Note B

作者: 小栗鼬 | 来源:发表于2018-12-28 11:37 被阅读0次

    <The Moon and Sixpence>

     Note Book 1.0

    Chapter I

    ①    I never for a moment discerned that there was in him anything out of the ordinary.


    按照我的水准,我一般会写成: I never find that anything of him was out of ordinary. (很辣鸡(笑))。作者用discern 替代find, 词汇高级。 I never

    discerned that…中间插入了(for a moment),用从未有一刻这样的词汇强调作者曾经不看好Strickland。接着他用了there be 句型转化成高级的表述: there

    was in him anything(这句话我纠结了好久,主要还是断句不到位)替代通俗表述: sth of sb.


     I never (for a moment) discerned that / (there was in him) anything / out of the ordinary.

    译为:我从未有一刻从他身上发现一丝不平凡的闪光点。(不过为啥anything 放在 in him 的后面呢?是倒装吗?)

    ②   The Prime Minister out of office is seen, too often, to have been but a pompous

    rhetorician, and the General without an army is but the tame hero of market town.

    解析:pompous: 浮夸的      rhetorician:演说家      tamp:温顺的,乏味的

               Out of office  下台

    翻译这个可以进行缩句:The Prime Minister is seen to be a

    rhetorician, and the General is the hero. 缩句之后,理解起来就比较通顺了:首相被视为演说家,而将军则被视为英雄。(当然,这不是原文意思)接下来我们就要进行形容词填空:(什么样的)首相被(怎么样)视为(怎么样的)演说家,而(什么样的)将军则被视为(怎么样的)英雄。按照这个思路来断句:

    The Prime Minister (out of office) is seen, (too often), to (have) been (but) a pompous rhetorician, and the General (without an army) is (but 是一种强调,表示:不过是……) the (tame) hero (of market town).




    ③  It may be that you do not like his art, but at all events you can hardly refuse it the tribute of your interest.

    解析:at all events 无论如何        tribute赞赏,称许

    书面表达 否定,不要缩写,全拼出来 do

    not。 Refuse

    it 常用短语,此处的it指代的是his art。 Tribute of your interest  直译的话,应该翻译为 来自你兴趣的赞许。(觉得怪怪的,不过也是因为中英文表述的差异),首先进行断句:


    may be that / you do not like / his art, but / at all events / you can hardly / refuse it / the tribute of your interest.


    也许你并不喜欢他的艺术,然而却依然难以抵挡住对它产生兴趣。(tribute of your

    interest 真的好难翻译出它的意思啊。。。哭)

    ④ He disturbs and arrests.

    解析:这句话个人认为十分短小精悍。 Disturb 一般作为 打扰之意,而arrest 常作为逮捕之意。Strickland 的作品如何能打扰或逮捕呢,事实上, 打扰也可以翻做扰乱你的意志也即无法使你平静,而arrest也可译为吸引,扣人心弦。这么一来就通常的多。


    润色一下: 他的作品使你无法平静又扣紧你的心弦。

    ⑤  It is no longer a mark of eccentricity to defend or of perversity to extol him.

    解析: eccentricity: 古怪的,怪异的         perversity:反常的, 异常的    



    加词之后: It is no longer a mark of eccentricity to defend (him) or (a mark) of perversity to extol him.

    加词之后就好理解多了:为他辩护(defend him)或称赞他(extol him)都不再被视为是怪异的行为(#

    mark of eccentricity#, # (mark of ) perversity#)了。初期这么理解有助

    润色一下: 为他辩护或对他赞誉也不再被看作是某些人的奇行怪癖了。

    ⑥ … and the adulation of his admirers is perhaps no less capricious than the disparagement of his detractors, but…

    解析: adulation: 赞美      capricious:任性的,变化多端的  

                disparagement: 诋毁          detractors:反对者

    这句话主要是在于capricious 这个词很难翻译出来。先进行一个断句减词:

     And the adulation /(of his admirers)is perhaps/ no less(capricious)/ than the disparagement/ (of his detractors.)

    直译为 : ……赞美可能不比诋毁少,但是……。  但是,这完全不是原文表达的意思啊……摔!

    补充翻译:来自他拥护者的赞美并不比贬低者的诋毁少。  依然不对!因为没有翻译出 capricious 的灵魂意思。(哈哈,其实是直接忽略了这个词)那么——……来自拥护者的赞美与贬低者的诋毁一样任性妄为,但是……(依然觉得怪怪的)

    重点做个解析(标红):no less than   一般水平的人(比如我)会翻成:不比……少, 润色一下 也可以翻译为:同……一样; 重点词汇:CAPRICIOUS,  牛津词典是这么解释的:“① showing sudden changes in attitude or

    behavior, ② changing suddenly and quickly ”也就是突然之间态度或行为的转变,而这个转变是快速的。翻译为 任意妄为 是大丈夫的 ε=ε=ε=(~ ̄▽ ̄)~


    ⑦ But that is akin to the sexual instinct, and shares its barbarity: he lays before you also the gift of himself.

    解析:  be akin to = be alike to  与……相似        instinct:天性, 本能



     but / that is akin to / the sexual instinct,and / shares its barbarity: he / lays before you / also / the gift of himself.

    现在看来好简单啊(当时484傻):但是那就犹如人类的性本能,他展示着原始的一面: 他在你面前躺下同时也展示着他的才能。(很粗暴的翻译,当时最不能理解的就是 he lays before you also the gift of himself,翻译成了 他在你面前躺下,而这也是他作为礼品的馈赠。。。(´ー∀ー`) 如要是前面有个sexual

    instinct, 让我往羞羞的方面想了。)当然上文的翻译也有错误的地方,he

    lays before you 真的可以直接翻译为:他在你面前躺下? 联系上文:The artist, painter, poet, or musician, by his decoration, sublime or beautiful, satisfies

    the aesthetic sense,上文说各种艺术家们经过了他们的修饰将各自领域的事物都已最好的方式呈现给世人已满足世人的审美。那么也就可以将 he lays before you also the gift of himself 理解为 他将作品毫无保留的呈现,同时也展示了他的伟大才华。



    ⑧   … and it is surely which prevents even those who do not like his pictures from being indifferent to them.

    解析:well… 这句话又为难我了,每个单词都知道意思,拼在一起就不懂了(深刻了解了我的英文水平非常不堪一击……),先把前文补充一下,了解这个which 指代的是什么: The most

    insignificant / (of Strickland’s works) / suggests a personality / which is

    strange, tormented, and complex; 这句话中的which 指代的是 personality , 那么后文的which 指代的是什么呢?是Strickland 最微不足道(the most insignificant)的作品也能反映出其个性的这个事情。理解了which就好办了。我们把这个句子断句:

    …and / it is (surely) / which / prevents (even) those who / (do not like hispictures) / from being indifferent / to them. 有一个短语: prevent sb. from doing sth. 防止某人做某事。某人指的是: 那些甚至都不喜欢他(Strickland)绘画作品的人,某事指的是:对他们而言无所谓。


     毫无疑问即使是Strickland 最微不足道的作品也反映着其奇异,饱受折磨又复杂的个性,而这也恰恰导致了那些尽管并不不喜欢他作品的人也无法对其作品置身事外(或漠不关心)。(心好累……外国人的表达方式好奇怪啊~~


    ⑨   … Maurice Huret wrote that article in theMercure de France which rescued the unknown painter from oblivion and blazedthe trail which succeeding writers, with more of less docility, have followed.

    解析:ovlivion: 无人知晓的       blazed the trail  开出一条路,打开第一枪

                Succeeding   后续的         docility: 听话的,俯首帖耳的(无主见的)

    (振作一下啊) 这句话好长。。。断个句先:

    Maurice Huret wrote that article / (in the Mercure de France) / which rescued the unknown painter / from oblivion / and / blazed the trail / which / succeeding writers, (with more of less docility), have followed.

    缩句: Maurice Huret wrote that article which rescued the painter and blazed the trail which writers have followed.

    翻译: Maurice Huret 写了一篇文章,它拯救了这个画家也开辟了一条被其他作家跟随的道路。(果然很通顺)

    接着做个填空: Maurice Huret (在 Mercure de



    Maurice Huret Mercure

    de France 上面发表了一篇文章,拜这篇文章所赐,这位无名的画家(指Strickland)一跃成为家喻户晓的艺术家,也是这篇文章开辟了一条道路,另那些跟风的作家紧随其后。

    ⑩  But I will allow that the critic who has not a practical knowledge of technique is

    seldom able to say anything on the subject of real value, and my ignorance of painting is extreme.




    比如allow, 在这里实际上= admit 表示承认,而非许可。Technique 翻译为技巧会更生动一些(比如绘画技巧),seldom able to sayanything   可以直接翻译成否定,毕竟seldom也就是一点点,可以忽略不计。


    但是我也承认那些并未对技巧掌握实际认知的评论家们很少能对事物价值做出正确的评价, 就像我对绘画简直一无所知。(通顺多啦,给自己小星星)






          本文标题: Note B
