
作者: 不决书 | 来源:发表于2024-01-19 07:24 被阅读0次


import { mat4, vec3 } from 'wgpu-matrix';
import { makeSample, SampleInit } from '../../components/SampleLayout';
import {
} from '../../meshes/cube';
import cubeWGSL from './cube.wgsl';
import { ArcballCamera, WASDCamera, cameraSourceInfo } from './camera';
import { createInputHandler, inputSourceInfo } from './input';

const init: SampleInit = async ({ canvas, pageState, gui }) => {
  if (! {

  // The input handler
  // 监控鼠标, 键盘按下弹起滚动的操作,返回对于的状态值
  const inputHandler = createInputHandler(window, canvas);

  // The camera types
  // 初始化相机的位置
  const initialCameraPosition = vec3.create(3, 2, 5);
  // 相机操作的类型,键盘控制, 轨道控制
  const cameras = {
    // 实例化轨道相机控制器
    arcball: new ArcballCamera({ position: initialCameraPosition }),
    // 实例化键盘相机控制器
    WASD: new WASDCamera({ position: initialCameraPosition }),

  // GUI parameters
  const params: { type: 'arcball' | 'WASD' } = {
    type: 'arcball',

  // Callback handler for camera mode
  let oldCameraType = params.type;
  gui.add(params, 'type', ['arcball', 'WASD']).onChange(() => {
    // Copy the camera matrix from old to new
    const newCameraType = params.type;
    cameras[newCameraType].matrix = cameras[oldCameraType].matrix;
    oldCameraType = newCameraType;

  const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
  const device = await adapter.requestDevice();
  const context = canvas.getContext('webgpu') as GPUCanvasContext;

  const devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;
  canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth * devicePixelRatio;
  canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight * devicePixelRatio;
  const presentationFormat = navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat();

    format: presentationFormat,
    alphaMode: 'premultiplied',

  // Create a vertex buffer from the cube data.
  const verticesBuffer = device.createBuffer({
    size: cubeVertexArray.byteLength,
    usage: GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX,
    mappedAtCreation: true,
  new Float32Array(verticesBuffer.getMappedRange()).set(cubeVertexArray);

  const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
    layout: 'auto',
    vertex: {
      module: device.createShaderModule({
        code: cubeWGSL,
      entryPoint: 'vertex_main',
      buffers: [
          arrayStride: cubeVertexSize,
          attributes: [
              // position
              shaderLocation: 0,
              offset: cubePositionOffset,
              format: 'float32x4',
              // uv
              shaderLocation: 1,
              offset: cubeUVOffset,
              format: 'float32x2',
    fragment: {
      module: device.createShaderModule({
        code: cubeWGSL,
      entryPoint: 'fragment_main',
      targets: [
          format: presentationFormat,
    primitive: {
      topology: 'triangle-list',
      cullMode: 'back',
    depthStencil: {
      depthWriteEnabled: true,
      depthCompare: 'less',
      format: 'depth24plus',

  const depthTexture = device.createTexture({
    size: [canvas.width, canvas.height],
    format: 'depth24plus',
    usage: GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT,

  const uniformBufferSize = 4 * 16; // 4x4 matrix
  const uniformBuffer = device.createBuffer({
    size: uniformBufferSize,
    usage: GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST,

  // Fetch the image and upload it into a GPUTexture.
  let cubeTexture: GPUTexture;
    const response = await fetch('../assets/img/Di-3d.png');
    const imageBitmap = await createImageBitmap(await response.blob());

    cubeTexture = device.createTexture({
      size: [imageBitmap.width, imageBitmap.height, 1],
      format: 'rgba8unorm',
        GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING |
        GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST |
      { source: imageBitmap },
      { texture: cubeTexture },
      [imageBitmap.width, imageBitmap.height]

  // Create a sampler with linear filtering for smooth interpolation.
  const sampler = device.createSampler({
    magFilter: 'linear',
    minFilter: 'linear',

  const uniformBindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
    layout: pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0),
    entries: [
        binding: 0,
        resource: {
          buffer: uniformBuffer,
        binding: 1,
        resource: sampler,
        binding: 2,
        resource: cubeTexture.createView(),

  const renderPassDescriptor: GPURenderPassDescriptor = {
    colorAttachments: [
        view: undefined, // Assigned later

        clearValue: { r: 0.5, g: 0.5, b: 0.5, a: 1.0 },
        loadOp: 'clear',
        storeOp: 'store',
    depthStencilAttachment: {
      view: depthTexture.createView(),

      depthClearValue: 1.0,
      depthLoadOp: 'clear',
      depthStoreOp: 'store',

  const aspect = canvas.width / canvas.height;
  const projectionMatrix = mat4.perspective(
    (2 * Math.PI) / 5,
  const modelViewProjectionMatrix = mat4.create();

  function getModelViewProjectionMatrix(deltaTime: number) {
    const camera = cameras[params.type];
    // 通过输入更新相机类,返回viewMatrix
    const viewMatrix = camera.update(deltaTime, inputHandler());
    mat4.multiply(projectionMatrix, viewMatrix, modelViewProjectionMatrix);
    return modelViewProjectionMatrix as Float32Array;

  let lastFrameMS =;

  function frame() {
    const now =;
    const deltaTime = (now - lastFrameMS) / 1000;
    lastFrameMS = now;

    if (! {
      // Sample is no longer the active page.

    const modelViewProjection = getModelViewProjectionMatrix(deltaTime);
    renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].view = context

    const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();
    const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDescriptor);
    passEncoder.setBindGroup(0, uniformBindGroup);
    passEncoder.setVertexBuffer(0, verticesBuffer);


相机 camera 代码

// Note: The code in this file does not use the 'dst' output parameter of functions in the
// 'wgpu-matrix' library, so produces many temporary vectors and matrices.
// This is intentional, as this sample prefers readability over performance.
import { Mat4, Vec3, Vec4, mat4, vec3 } from 'wgpu-matrix';
import Input from './input';

// Common interface for camera implementations
export default interface Camera {
  // update updates the camera using the user-input and returns the view matrix.
  update(delta_time: number, input: Input): Mat4;

  // The camera matrix.
  // This is the inverse of the view matrix.
  matrix: Mat4;
  // Alias to column vector 0 of the camera matrix.
  right: Vec4;
  // Alias to column vector 1 of the camera matrix.
  up: Vec4;
  // Alias to column vector 2 of the camera matrix.
  back: Vec4;
  // Alias to column vector 3 of the camera matrix.
  position: Vec4;

// The common functionality between camera implementations
class CameraBase {
  // The camera matrix
  private matrix_ = new Float32Array([
    1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,

  // The calculated view matrix
  private readonly view_ = mat4.create();

  // Aliases to column vectors of the matrix
  private right_ = new Float32Array(this.matrix_.buffer, 4 * 0, 4);
  private up_ = new Float32Array(this.matrix_.buffer, 4 * 4, 4);
  private back_ = new Float32Array(this.matrix_.buffer, 4 * 8, 4);
  private position_ = new Float32Array(this.matrix_.buffer, 4 * 12, 4);

  // Returns the camera matrix
  get matrix() {
    return this.matrix_;
  // Assigns `mat` to the camera matrix
  set matrix(mat: Mat4) {
    mat4.copy(mat, this.matrix_);

  // Returns the camera view matrix
  get view() {
    return this.view_;
  // Assigns `mat` to the camera view
  set view(mat: Mat4) {
    mat4.copy(mat, this.view_);

  // Returns column vector 0 of the camera matrix
  get right() {
    return this.right_;
  // Assigns `vec` to the first 3 elements of column vector 0 of the camera matrix
  set right(vec: Vec3) {
    vec3.copy(vec, this.right_);

  // Returns column vector 1 of the camera matrix
  get up() {
    return this.up_;
  // Assigns `vec` to the first 3 elements of column vector 1 of the camera matrix
  set up(vec: Vec3) {
    vec3.copy(vec, this.up_);

  // Returns column vector 2 of the camera matrix
  get back() {
    return this.back_;
  // Assigns `vec` to the first 3 elements of column vector 2 of the camera matrix
  set back(vec: Vec3) {
    vec3.copy(vec, this.back_);

  // Returns column vector 3 of the camera matrix
  get position() {
    return this.position_;
  // Assigns `vec` to the first 3 elements of column vector 3 of the camera matrix
  set position(vec: Vec3) {
    vec3.copy(vec, this.position_);

// WASDCamera is a camera implementation that behaves similar to first-person-shooter PC games.
export class WASDCamera extends CameraBase implements Camera {
  // The camera absolute pitch angle
  private pitch = 0;
  // The camera absolute yaw angle
  private yaw = 0;

  // The movement veloicty
  private readonly velocity_ = vec3.create();

  // Speed multiplier for camera movement
  movementSpeed = 10;

  // Speed multiplier for camera rotation
  rotationSpeed = 1;

  // Movement velocity drag coeffient [0 .. 1]
  // 0: Continues forever
  // 1: Instantly stops moving
  frictionCoefficient = 0.99;

  // Returns velocity vector
  get velocity() {
    return this.velocity_;
  // Assigns `vec` to the velocity vector
  set velocity(vec: Vec3) {
    vec3.copy(vec, this.velocity_);

  // Construtor
  constructor(options?: {
    // The initial position of the camera
    position?: Vec3;
    // The initial target of the camera
    target?: Vec3;
  }) {
    if (options && (options.position || {
      const position = options.position ?? vec3.create(0, 0, -5);
      const target = ?? vec3.create(0, 0, 0);
      const forward = vec3.normalize(vec3.sub(target, position));
      this.position = position;

  // Returns the camera matrix
  get matrix() {
    return super.matrix;

  // Assigns `mat` to the camera matrix, and recalcuates the camera angles
  set matrix(mat: Mat4) {
    super.matrix = mat;

  update(deltaTime: number, input: Input): Mat4 {
    const sign = (positive: boolean, negative: boolean) =>
      (positive ? 1 : 0) - (negative ? 1 : 0);

    // 根据鼠标的x, y 计算绕y轴,与绕x轴
    // Apply the delta rotation to the pitch and yaw angles
    this.yaw -= input.analog.x * deltaTime * this.rotationSpeed;
    this.pitch -= input.analog.y * deltaTime * this.rotationSpeed;

    // 限定范围
    // Wrap yaw between [0° .. 360°], just to prevent large accumulation.
    this.yaw = mod(this.yaw, Math.PI * 2);
    // Clamp pitch between [-90° .. +90°] to prevent somersaults.
    this.pitch = clamp(this.pitch, -Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2);

    // Save the current position, as we're about to rebuild the camera matrix.
    const position = vec3.copy(this.position);

    // Reconstruct the camera's rotation, and store into the camera matrix.
    super.matrix = mat4.rotateX(mat4.rotationY(this.yaw), this.pitch);

    // Calculate the new target velocity
    const digital =;
    const deltaRight = sign(digital.right, digital.left);
    const deltaUp = sign(digital.up, digital.down);
    const targetVelocity = vec3.create();
    const deltaBack = sign(digital.backward, digital.forward);
    vec3.addScaled(targetVelocity, this.right, deltaRight, targetVelocity);
    vec3.addScaled(targetVelocity, this.up, deltaUp, targetVelocity);
    vec3.addScaled(targetVelocity, this.back, deltaBack, targetVelocity);
    vec3.normalize(targetVelocity, targetVelocity);
    vec3.mulScalar(targetVelocity, this.movementSpeed, targetVelocity);

    // Mix new target velocity
    this.velocity = lerp(
      Math.pow(1 - this.frictionCoefficient, deltaTime)

    // Integrate velocity to calculate new position
    this.position = vec3.addScaled(position, this.velocity, deltaTime);

    // Invert the camera matrix to build the view matrix
    this.view = mat4.invert(this.matrix);
    return this.view;

  // Recalculates the yaw and pitch values from a directional vector
  recalculateAngles(dir: Vec3) {
    this.yaw = Math.atan2(dir[0], dir[2]);
    this.pitch = -Math.asin(dir[1]);

// ArcballCamera implements a basic orbiting camera around the world origin
export class ArcballCamera extends CameraBase implements Camera {
  // The camera distance from the target
  private distance = 0;

  // The current angular velocity
  private angularVelocity = 0;

  // The current rotation axis
  private axis_ = vec3.create();

  // Returns the rotation axis
  get axis() {
    return this.axis_;
  // Assigns `vec` to the rotation axis
  set axis(vec: Vec3) {
    vec3.copy(vec, this.axis_);

  // Speed multiplier for camera rotation
  rotationSpeed = 1;

  // Speed multiplier for camera zoom
  zoomSpeed = 0.1;

  // Rotation velocity drag coeffient [0 .. 1]
  // 0: Spins forever
  // 1: Instantly stops spinning
  frictionCoefficient = 0.999;

  // Construtor
  constructor(options?: {
    // The initial position of the camera
    position?: Vec3;
  }) {
    if (options && options.position) {
      this.position = options.position;
      this.distance = vec3.len(this.position);
      this.back = vec3.normalize(this.position);

  // Returns the camera matrix
  get matrix() {
    return super.matrix;

  // Assigns `mat` to the camera matrix, and recalcuates the distance
  set matrix(mat: Mat4) {
    super.matrix = mat;
    this.distance = vec3.len(this.position);

  update(deltaTime: number, input: Input): Mat4 {
    const epsilon = 0.0000001;

    if (input.analog.touching) {
      // Currently being dragged.
      this.angularVelocity = 0;
    } else {
      // Dampen any existing angular velocity
      this.angularVelocity *= Math.pow(1 - this.frictionCoefficient, deltaTime);

    // Calculate the movement vector
    const movement = vec3.create();
    vec3.addScaled(movement, this.right, input.analog.x, movement);
    vec3.addScaled(movement, this.up, -input.analog.y, movement);

    // Cross the movement vector with the view direction to calculate the rotation axis x magnitude
    const crossProduct = vec3.cross(movement, this.back);

    // Calculate the magnitude of the drag
    const magnitude = vec3.len(crossProduct);

    if (magnitude > epsilon) {
      // Normalize the crossProduct to get the rotation axis
      this.axis = vec3.scale(crossProduct, 1 / magnitude);

      // Remember the current angular velocity. This is used when the touch is released for a fling.
      this.angularVelocity = magnitude * this.rotationSpeed;

    // The rotation around this.axis to apply to the camera matrix this update
    const rotationAngle = this.angularVelocity * deltaTime;
    if (rotationAngle > epsilon) {
      // Rotate the matrix around axis
      // Note: The rotation is not done as a matrix-matrix multiply as the repeated multiplications
      // will quickly introduce substantial error into the matrix.
      this.back = vec3.normalize(rotate(this.back, this.axis, rotationAngle));

    // recalculate `this.position` from `this.back` considering zoom
    if (input.analog.zoom !== 0) {
      this.distance *= 1 + input.analog.zoom * this.zoomSpeed;
    this.position = vec3.scale(this.back, this.distance);

    // Invert the camera matrix to build the view matrix
    this.view = mat4.invert(this.matrix);
    return this.view;

  // Assigns `this.right` with the cross product of `this.up` and `this.back`
  recalcuateRight() {
    this.right = vec3.normalize(vec3.cross(this.up, this.back));

  // Assigns `this.up` with the cross product of `this.back` and `this.right`
  recalcuateUp() {
    this.up = vec3.normalize(vec3.cross(this.back, this.right));

// Returns `x` clamped between [`min` .. `max`]
function clamp(x: number, min: number, max: number): number {
  return Math.min(Math.max(x, min), max);

// Returns `x` float-modulo `div`
function mod(x: number, div: number): number {
  return x - Math.floor(Math.abs(x) / div) * div * Math.sign(x);

// Returns `vec` rotated `angle` radians around `axis`
function rotate(vec: Vec3, axis: Vec3, angle: number): Vec3 {
  return vec3.transformMat4Upper3x3(vec, mat4.rotation(axis, angle));

// Returns the linear interpolation between 'a' and 'b' using 's'
function lerp(a: Vec3, b: Vec3, s: number): Vec3 {
  return vec3.addScaled(a, vec3.sub(b, a), s);

input 代码

// Input holds as snapshot of input state
export default interface Input {
  // Digital input (e.g keyboard state)
  readonly digital: {
    readonly forward: boolean;
    readonly backward: boolean;
    readonly left: boolean;
    readonly right: boolean;
    readonly up: boolean;
    readonly down: boolean;
  // Analog input (e.g mouse, touchscreen)
  readonly analog: {
    readonly x: number;
    readonly y: number;
    readonly zoom: number;
    readonly touching: boolean;

// InputHandler is a function that when called, returns the current Input state.
export type InputHandler = () => Input;

// createInputHandler returns an InputHandler by attaching event handlers to the window and canvas.
export function createInputHandler(
  window: Window,
  canvas: HTMLCanvasElement
): InputHandler {
  const digital = {
    forward: false,
    backward: false,
    left: false,
    right: false,
    up: false,
    down: false,
  const analog = {
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    zoom: 0,
  let mouseDown = false;
  // 根据按键值,设置digital对于行为的true 和 false
  const setDigital = (e: KeyboardEvent, value: boolean) => {
    switch (e.code) {
      case 'KeyW':
        digital.forward = value;
      case 'KeyS':
        digital.backward = value;
      case 'KeyA':
        digital.left = value;
      case 'KeyD':
        digital.right = value;
      case 'Space':
        digital.up = value;
      case 'ShiftLeft':
      case 'ControlLeft':
      case 'KeyC':
        digital.down = value;
  // 监听键盘按下 
  window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => setDigital(e, true));
 // 键盘键盘弹起
  window.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => setDigital(e, false));

  // 鼠标按下 = 'pinch-zoom';
  canvas.addEventListener('pointerdown', () => {
    mouseDown = true;
  // 鼠标弹起
  canvas.addEventListener('pointerup', () => {
    mouseDown = false;
 // 鼠标移动 
  canvas.addEventListener('pointermove', (e) => {
    mouseDown = e.pointerType == 'mouse' ? (e.buttons & 1) !== 0 : true;
    if (mouseDown) {
      analog.x += e.movementX;
      analog.y += e.movementY;
// 鼠标滚轮
    (e) => {
      mouseDown = (e.buttons & 1) !== 0;
      if (mouseDown) {
        // The scroll value varies substantially between user agents / browsers.
        // Just use the sign.
        analog.zoom += Math.sign(e.deltaY);
    { passive: false }

  return () => {
    const out = {
      analog: {
        x: analog.x,
        y: analog.y,
        zoom: analog.zoom,
        touching: mouseDown,
    // Clear the analog values, as these accumulate.
    analog.x = 0;
    analog.y = 0;
    analog.zoom = 0;
    return out;

顶点 片元着色器

struct Uniforms {
  modelViewProjectionMatrix : mat4x4<f32>,

@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> uniforms : Uniforms;
@group(0) @binding(1) var mySampler: sampler;
@group(0) @binding(2) var myTexture: texture_2d<f32>;

struct VertexOutput {
  @builtin(position) Position : vec4f,
  @location(0) fragUV : vec2f,

fn vertex_main(
  @location(0) position : vec4f,
  @location(1) uv : vec2f
) -> VertexOutput {
  return VertexOutput(uniforms.modelViewProjectionMatrix * position, uv);

fn fragment_main(@location(0) fragUV: vec2f) -> @location(0) vec4f {
  return textureSample(myTexture, mySampler, fragUV);


  1. createInputHandler 方法监视了鼠标的操作及键盘的 A S D W SPACE等键的按下与弹起
  2. 相机控制类定义了两种,一种是WASD的控制方式,一种是轨道相机的控制方式,根据键盘鼠标的输入,转换为CameraMatrix矩阵的旋转、缩放、平移,最后求逆矩阵就是viewMatrix
  3. 每一个帧更新viewMatrix来改变相机的显示



