简书markdown 富文本(三)

简书markdown 富文本(三)

作者: ekg | 来源:发表于2016-01-11 16:15 被阅读211次

# Mou![Mou icon](http://25.io/mou/Mou_128.png)## Overview**Mou**, the missing Markdown editor for *web developers*.### Syntax#### Strong and Emphasize **strong** or __strong__ ( Cmd + B )*emphasize* or _emphasize_ ( Cmd + I )**Sometimes I want a lot of text to be bold.Like, seriously, a _LOT_ of text**#### Blockquotes> Right angle brackets > are used for block quotes.#### Links and EmailAn emaillink.Simple inline link, another inline link [Smaller](http://25.io/smaller/), one more inline link with title [Resize](http://resizesafari.com "a Safari extension").A [reference style][id] link. Input id, then anywhere in the doc, define the link with corresponding id:[id]: http://25.io/mou/ "Markdown editor on Mac OS X"Titles ( or called tool tips ) in the links are optional.#### ImagesAn inline image ![Smaller icon](http://25.io/smaller/favicon.ico "Title here"), title is optional.A ![Resize icon][2] reference style image.[2]: http://resizesafari.com/favicon.ico "Title"#### Inline code and Block codeInline code are surround by `backtick` key. To create a block code:Indent each line by at least 1 tab, or 4 spaces.    var Mou = exactlyTheAppIwant; ####  Ordered ListsOrdered lists are created using "1." + Space:1. Ordered list item2. Ordered list item3. Ordered list item#### Unordered ListsUnordered list are created using "*" + Space:* Unordered list item* Unordered list item* Unordered list item Or using "-" + Space:- Unordered list item- Unordered list item- Unordered list item#### Hard LinebreakEnd a line with two or more spaces will create a hard linebreak, called `

` in HTML. ( Control + Return )  Above line ended with 2 spaces.#### Horizontal RulesThree or more asterisks or dashes:***---- - - -#### HeadersSetext-style:This is H1==========This is H2----------atx-style:# This is H1## This is H2### This is H3#### This is H4##### This is H5###### This is H6### Extra Syntax#### FootnotesFootnotes work mostly like reference-style links. A footnote is made of two things: a marker in the text that will become a superscript number; a footnote definition that will be placed in a list of footnotes at the end of the document. A footnote looks like this:That's some text with a footnote.[^1][^1]: And that's the footnote.#### StrikethroughWrap with 2 tilde characters:~~Strikethrough~~#### Fenced Code BlocksStart with a line containing 3 or more backticks, and ends with the first line with the same number of backticks:```Fenced code blocks are like Stardard Markdown’s regular codeblocks, except that they’re not indented and instead rely ona start and end fence lines to delimit the code block.```#### TablesA simple table looks like this:First Header | Second Header | Third Header------------ | ------------- | ------------Content Cell | Content Cell  | Content CellContent Cell | Content Cell  | Content CellIf you wish, you can add a leading and tailing pipe to each line of the table:| First Header | Second Header | Third Header || ------------ | ------------- | ------------ || Content Cell | Content Cell  | Content Cell || Content Cell | Content Cell  | Content Cell |Specify alignment for each column by adding colons to separator lines:First Header | Second Header | Third Header:----------- | :-----------: | -----------:Left        | Center        | RightLeft        | Center        | Right### Shortcuts#### View* Toggle live preview: Shift + Cmd + I* Toggle Words Counter: Shift + Cmd + W* Toggle Transparent: Shift + Cmd + T* Toggle Floating: Shift + Cmd + F* Left/Right = 1/1: Cmd + 0* Left/Right = 3/1: Cmd + +* Left/Right = 1/3: Cmd + -* Toggle Writing orientation: Cmd + L* Toggle fullscreen: Control + Cmd + F#### Actions* Copy HTML: Option + Cmd + C* Strong: Select text, Cmd + B* Emphasize: Select text, Cmd + I* Inline Code: Select text, Cmd + K* Strikethrough: Select text, Cmd + U* Link: Select text, Control + Shift + L* Image: Select text, Control + Shift + I* Select Word: Control + Option + W* Select Line: Shift + Cmd + L* Select All: Cmd + A* Deselect All: Cmd + D* Convert to Uppercase: Select text, Control + U* Convert to Lowercase: Select text, Control + Shift + U* Convert to Titlecase: Select text, Control + Option + U* Convert to List: Select lines, Control + L* Convert to Blockquote: Select lines, Control + Q* Convert to H1: Cmd + 1* Convert to H2: Cmd + 2* Convert to H3: Cmd + 3* Convert to H4: Cmd + 4* Convert to H5: Cmd + 5* Convert to H6: Cmd + 6* Convert Spaces to Tabs: Control + [* Convert Tabs to Spaces: Control + ]* Insert Current Date: Control + Shift + 1* Insert Current Time: Control + Shift + 2* Insert entity <: Control + Shift + ,* Insert entity >: Control + Shift + .* Insert entity &: Control + Shift + 7* Insert entity Space: Control + Shift + Space* Insert Scriptogr.am Header: Control + Shift + G* Shift Line Left: Select lines, Cmd + [* Shift Line Right: Select lines, Cmd + ]* New Line: Cmd + Return* Comment: Cmd + /* Hard Linebreak: Control + Return#### Edit* Auto complete current word: Esc* Find: Cmd + F* Close find bar: Esc#### Post* Post on Scriptogr.am: Control + Shift + S* Post on Tumblr: Control + Shift + T#### Export* Export HTML: Option + Cmd + E* Export PDF:  Option + Cmd + P### And more?Don't forget to check Preferences, lots of useful options are there.Follow [@Mou](https://twitter.com/mou) on Twitter for the latest news.For feedback, use the menu `Help` - `Send Feedback`


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      本文标题:简书markdown 富文本(三)
