Donald Trump was elected to shake Washington out of its paralysis. He is adding to America’s problems
JULY 4th ought to bring Americanstogether. It is a day to celebratehow 13 young coloniesunited against British rule to begintheir great experiment in popular government. But thisJuly 4th Americans are riven bymutual incomprehension: between Republicans and Democrats, yes, but also between factory workers and university students, country folk and citydwellers.And then there is President Donald Trump, not onlya symptom of America’s divisions but a cause of them, too.Mr Trump won power partly because he spoke for voterswho feel that the system is working against them, as our specialreport this week sets out. He promised that, bydredgingWashington of the elites and lobbyists too stupid or self-servingto act for the whole nation, he would fix America’s politics.His approach is notworking. Five months into his first term,Mr Trump presides over a political culture that is even morepoisonous than when he took office. His core voters are remarkablyloyal. Many businesspeople still believe that he willbring tax cuts and deregulation. But their optimism stands onever-shakier ground. The Trump presidency has been plaguedby poor judgment and missed opportunities. The federal governmentis already showing the strain. Sooner or later, theharm will spreadbeyond the beltwayand into the economy.
From sea to shining sea
America’s loss of faith in politics did not start with Mr Trump.For decades, voters have complained about the gridlock inWashington and the growing influence of lobbyists, oftenthose with the deepest pockets. Francis Fukuyama, a politicaltheorist, blamed the decayon the “vetocracy”, a tangle of competinginterests and responsibilities that can block almost anyambitious reform. When the world changes and the federalgovernment cannot rise to the challenge, he argued, voters’disillusion only grows.
在美国,对政治的失去信心不是从川普开始的。几十年来,选民们一直在抱怨华盛顿的僵局以及上升中的说客影响——说客们经常为最有钱的服务。弗朗西斯福山,一个政治理论家,归咎于"反对票统治",利益冲突与立场敌对的一团乱麻、阻止了任何有抱负的改革。当世界改变时,联邦政府无力应对,他说,选民的幻灭感与日预增 。
Mr Trump has also fuelled the mistrust. He has correctlyidentified areas where America needs reform, but botched hisresponse—partly because of his own incontinent ego. Take tax.No one doubts that America’s tax code is a mess, stuffed full ofloopholes and complexity. But Mr Trump’s reform plans showevery sign of turning into a cut for the rich that leaves the codeas baffling as ever. So, too, health care. Instead of reformingObamacare, Republicans are in knots over a bill that wouldleave millions of Mr Trump’s own voters sicker and poorer.
Institutions are vulnerable. The White House is right tocomplain about America’s overlapping and competing agencies,which spun too much red tape under President BarackObama. Yet its attempt to reform this “administrative state” iswrecking the machinery the government needs to function.Mr Trump’s hostility has already undermined the courts, theintelligence services, the state department and America’s environmentalwatchdog. He wants deep budget cuts and has failedto fill presidential appointments. Of 562 key positions identifiedby theWashington Post, 390 remain without a nominee.
As harmful as what Mr Trump does is the way he does it. Inthe campaign he vowed to fight special interests. But his solution—to employ business people too rich for lobbyists tobuy—is no solution at all. Just look at Mr Trump himself: despitehis half-hearted attempts to disentangle the presidencyand the family business, nobody knows where one ends andthe other begins. He promised to be a dealmaker, but his impulseto belittle his opponents and the miasma of scandal andleaks surrounding Russia’s role in the campaign have made thechances of cross-party co-operation even more remote. Thelack of respect for expertise, such as the attacks on the CongressionalBudget Office over its dismal scoring of health-care reform,only makes Washington more partisan. Most important,Mr Trump’s disregard for the truth cuts into what remains ofthe basis for cross-party agreement. If you cannot agree on thefacts, all you have left is a benightedclash of rival tribes.
Til selfish gain no longer stain
Optimists say that America, with its immense diversity,wealth and reserves of human ingenuity and resilience cantake all this in its stride. Mr Trump is hardly its first bad president.He maybe around for only four years—if that. In a federalsystem, the states and big cities can be islands of competenceamid the dysfunction. America’s economy is seemingly inrude health, with stockmarkets near their all-time highs. Thecountry dominates global tech and finance, and its oil and gasproducers have more clout than at any time since the 1970s.Those are huge strengths. But they only mitigate the damagebeing done in Washington. Health-care reform affects asixth of the economy. Suspicion and mistrust corrode all theytouch. If the ablest Americans shun a career in public service,the bureaucracy will bear the scars. Besides, a bad presidentalso imposes opportunity costs. The rising monopoly powerof companies has gone unchallenged. Schools and training fallshort even as automation and artificial intelligence are aboutto transform the nature of work. If Mr Trump serves a full eightyears—which, despite attacks from his critics, is possible—theprice of paralysis and incompetence could be huge.
The dangers are already clear in foreign policy. By panderingto the belief that Washington elites sell America short, MrTrump is doing enduring harm to American leadership. TheTrans-Pacific Partnership would have entrenched America’sconcept of free markets in Asia and shored up its military alliances.He walked away from it. His rejection of the Paris climateaccord showed that he sees the world not as a forumwhere countries work together to solve problems, but as anarena where they compete for advantage. His erratic decision makingand his chumminess with autocrats lead his allies towonder if they can depend on him in a crisis.
July 4th is a time to remember that America has renewed itselfin the past; think of Theodore Roosevelt’s creation of amodern, professional state, FDR’s New Deal, and the Reaganrevolution. In principle it is not too late for Mr Trump to embracebipartisanship and address the real issues. In practice, itis ever clearer that he is incapable of bringing about such a renaissance.That will fall to his successor.7