hot she is sinking it is hard to get out

    I drink a bottle of water

    I drank a bottle of water

    I will drink a bottle of water

    I am drinking a bottle of water

    I was drinking a bottle of water

    I have drunk a bottle of water

    I had drunk a bottle of water before you told me

    I would drink a bottle of water

    what's the weather like today

    what time is it

    its two o'clock

    I see I see I see I quit I quit no way no way no way come on come on come on

    not bad not bad not bad not yet not yet

    get up get up get wash your face wash your face

    brush your teeth

    brush your teeth time for breakfast

    time for breakfast

    do you speak English? I'm looking for jf road all right thanks guys



